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People share cool stuff, because it’s cool stuff. The experiential event industry is dynamic and changing constantly due to new advances in technology combined with fresh ideas that engage and entertain consumers. In recent years there has been a monumental buzz from companies throughout the industry that a magic bullet has been discovered that solves almost all of our problems by easing the data collection process, providing automated measurement, and amplifying a single brand engagement into gazillions of organic impressions. Simply convince a consumer to “allow” the linkage of their social media account to a specialized mechanic (such as RFID, Bar-Code, finger prints, etc), and this technological wizardry will lead us to a marketer’s Shangri-La. Real Freedom is the Ability to Think and Choose. Transmedia Storytelling: Building Worlds For an...

The Psychological Power of Storytelling. As I wrote in my last post "Transmedia Storytelling: The Reemergence of Fundamentals", Transmedia storytelling is very exciting, but it isn't new.

The Psychological Power of Storytelling

It is the ultimate mashup of ancient traditions and new communications models. There have been stories and messages delivered across different media every since the Cro-Magnon man figured out that mineral pigments like iron oxide and black manganese could be applied to the sides of rocks and caves. Whether chronicling life, communicating with others, or creating an inspirational image, there were stories being told. Transmedia Storytelling: The Reemergence of Fundamentals. Transmedia storytelling is one of the most exciting developments to hit entertainment, branding, marketing, and advocacy in the last few years.

Transmedia Storytelling: The Reemergence of Fundamentals

Transmedia storytelling is a ‘story experience’ both for—and with—an audience that unfolds over several media channels. This is a big deal for two reasons. First, it represents the continuing shift from a technological to human focus that I wrote about in PT Post Trends for 2011. Second, storytelling and narrative tap into a fundamental form of human communication and connection, engaging our imagination and through that, empathy and creativity. Transmedia storytelling is a hot topic for us at A Think Lab* because it has broad social and commercial implications.