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How the modern SEO is developing a profit-centric approach among businesses. SEO today; deals more with human behavior and less with technology.

How the modern SEO is developing a profit-centric approach among businesses

Therefore, it is completely client-centric and hence, pays more attention to the benefits that a client can achieve from a business. That is why businesses that place a lot of importance on themselves through highlighting their accomplishments are more likely to miss sales as compared to businesses that give the highest preference to come up with the most suited solutions for the clients. In the current age, SEO is all about generating new sales. It does not matter if your website has 2,000 visitors, if that traffic is not being converted into paying customers or is not enabling the users to respond to other calls to action like subscribing to mailing list, liking your Facebook Page or commenting on your blog post etc, then the website will not be ranked higher. About the author. How to prepare a high-value guest blogging pitch. Guest blogging is a win-win situation for both the blogger and the blog owner.

How to prepare a high-value guest blogging pitch

It gives exposure to the guest blogger and helps in driving traffic to his blog while at the same time providing the guest blogging platform with fresh and new content, which can make it more SEO-friendly. Guest blogging is thriving even after its effectiveness was questioned with Matt Cutts stating, “So stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done”. Numerous bloggers still choose guest blogging as an effective way to create their name in the market and drive traffic to their website or blog. Therefore, if you want your post to be published by a particular blog, following are some steps that you must take to ensure that your entry will be accepted: If you want your post to appear on an established and famous blog, you need to take out time to understand the nature of the blog and the kind of audience it has.

Once you have made up your mind, pitch in a guest post idea, which you think, will interest the readers. Tips to Increase Your Conversions & How to Drive More Visitors. So it turns out that your home page is good at attracting visitors, but not turning them into customers.

Tips to Increase Your Conversions & How to Drive More Visitors

It’s a fact that the most visited pages of your website are really bad at convincing people to stay, or to go further towards turning into customers. Good calls to action are what drive people further into your website. Without them, your website just flounders. Sadly, most websites are fine tuned to attract visitors, but then fall short on converting them to customers. via: Maybe You Need More Conversions Rather Than More Visitor Traffic How to Booost your Conversions This is how Fortune 500 Companies boost their conversions.. What’s the strategy, you ask? Live chat is well-known for increasing conversion rates, generating more sales AND getting more loyal customers.

Have a look what other experts have to say about live chat: via: This is how Fortune 500 Companies boost their conversions.. Let’s face it. Via: 7 Kick-Butt Methods To Gain Conversions Using Social Media About the author. CreamySEO – An Effective Rank Tracker & SEO Tool to Test. Keyword research is one of the most important concepts in search engine optimization.

CreamySEO – An Effective Rank Tracker & SEO Tool to Test

If you’ve ever worked on any optimized blog or website, you must be familiar with terms like “Keyword Research” , “Rank Tracker” or “Keyword Tool”. However, if you’re not familiar with these terms, you’re missing the basics of SEO. In the last few years, blogging has completely evolved from just high-quality content to search engine optimized social content. Sure, quality is still important, but is even more important to write optimized content for search engines. So before you plan your SEO strategy, you need to understand the basic concept of keyword research. A lot of tools have been introduced to help you with SEO campaigns. Understanding Keyword Research and SEO In simple words, keyword research is the process of identifying keywords which can get you a good amount of search volume every month.

With increased competition, even popular keywords won’t be very beneficial for you. . ● Competition Level.