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Humans Vs. Zombies

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Humans vs. Zombies. About HvZ. Humans vs. Zombies was invented at Goucher College in 2005. The game spread virally across the internet as students first gained access to Facebook, and told their friends from home about the game. Today, HvZ is played at over 650 colleges and universities across the world, as well as high schools, military bases, summer camps, and public libraries. Students have spread Humans vs. Zombies all over the world, and it truly has universal appeal – we now host games on every continent except Antarctica (and we’re working on that). Many players report that Humans vs. Who plays Humans vs. Who organizes Humans vs. Does it cost anything to play? How do I find a game near me? If your school is hosting their own software or using our legacy KvZ software, then we suggest visit the forums to find people playing near you. How do I start a game of Humans vs.

The Humans Vs Zombies Community - Index. Humans vs. Zombies. The game was created in the fall of 2005 at Goucher College by Chris Weed and Brad Sappington, who have since created an official website with general guideline rules and information for other universities to create and customize their own HvZ game. Final rules are determined by each game's moderators and admins. Since the game's creation, Humans vs. Zombies has been played at over 1,000 locations, spanning across six continents. Humans vs. Zombies has grown in popularity across campuses. While predominantly played on campuses, Humans vs Zombies is also played in residential areas, camps, and even military bases. Gameplay[edit] Humans vs. Humans[edit] Almost all players begin the game as humans, and must keep their ID cards with them at all times in case a zombie attacks them. Zombies[edit] Non-Players[edit] People who are not registered players are not allowed to interfere with gameplay.

Safe zones[edit] Since Humans vs. Missions[edit] Awards[edit] Humans vs. Controversy[edit] Brian T. HvZ Dungeon Master's Guide. HvZSource. NOTE: The KarlvsZombies game engine has been decommissioned! We are now exclusively using the new and improved HvZSOURCE. To register for a game site please visit What is HvZ SOURCE? HvZ SOURCE is our free hosted HvZ game site solution. HvZ SOURCE helps moderators organize and manage hundreds games across the world. When you sign up for our free hosting we give you your own URL (i.e. Do I Need Hosting? Humans vs Zombies is a lot more complicated than a game of tag. What Are the Alternatives? On our multimedia page, we host previous versions of the game engine. Huzzah… Disclaimer: Setting up a game of HvZ is ton of work.

There is a lot of good information on our forums and our “How to Start a Game of HvZ” guide. Humans vs. Zombies. Merch. Wearing Humans vs. Zombies merchandise supports the game, and helps us keep the lights on. Every penny that we make from Humans vs. Zombies merchandise goes back into the game – it pays for our severs, development of the free HvZ SOURCE software, and lets us bring HvZ to schools and events around the world. Official HvZ Marshmallow Shooters! Over the last year, we’ve been working closely with the Marshmallow Fun Company to design our very own Marshmallow shooter. It doesn’t just look spectacular. With a 50 mini-mallow capacity, it sprays roughly 30 feet. Remember, marshmallows are biodegradable. Order Official HvZ Bandanas They’re big, they’re orange, they’re iconic.

This is not just any bandana. They’re bright orange, so you will be clearly identified as a player and in compliance with all school rules. Finally, they’re reversible, so you can use it to identify yourself clearly as a human or a zombie. This might be the greatest bandana ever created by mankind. That’s right – five bones.