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Online Templates Used by Students as Fake Absence Excuses

20 august 2017

Online Templates Used by Students as Fake Absence Excuses


Each year across the world many students make the decision to skip class for a wide range of reasons. Some want to party, some want to sleep, and some even do so to study. This has likely been happening since the days cavemen were teaching their broods to make spears, but modern technology has taken things to a different level! With the growing availability of sites offering fake doctors notes students can now bamboozle teachers like never before. By visiting these sites, students are able to effectively produce legitimate looking doctor’s notes to say they were absent due to sickness.

Normal Behavior

Teachers and parents very seldom condone skipping class for anything other than educational purposes. This doesn’t fly with students—after all what’s the point of skipping class to learn? Yet, life often provides great incentive for students to make their way someplace other than the classroom when the opportunity presents itself. Back in the days before technology, hand-written excuses were considered to be the gold-standard for providing documentation of absences. The only issue is that if students were to establish their own handwriting as parents from the beginning teachers would never know when a note was faked! In small towns, any use of fake doctor’s excuses could quickly be verified by a quick phone call. In the larger more metropolitan schools of our present times, faculty simply doesn’t have the time or resources to investigate each absence to this level. If students are missing for multiple days, or nearly every week, there may be cause for further investigation. For the average student only missing 5-10 days a semester though, red flags don’t often get thrown up.

Modern Creativity

Modern times bring about modern measures for many students. Websites selling fake doctor’s notes allow many students to have quick and easy access to legitimate-looking excuses that trick teachers all across the world. These types of excuses are provided by sellers that have rounded up many different real doctor’s notes from around the world and converted them into editable templates. Students are then able to purchase these online, download them, make some simple edits to change the information, and then print them.  Oftentimes, these notes are even faxed to the schools by more bold students. Imagine asking a student why they weren’t in school yesterday, only to be met with “I was sick, the doctor faxed an excuse to the head office.” There’s not much teachers can say to that, and often don’t have time to investigate further anyway!

Legitimate Uses

Faking a sick note definitely falls into the category of questionable tactics as far as social acceptability is concerned. This type of approach has its risks, and if caught a student may face academic penalty or suspension. There are some times however that even if caught; a student is likely to be let off with greatly reduced penalty. One excellent example of such use would be students that are faking sick in one class in order to study for another class. This isn’t often seen until the collegiate level, but can be necessitated among high-school AP classes as well. These students are often under such pressures to perform well on tests in primary courses that risking the penalty of absence from a course unrelated to their major is an acceptable risk. Again, this is a time when using a fake doctor’s excuse comes in handy and can help facilitate such a move. This is typically seen as less-risky, since if caught and given a chance to explain most faculties are more sympathetic than they are disciplinary.


If you’re planning on missing class a fake doctor’s note is one option to help avoid any penalty. These are risky moves though, and can only be used a handful of times without raising suspicion. These types of excuses are readily available online, and can be downloaded in template form to give you a printable doctor’s note. Be aware that most academic programs likely won’t be very understanding of such blatant circumnavigation of their policies. However, for certain overburdened students skipping class to study for other classes, the risk will likely be lower. Keep all these thoughts in mind should you consider buying a fake doctor’s note online for school or even work later down the road.