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Email Newsletter Benchmarks: Open Rates, CTRs, Subject Lines. Email newsletters with short subject lines (4-15 characters) had the highest average open rate (15.8%) last year, according to MailerMailer's annual Email Marketing Metrics Report. Longer subject lines resulted in lower open rates, though the effect on open rates diminished as the lengths increased.

Click rates also peaked when subject lines were kept short. Subject lines of 4-15 characters had the highest click rate (2.6%). Very long subject lines—over 51 characters—had the lowest click rate (1.6%). Below, additional key findings and benchmarks from the report, which was based on an analysis of 1.4 billion opt-in email newsletters sent during 2012. Open Rates Email newsletter campaigns sent in the first half of 2012 had an average open rate of 9.7%, and those sent in the second half of the year had an average open rate of 10.0%. Scheduling In the first half of 2012, open rate peaked on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10.7%. Personalization Open Rates Click Rates. Thank you. We don't spam and respect everyone's right to online privacy. You will receive shortly an e-mail welcoming you to the Social Networking Program for Business. If you don't receive this e-mail (subject is "Starting up with Social Networking for Business"), there was an error in the address entered.

So, just in case you don't receive it, please come back and try again. In the next 12 weeks we will be sending you our Social Networking for Business program with some "real life" tips and strategies we are using to grow our own community sites, which will hopefully help you to profit form social networking. By the end of the program you will * know the best social networking sites; * know the best white label social networking sites; * develop your social networking strategy; * be able to build your own social network - be it for business, hobby or non profit. * be able to grow your online community * get knowledge of all monetization ideas for your social network Editorial team. 3 Strategies for Finding Customers With Social Media. Do you need a strategy to reach your ideal prospects with social media? Are you overwhelmed by all the social media options? If so, you’re not alone. Social media overwhelm is one of the biggest challenges businesses face.

In this article, I’m going to show you three social media strategies so you can focus your efforts on the channels that best align with your business objective and target audience. The Simple Solution Fortunately, there’s a simple solution for it: only focus on where your customers are. Where are your customers on social media? Once you find out where your customers are on social media, it becomes easier to come up with a strategy that will help you find your future customers. Here are three strategies you should consider: Strategy #1: Ask Your Customers Asking is the low-hanging fruit that’s easy for small business owners to overlook. If you have a brick-and-mortar business, when your customers visit your location, ask whether they use social media. Google+ Community search. Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Business Spirit Digital. Facebook is a great way to promote your Local Business In May 2012, more than a third of small businesses were using Facebook to market their products and services.

This marks a significant shift away from traditional local print directories such as Yellow Pages as they move to Social Media Marketing. A Facebook Business page, if managed correctly, can be a much cheaper marketing tool and a great asset to your business. You can reach a wider audience and engage efficiently with potential customers.

Don’t be invisible, create your Facebook Marketing Page today! Spirit Digital have put together our top Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Business, to help you start as you mean to go on… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We hope you have enjoyed our tips, if you have any of your own or experiences to share, feel free to include them in the comments below! This post is written by Rachel Toy, Digital Marketing Consultant and Owner of Spirit Digital. 12 Most Simple Social Media Mistakes We All Make. The lightning pace at which information moves across the social web lends itself to the eventual mistake. So does human nature. Take the opportunity to put these unpleasant, wish-you-never-made-them, social media mistakes behind you for good. 1.

Putting quantity over quality Content matters. Quality matters. 2. While it is important to reply to inquiries and thank people for mentions, it is a mistake if it is all that you do. 3. Posting without a social media strategy is similar to tossing content at a wall and hoping it sticks. 4. Whether you manage an active business account or a personal account with the occasional mention, being “on” at all times is a challenge. 5. Have you fallen victim to the hastily posted message riddled with misspellings? 6. Anytime your thought process is impaired, posting should be avoided. 7. At the beginning of Twitter’s history it was common practice to end a tweet by asking for a retweet. 8. This one is for anyone who just can’t say no. 9. 10. 11. 12. The Ultimate Case for Video Marketing. Video sells. Sure, production can cost more than a simple article — but the ROI potential is definitely there. If you’re on the lookout for a comprehensive picture of the video marketing landscape you’re in luck — thanks to Zappos, the data you need is all right here.

You probably won’t be surprised to learn the following: Consumers find videos preferable to text.Video lowers bounce rates by providing a visual hook.Videos keep people on your website longer.Video is more memorable than text. What else does video affect in the retail landscape? The bottom line is that video is cost-effective relative to the value generated. Why this Visual Rocks Facts and figures of this visual are plentiful, without falling into the trap of information overload. And speaking of compelling, what makes this infographic even more powerful is its strong connection to business goals and sales cycles. Room for Improvement Examples, examples, examples. Zappos could bring attention to its own marketing efforts. The Ultimate Case for Video Marketing. The History of Marketing: An Exhaustive Timeline [INFOGRAPHIC] Ever since people have had something to sell, we’ve been marketing.

But the effectiveness of those marketing methods have waxed and waned over thousands of years, and as consumers and their technologies advanced at a more and more rapid pace, marketers have had to change their game. At one time, cutting edge technology was limited to just a small segment of the population – and these advancements were slowly rolled out to the masses over decades (and even centuries!). Now, adoption rates are faster than the speed of light and more widespread than ever – and it’s putting control back in the hands of consumers. It’s up to marketers to keep pace in this cluttered, fast-paced world if they want their message heard. Through the lens of marketing history, watch how marketers are succeeding. Take a look at how technology has changed the way marketers do their jobs, how consumers have responded (not always so favorably), and let us know where you think the future of marketing lies. The History of Marketing: An Exhaustive Timeline [INFOGRAPHIC]

Three Mistakes That Brands Make On Social Media | Custom News Feeds, Unique content. Ben Hollom – Marketing Director, M2 Bespoke By Ben Hollom Social media has firmly established its place as a marketing channel and various studies show that the vast majority of brands are already available on social platforms. Modern consumers increasingly rely on sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to connect with brands and it is of critical importance that businesses use social media in the right way. In a bid to help brands do this, Business 2 Community has revealed what some of the most common mistakes on social media are and how to avoid them. One thing that will certainly affect a brand´s performance is the lack of social media or content strategy. A plan will help a brand identify its prospects and which platforms they use, which will in turn help businesses find the most appropriate topics and the type of content those users would be interested in.

A strategy should also include a timing calendar of engagement. 7 Ways to Make Presentations More Convincing. Presentations are more persuasive when they touch both mind and heart at multiple levels. Geoffrey James writes the Sales Source column on, the world's most visited sales-oriented blog. His new book Business Without the Bullsh*t will be released by Grand Central Publishing in early 2014. @Sales_Source. Have A Strategy for Online Video: Video Marketing Tips. Leveraging YouTube for Video SEO | Here at Ydraw we have been looking for new ways to boost our Video SEO. In an effort to make adjustments to fit the new Penguin 2.0 update Google rolled out, we were looking for ways to set ourselves apart as experts by using the most effective type of content.

In the past, we have had success with videos landing in the top spot of Google within days of posting them. With that in mind, we decided to find some ways to leverage YouTube to boost our ranking in Google searches. The method below can be effective if your videos have great content in them. Video Scribing Video Ydraw Embed this infographic on Your Site: Copy and Paste the Code Below +Wesley Bledsoe.