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HOW TO STERILIZE A WOUND IN AN UNSTERILE ENVIRONMENT. HOW TO STERILIZE A WOUND IN AN UNSTERILE ENVIRONMENT ---------------------------------------------------- How to do it normally: 1) First wash your hands and around the wound site. 2) Wear latex gloves. 3) Sterilize any items that will come in contact with the wound. 4) Remove any debris with sterilized tools. 5) Irrigate the wound site with a saline solution. 6) Dress the wound in sterile bandages.


How to do it without the needed equipment: 1) Unable to wash your hands or the wound site? 2) Unable to wear latex gloves? 3) Sterilize any items that will come in contact with the wound by one of the methods mentioned above or boil it for 5 minutes. 4) Remove any debris with sterilized tools, if you have no other choice then use your fingers or sterilized cloth/ plastic wrap/ plastic bag ect... as a barrier between your hands and the wound. Primal Parenting. The Relationship Between Exercise and Inflammation (and What It Means for Your Workouts) Since we’ve been on an inflammation kick the past couple weeks, I figured I’d start covering some of the areas of health and lifestyle that interact with inflammation.

The Relationship Between Exercise and Inflammation (and What It Means for Your Workouts)

That doesn’t exactly narrow things down, seeing as how inflammation is involved in just about everything, but it does give me plenty of things to discuss. Today’s topic, exercise, was a little tricky, because the relationship between exercise and inflammation is anything but straightforward, seemingly fraught with inconsistencies and facts that appear to contradict one another.

Exercise reduces inflammation, but it also increases it. And depending on the context, this increased inflammation due to exercise is either a good thing or a bad thing. Sound confusing? See for yourself. There are many more out there, but the general gist is that regular exercise tends to lower markers of systemic inflammation while acute exercise increases markers of acute inflammation. Stare Your Excuses in the Face, and Take Control of Your Health. Welcome!

Stare Your Excuses in the Face, and Take Control of Your Health

If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. Here's where to start: Visit the Start Here and Primal Blueprint 101 pages to learn more about the Primal Lifestyle. Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter to receive 10 eBooks, a 7-Day Course of Primal Fundamentals, and more - all for free. Cut to the chase by visiting Thanks for visiting! It’s Friday, everyone!

Mark, Thank you so much for e-mailing me back! Believe it or not, my story starts with a car accident. Since I was tired all the time, I was eating constantly. Finally, I found a physicians assistant that would see me about my neurological issues (no one would see me without a referral from my doctor, which was impossible to get because my pediatrician was unreachable 99% of the time and my new adult doctor couldn’t give me a referral because I’d never actually gone to him). 1. 2.

Mark's Daily Apple Health and Fitness Forum page 2. 15 Ways to Beat Stress. Do I need to really even say the holidays are a stressful time of year?

15 Ways to Beat Stress

Every lifestyle blog, magazine, evening news program, and newspaper will have a stress-related feature right about now. I bet Dr. Oz has a “holiday stress relief” show airing. It’s part of the culture – we expect holiday stress and seem to love wallowing in it. So I’m not going to go on and on about how stress is a problem, or even why it’s a problem (I’ve already done that), because we know it. Well, we don’t want to hack it all to pieces. Fortify An ounce of prevention is worth… you know the saying. Brace for the Punch Stress will come. Plan We talk a lot about fractals and randomness, but there’s nothing wrong with a little order in your life, especially if you’re worried about family-related stress. Balance Your Omega 6 to Omega 3 Fatty Acid Intake Our bodies use the PUFAs we eat to manufacture inflammatory cytokines, which are part of the stress response. Go Primal. Avoid. Hormesis: How Certain Kinds of Stress Can Actually Be Good for You.


Hormesis: How Certain Kinds of Stress Can Actually Be Good for You

If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. Here's where to start: Visit the Start Here and Primal Blueprint 101 pages to learn more about the Primal Lifestyle. Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter to receive 10 eBooks, a 7-Day Course of Primal Fundamentals, and more - all for free. Cut to the chase by visiting Thanks for visiting! Why are certain things “good for us”? The answer is hormesis. Beginning with the discovery that administering small doses of poison stimulated the growth of yeast, researchers have found the hormetic response to be remarkably preserved across species lines.

Exercise - If you were to run labs on a guy who had just lifted heavy things for an hour, doing full body compound movements with excellent form and intensity, and was dripping sweat, the numbers would look awful. Well, what do you think, folks?