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Multimedia. The Generally Just Fucking Creepy Stuff Thread V3 - "Let The Brick Shitting Begin" Edition. Introduction: Hello, my name is Adam.

The Generally Just Fucking Creepy Stuff Thread V3 - "Let The Brick Shitting Begin" Edition

I have always been a curious person when it comes to the scientific world. I subscribe to several journals of medicine and science and am always interested in new studies and experiments. One day it had dawned on me that I had been given so much from the scientific community but I had not given back anything. For a few months now I've been searching for a good starter experiment and I believe that this one is perfect. It may not cure cancer or AIDS or find a new renewable source of energy but it should be an interesting read. There's a rumor that's been going around the Internet recently. Only one copy of Mandrill Maze had been made and it was stored in Hasting's apartment inside of a locked safe.

And that is where I come in. Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to observe and explain the effects of prolonged exposure to the “Mandrill Maze”, a short film that is rumored to have adverse medical effects on its observers. Observations: Hour 0. WhiteRussian: cinema (e non solo) all'ultimo sorso: Deep water - La folle regata. 'It is the Mercy': Donald Crowhurst's log. Donald Crowhurst and his sea of lies. By DAVID JONES Last updated at 11:21 04 November 2006 The scene is a grand seafront hotel in a West Country resort.

Donald Crowhurst and his sea of lies

The date is October 30, 1968. The master suite has just been vacated by The Beatles, no less, but tonight is occupied by a more unlikely hero. His name is Donald Crowhurst. Tomorrow, however, this rookie sailor will embark on a lone, non-stop race around the world — a feat that has defeated many more experienced yachtsmen, and remains the seafarer's Holy Grail. Outwardly, Crowhurst exudes confidence during the build-up to the epic contest, whose nine-strong field includes the redoubtable 29-year-old Robin Knox-Johnston, and which has captured the entire nation's imagination. Carried along by delusions of glory and wealth, he has signed himself up for a task far beyond both his own limited yachting capabilities and those of his flimsy, unfinished boat. Гонка века - Алиса (Селезнева)! Donald Crowhurst. Early life[edit] Crowhurst was born in 1932 in Ghaziabad[citation needed], British India.

Donald Crowhurst

His mother was a school teacher and his father worked on the Indian railways. After India gained its independence, his family moved back to England. The family's retirement savings were invested in an Indian sporting goods factory, which later burned down during rioting after the Partition of India. Business ventures[edit] Crowhurst, a weekend sailor, designed and built a radio direction finder called the Navicator. The Golden Globe[edit] The route of the Golden Globe Race The Golden Globe Race was inspired by Francis Chichester's successful single-handed round-the-world voyage, stopping in Sydney. Crowhurst hired Rodney Hallworth, a crime reporter for the Daily Mail and then the Daily Express, as his public relations officer.[7] Teignmouth Electron by Tacita Dean — The Highlights. If history is a pact between the living and the dead, the self-destructive would be wise to strike an accord with Tacita Dean.

Teignmouth Electron by Tacita Dean — The Highlights

Her slender and beautifully constructed book Teignmouth Electron reexamines the fateful voyage of Donald Crowhurst, an amateur sailor who disappeared at sea during the 1968 Golden Globe solo, nonstop, around-the-world yacht race. A victim of his own delusions and the politics of a provincial seaside village, he set out from Teignmouth, Devon, with scant experience and an unfit boat. When his abandoned vessel was found drifting in the mid-Atlantic eight months later, it was discovered that he never made it past the Cape of Good Hope. Fearful of entering the roaring forties, Crowhurst spent months meandering off the coast of Argentina. Donald Crowhurst. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Donald Crowhurst

Donald Crowhurst (Ghaziabad, 1932 – Oceano Atlantico, luglio 1969) è stato un imprenditore e navigatore inglese, partecipò alla Golden Globe Race nel 1968. Biografia[modifica | modifica sorgente] Commerciante e velista dilettante, decise di partecipare alla Golden Globe Race, regata in solitaria intorno al mondo senza scalo, organizzata sull'onda dell'entusiasmo delle recenti imprese di Francis Chichester. Attirato dall'ammontare del premio in denaro posto in palio dalla rivista Sunday Times per il vincitore, Crowhurst ritenne che la somma avrebbe consentito di salvare la sua attività commerciale sull'orlo del fallimento e procurare a sé e alla famiglia mezzi di sostentamento adeguati. Alla regata presero parte navigatori esperti del calibro di Bernard Moitessier e Robin Knox-Johnston. Salpato da Teignmouth il 31 ottobre 1968, dopo alcuni incidenti che avevano già ritardato più volte la sua partenza, si trovò ben presto a fronteggiare grosse difficoltà.

Friheit: the story of Donald Crowhurst a Deity. The story of Donald Crowhurst, a Deity.

friheit: the story of Donald Crowhurst a Deity

I recently saw a documentary called "Deep Water" which made me fascinated by the story of Donald Crowhurst, a man who spent an amazing amount of time in complete solitude at sea, seeing as he had no life to return to, facing economic ruin and public humiliation. All he was surrounded by was an endless amount of waves and ripples, varying in force and aggression. Devon - People - Sailing into Deep Water.