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NEW Life for OLD Cookie Sheets. It all started with a sticker. I bought a “new to me” clothes washer last week because my ancient one finally bit the dust. I found it in an online classified ad and brought it home and installed it all by own self because the hubster was half way around the world on a business trip. (Does anyone else suffer from this syndrome? Dad/husband is away….so all hell decides to break loose!?!? Please say it’s not just me!) Anyway, the washer is a GEM! It’s called Sol-U-Mel and it’s made by EcoSense. Several weeks ago I wrote a post about how my “miracle cleaner” had made old cookie sheets of mine that I had long since given up on look like (almost) new again. Well, here’s what it did: Not bad huh??!! See for yourself!! Point of information: I ended up using steel wool to get the hardest stuff off…and it took a pretty heavy dose of elbow grease to get it to shine like that….but definitely doable!

I have to say, each time I look at the picture of those shiny pans….I’m a little stunned. Brand Name Laundry Detergent’s "Last Stand" This post is brought to you by Amazon where you can get deals on household cleaners! So a couple of weeks ago I had HAD it! I was FED UP! I could not bring myself to buy ONE MORE bottle of over-priced, wastefully-packaged laundry detergent. I just couldn’t do it!

Now, I’m no eco-nazi (far from it), but buying those big bottles of laundry detergent, lugging them home and then turning around and throwing them away was definitely starting to get to me. Not to mention the COST! It was about this same time that I just happened to come across a picture someone posted on of their “Homemade” laundry detergent! The first batch I made…I followed this recipe from The Rachel Berry Blog. Liquid Laundry Soap-Family Sized Batch 1 bar grated Fels Naptha soap 5 gallon bucket 1 cup washing soda (Again, Arm and Hammer) 1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax 4 1/2 gallons water I use approximately 1/2 – 1 cup per large load (depending on how dirty the clothes are!)

Worked out great. How to Clean a Cotton Rag Rug. Martha junior / A little cleaning everyday. Do-able. DIY Cleaning Wipes. With 4 little kids at home I go through cleaning wipes like crazy! I love them for quick wipe downs of the bathrooms or to give the kids to clean the table for dinner. On the local morning news I saw someone make their own and thought, I can do that! I modified their recipe a bit to work for me. Here is what you need to make your own cleaning wipes: Paper Towels of good quality. Make sure your paper towels will fit in the container.

Here they are cut in half I just add the ingredients right to my container, 1 cup of water and 1 cup of vinegar I added some essential oil to cut back on the vinegar smell, it was pretty strong. A few drops of dish soap, then gently mix it up. Remove the cardboard part of the paper towels. Put the paper towels in and turn the container upside down so all the wipes can get nice and wet.

Once the wipes are thoroughly wet they are ready to be used. I have been using them all week. and found they work best when pulled from the center.