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He said he was leaving. She ignored him. Domestication of dogs may explain mammoth kill sites and success of early modern humans -- ScienceDaily. A new analysis of European archaeological sites containing large numbers of dead mammoths and dwellings built with mammoth bones has led Penn State Professor Emerita Pat Shipman to formulate a new interpretation of how these sites were formed.

She suggests that their abrupt appearance may have been due to early modern humans working with the earliest domestic dogs to kill the now-extinct mammoth -- a now-extinct animal distantly related to the modern-day elephant. Shipman's analysis also provides a way to test the predictions of her new hypothesis.

Advance publication of her article "How do you kill 86 mammoths? " is available online through Quaternary International. "One of the greatest puzzles about these sites is how such large numbers of mammoths could have been killed with the weapons available during that time," Shipman said. Another unusual feature of these large mammoth kill sites is the presence of extraordinary numbers of other predators, particularly wolves and foxes. Domestication of dogs may explain mammoth kill sites and success of early modern humans -- ScienceDaily.

Qu’est devenue La Ronde de mon enfance ? Aller dans un parc d’attractions est une belle sortie, spécialement si vous avez des enfants. Les enfants aiment tellement les manèges ! Vous vous dites que vous voulez faire plaisir à vos jeunes et vous planifiez cette sortie spéciale. J’ai été à La Ronde dernièrement avec mes deux adolescents et trois de leurs amis et, bien que j’aie entendu parler de leurs nouvelles politiques, je ne m’attendais pas à trouver mon expérience si désagréable. J’étais nostalgique de l’ambiance de La Ronde de mon enfance ! Après une attente considérable à l’extérieur et sous un soleil tapant, j’ai été sidérée de voir des gardes de sécurité et des tables un peu partout. Après quelques manèges, mes cinq ados ont faim. Le deuxième grand irritant est que La Ronde a maintenant un système de passes FLASH. J’encourage les gestionnaires de La Ronde à modifier ces politiques. The Global Obesity Crisis: Nearly a Third of the World Population Is Now Overweight.

There are 1.35 billion people living in China, another 1.23 billion living in India. The world’s two most populous nations are each home to a crush of humanity that’s almost impossible to comprehend. But those numbers pale next to the overweight people who live in the world today—2.1 billion, or nearly a third of the world’s population. However, it wasn’t North America—where Mexico and the United States have vied for the title of the fattest nation in the world—that registered the highest obesity rate. Rather, the Middle East and North Africa are the worst; nearly 60 percent of men and 65 percent of women are too heavy. The study says the U.S. is home to 13 percent of the world’s overweight population, the highest percentage of any country. Elsewhere in the region, especially in oil-rich countries, diet trends have followed a similar course. In Saudi Arabia, meat consumption increased by 500 percent between 1973 and 1980, according to a 2011 article in The Journal of Obesity.

Motivation—where there’s a will, there’s a way | Ethology Institute Cambridge. — by Roger Abrantes Motivation—Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Motivation is a term we all use, and we believe everybody understands. We think we know what it means and that others do too—but do we really know what motivation is? Motivation is a difficult term beginning with its definition. For the present purpose, let me define motivation as what compels an animal to do what it does, as the sum of all factors (internal and external) which cause an organism to behave in a goal-seeking way. At least, now you know what I’m talking about (and what I’m not talking about). The traditional view of motivation builds upon a single feedback principle. There is not one single theory of motivation, but the general tendency is apparent. The concept of motivation is relevant to communication patterns. The instinct theory states that motivation depends on an organism’s biological make-up.

The theory of physiological regulation explains motivation in terms of complex processes of the nervous system. 40 Of The Most Powerful Social Issue Ads That’ll Make You Stop And Think. Many people complain about glossy advertisements and TV commercials as an obnoxious way for companies to invade our everyday lives and ram their products down our throats, but that’s not all that printed ads are good for. The best commercials on this list are excellent examples of effective advertising strategies for social issues marketing campaigns that let their voices be heard. A well-made advertisement is designed to grab your attention and to remain in your memory long after you’ve left it behind, and that is precisely what many of these social problems need. Getting people to think and worry about various social and environmental issues such as human trafficking, racism, and air pollution is significant for raising public supporting and affecting meaningful changes.

A few of these ads are, in fact, commercial ads, but it’s still nice that they champion socially or environmentally aware causes/products.Just like with commercial advertisements, having just the facts is not enough. 30 choses simples qui rendront votre maison géniale. Voici 30 choses relativement simples qui rendront votre maison vraiment géniale Si vous voulez rendre votre maison plus fonctionnelle (et l’améliorer pendant que vous y êtes), vous n’avez pas nécessairement besoin de casser votre tirelire.

Parfois, les choses les plus simples peuvent faire toute la différence. Prenez ces 30 idées simples pour améliorer votre maison, par exemple. Vous n’auriez pas pensé que le fait de changer de place vos prises de courant ou d’ajouter un bout de table aurait pu apporter une touche fraîche à votre maison, eh bien si ! Et si vous suivez ces conseils, ça le fera ! 1. Ajoutez des prises de courant dans les tiroirs pour désencombrer la table. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Partagez cette liste avec les autres ! 40 Of The Most Powerful Social Issue Ads That’ll Make You Stop And Think. 18 Reasons We Love Great Danes | Canine Distractions. There are many, many awesome things to love about Great Danes. So we took a minute to jot down eighteen of our favorites and include a cute picture with each one. Really though we could have written a hundred more reasons if we had the time.

We hope you enjoy them! [Special thanks to the owners for giving us permission to post these pics] 1. (via owner Greg) 2. (pic via owner Bing) 3. (via owner Heidi) 4. (via owner Donna) 5. (pic via owners Alex and Ellie) 6. (via owner Candace) 7. (via owner Janne) 8. (via owner Jessie) 9. (via owner Mark) 10. (via owner Torill) 11. (via owner Jack) 12. (via owner Kris) 13. (via owner Cheryl) 14. (via owner Carla) 15. (via owner Shelby) 16. (via owner Carolynn) 17. (via owner Mae) 18. (via owner Tina) For more Dane pictures and videos, make sure to check out our “great” Great Danes library.

Dog Training Top Tips. If You Grew Up Before The Year 2,000… You Will Laugh Hysterically At This! David Mech Leadership Alpha Role Wolf Studies by Janet Farricelli CPDT-KA. Janet Farricelli CPDT-KA's image for: "David Mech Leadership Alpha Role Wolf Studies" Caption: Location: Image by: One of the main theories regarding the structure of a wolf pack relies on the fact that the leader role is carried out by a determined dominant wolf, known as the ''alpha wolf''. This hard earned alpha wolf position has also very likely believed to be the end result of many gruesome fights carried out by the many competitor ''alpha wannabes''.

David Mech, an American biologist expert in wolf behavior, on the other hand, offers a whole different perspective on the subject after studying and watching wild wolf packs located in Ellesmere Island, North-West Canada. The study carried out by this biologist lasted for about 13 summers, where the pack used to return each year to occupy the same dens. The alpha pair was therefore carefully observed as they raised their pups up until they reached maturity and decided to leave. References: Whathever happened to the term Alpha by David Mech. Coming Out. Dog Training With Positive Reinforcement | Teacher's Pet With Victoria Stilwell.

Lana Re-Training Ressource Guarding Behaviour. Extreme Dog Food Aggression Behavior Modification. Extreme Dog Food Aggression Behavior Modification. Resource Guarding/Food Aggression. Dog Training With Positive Reinforcement | Teacher's Pet With Victoria Stilwell. Mythbusting: "Red Zone" Dogs and Positive Reinforcement. So you want to be a good dog trainer! | Roger Abrantes. The launch of Guinea Pig Camps has attracted the attention of many animal lovers, particularly dog trainers. I have been asked repeatedly two particular questions: (1) how can training guinea pigs make me a better dog trainer? (2) What have guinea pigs got to do with dogs? Guinea Pig using the A-frame. They are not especially agile but enjoy challenges. The basic skills you need to train a dog are the same as those you need to train any other animal. Dogs forgive our mistakes and are nearly always motivated to cooperate with us. A horse will not follow you if it doesn’t trust you and it takes a lot to earn the trust of a horse (and only a moment to lose it completely).

A cat will blink at you and the treat you offer at least twice, before even considering moving into your direction. Dog and guinea pig together. The guinea pig, a small, rather cute, social animal, is fearful by nature, as it is a favorite prey of many predators, including humans. Isn’t life beautiful? Related articles. Smarty Plants - The Nature of Things - CBC Player. Some Keys To Preventing Dog Bites | Dognition. Saisie de 250 animaux : La propriétaire est anéantie | Vidéos 90% Of People Can't Pronounce This Whole Poem. You Have To Try It. Why we muzzle | The Muzzle Up! Project. The other day, I was walking one of my private training clients, a female pit bull mix who also happens to wear a Baskerville muzzle. As we passed a group of people in the park, one commented, “That dog bites.”

Ironic, as this dog has no bites on record. The simple phrase gave me pause and reinforced the work that needs to be done to reduce muzzle stigma and increase awareness as to why dogs wear muzzles. The dog in question wears a muzzle as prevention. Despite having no bite history, she is very fearful of strangers, new environments and certain dogs. Another dog I used to walk was obsessed with eating other dogs’ feces, so much so that he would make himself sick. In yet another scenario, one of my private training clients’ dogs wore a muzzle because of his struggles with impulse control. I’ve worked with dogs on muzzle training who do have bites on record, but it’s not the only reason. The message in all of this: Dogs wear muzzles for a plethora of reasons.

Tell us: Why do you muzzle? This is What it Sounds Like When You Put Tree Rings on a Record Player. This is an excerpt from the record Years, created by Bartholomäus Traubeck, which features seven recordings from different Austrian trees including Oak, Maple, Walnut, and Beech. What you are hearing is an Ash tree’s year ring data. Every tree sounds vastly unique due to varying characteristics of the rings, such as strength, thickness and rate of growth. Keep in mind that the tree rings are being translated into the language of music, rather than sounding musical in and of themselves.

Traubeck’s one-of-a-kind record player uses a PlayStation Eye Camera and a stepper motor attached to its control arm. Hats off to Traubeck for coming up with the ingenious method to turn a simple slice of wood into a beautiful unique arraignment. Source/credits: Bartholomäus Traubeck, Live Science , Vimeo, and RealFarmacy. 5 Causes of Leash Aggression Toward Other Dogs. Leash aggression – pulling, lunging, barking at other dogs - is a common and frequently misunderstood/misinterpreted behavior. It is a rare thing, in my work, that a dog actually wants to cause serious and immediate harm to another dog.

In most cases, something else is the root cause of bad on leash reactions. Understanding what is going on allows you to tailor an effective response that will be helpful rather than making matters worse or setting your dog (and you) up for failure.* Here we go: Dogs who are hurting don’t want to be hurt more. Clues: Your dog “used to be great” with other dogs and now is grumpy; your dog is good with low-energy, “polite” dogs but snarls and lunges at the exuberant ones; your dog is better at the beginning of a walk than at the end (or vice versa). Bad experiences on leash can create a “best defense is a strong offense” approach. Course of action: Not all dogs “want to say Hi” and I do not expect them to.

Clues: Dog sees other dogs and loses his mind. The Sausage Thief !! Elmo Staffy / The Greedy Chihuahua / from Staffy Lover. QQOQCCP. Cinq W QQOQCCP (pour « Qui ? Quoi ? Où ? Quand ? Comment ? Combien ? Pourquoi ? Ce concept est notamment utilisé en journalisme. Les cinq W sont particulièrement utilisés en agence de presse[3], qui exige que les réponses aux cinq questions soient données dès le début de la dépêche, ce qui permet un découpage de l'information par priorité. Cette méthode est également utilisée de façon courante dans l'éducation pour l'étude de documents, ainsi qu'en gestion de la qualité, comme première étape d'une analyse de cause racine de problèmes. Origine et histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Chez Aristote et les scolastiques[modifier | modifier le code] Le sigle a pour origine un moyen mnémotechnique latin (« Quis, Quid, Ubi, Quibus auxiliis, Cur, Quomodo, Quando ») utilisé par les savants scolastiques pour la mémorisation des particularités d'un acte telles que définies par Aristote[4],[5].

Plusieurs autres utilisations ont ensuite assuré la persistance de l'expression jusqu'à aujourd'hui : Viande crue La petite patte Estrie. Playtex® How-to Choose Paint Colors. Le syndrome du vomissement bilieux chez le chien - Conseils du Vétérinaire. Le syndrome du vomissement bilieux chez le chien est un phénomène qui est assez courant . C’est une réaction à une surproduction de bile dans le système digestif qui provoque ce type de vomissement. Les chiens atteint du syndrome du vomissement bilieux vomissent lorqu’ils ont l’estomac vide , plusieurs heures après avoir manger . Souvent ce symptôme est négligé,mais je vous conseille de le régler le plus rapidement possible pour éviter à votre chien d’autres soucis de santé (ulcère,gastrite chronique,…). Le syndrome du vomissement bilieux est une forme de gastrite Une gastrite est caractérisé par le fait que la muqueuse de l’estomac est enflammée.

Dans le cas du syndrome du vomissement bilieux, cette inflammation est produite par la bile qui est naturellement secrétée. Les symptômes du syndrome du vomissement bilieux Les symptômes de cette affection sont les suivantes: Le traitement du syndrome du vomissement bilieux 2)Au niveau des médicaments : 1)les Antihistaminiques H2 comme molécule : Ebooks pdf download » Dog Language: An Encyclopedia of Canine Behavior by Sarah Whitehead.

Dog Language: An Encyclopedia of Canine Behavior ebook by Sarah Whitehead Type: ebookPublisher: Dogwise PublishingReleased: December, 1997Page Count: 264Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0966048407ISBN-13: 978-0966048407 Download link: Dog Language: An Encyclopedia of Canine Behavior downloadlink Dog Language: An Encyclopedia of Canine Behavior Ebook Description: About the AuthorRoger Abrantes, ethologist, cand. Art. DHC, DF, MAPBC, is the author to 15 books published in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and English. He is currently the scientific director of the Institute of Ethology at the Hong Agriculture School, Denmark. Link. Dog Language: An Encyclopedia of Canine Behavior Tags: Can you download Eclipse (Its the third book in the Twilight Saga.

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German Shepherd Puppies for Sale. 12 Human Foods You Didn't Know Could Kill Your Dog | Foodbeast. WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS? If gay guys talked to straight guys like straight guys talk to gay guys. Cette femme a un problème de poids mais quand elle danse, c’est tout simplement époustouflant. Beware Positive Reinforcement. Après les marcheurs... les coureurs! | Stéphanie Vallet | Animaux. Golden Milk: The Simple Drink That Could Change Your Life. Tips For Overcoming FoMO (Fear Of Missing Out) | Meghan Telpner Nutritionista. A/dog-texting-messages. Créez une Vigne avec une Pomme de Terre!! • Les astuces de Sylvie ;) • Quebec echantillons gratuits : Quebec echantillons gratuits. 5 Smart-Ass Answers to Stupid Pet Questions.

(54) Timeline Photos - Conscious Life News. Comportement canin - Le blogue de Johanne Parent. Pour en finir avec la punition - Le blogue de Johanne Parent. En image: des rénos qui rapportent. Test color : free of charge personality test. Fetty Advanced Jumpers. Une association de propriétaires de chiens voit le jour | CLAUDE PLANTE | Sherbrooke.

Dog Food Analysis - Reviews of kibble. Accueil - Inacre. Voici le concept de la nouvelle émission d'M6 sur ... les chiens ! Nutrition & Food. Un enfant attaqué par un chien est sauvé par un chat : les explications. | En compagnie des chiens. Hierachie chien/humain - Entre chien et loup - La Meute. 19 Camping Hacks That Are Too Genius. Boy attacked by dog, saved by cat and the missing link no one is talking about | Michigan Dog Training. Do dogs show cultural differences? | Ethology Institute Cambridge. The Science of Consequences: How They Affect Genes, Change the Brain, and Impact Our World (9781616146627): Susan M. Schneider, René C. Reyes: Books.

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Tableaux des salaires des patrons et dirigeants de Québec inc. | Multimédias. (1459) Méthode simple pour retrouver son chat. Facebook Introduces New Way to Flirt With Relationship 'Ask' Button. Mon chien me domine et veut dominer tout le monde aidez moi svp !!!!!! - Problèmes comportementaux - FORUM Animaux. Home Improvement Ideas, Photos and Answers :: Hometalk. Comment devenir pro en quelques coups de pinceaux ? » Conseil Bricolage. Conseil et astuces pour mener à bien une pose de carrelage à domicile. » Conseil Bricolage.

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