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Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative: Austin Kleon: 9780761169253: When a Co-Worker Steals an Idea. When a Co-Worker Steals an Idea Rachel Zupek, writer You're sitting in a meeting, minding your own business, when one of your colleagues makes a suggestion.

As you jot down notes, you realize that his proposal sounds vaguely familiar, but don't know why. Wait a second: He stole your idea! Co-workers stealing ideas in the workplace is more common than you think. Why exactly this happens is unknown, but Charmaine McClarie, founder and president of McClarie Group, a leadership development and communications-consulting firm, thinks that fear and laziness play equal parts in the process. "Colleagues take credit from others because they think they probably can get away with it," she says.

How to deal with itWhy a colleague steals an idea is not as important as how you react when you realize it's happening. "Part of planning a project should be planning who needs to know about your ideas and how they should learn about it," she says. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How to Steal a Coworker's Idea and Sell It As Your Own. HOW TO: Jump-Start Your Career by Becoming an Online Influencer. David Spark is a veteran tech journalist and the founder of the media production and consulting firm Spark Media Solutions. Spark blogs regularly at Spark Minute. Follow him on Twitter @dspark. For all the advice about how to approach and attract influencers, I haven't seen much written about how to actually become an influencer. It's important, because once you're seen as an influencer, you’re seen as an industry equal and a resource. You're no longer perceived as a nuisance constantly broadcasting your own agenda, hoping others will relay.

Being an influencer yourself is an often overlooked way to engage with other influencers. It takes time, but it is worth it. Always wanted to be an influencer but didn't know where to start? 1. Whether it’s a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or an endless Twitter stream, you absolutely must be a content producer. 2. Failing to be an influencer is often the result of conceding the title of "industry influencer" to someone else. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Canoë - Techno-Sciences - Un jeu 3D pour former les travailleurs. Détail Québec a lancé mercredi une formation en ligne sur l’étiquetage et l’exactitude des prix, une première en Amérique du Nord. Cette formation permettra aux 500 000 employés du secteur du commerce de détail et de l'alimentation de mieux connaître les lois en vigueur.

Selon la législation québécoise, un consommateur qui s’aperçoit d’une erreur sur le prix d’un article enregistré à la caisse peut exiger que ce bien lui soit remis gratuitement s’il a une valeur de moins de 10 $ ou un rabais de 10$ si le prix de l’article dépasse ce montant. «À l'heure actuelle, tant du côté des employés du secteur que des consommateurs, il y a une certaine confusion, notamment par rapport à l'application de la Politique d'exactitude des prix. Avec cette formation, les travailleuses et travailleurs vont pouvoir mieux comprendre et appliquer la législation québécoise», a souligné Patricia Lapierre, directrice générale de Détail Québec. La formation se présente sous forme d’un jeu 3D interactif.