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15 Dogs Who Don't Know They're Big. Let's Take A Minute To Appreciate Our Dogs. Fact vs Fiction, Part I | Victoria Stilwell Positively. I want to dispel a few myths about positive reinforcement training methods. There seems to be a great deal of confusion as to what positive reinforcement really is and about which dogs and behaviors it is useful for. For example, I have heard people say that positive reinforcement trainers only deal with obedience training, but when it comes to severe behavioral issues such as aggression, dominance training methods are the only ones that really work because they are more in tune with a dog’s basic psychology. Nothing could be further from the truth so I thought it was time to lay out the facts about positive training and explain why dominance theorists and practitioners have it so wrong.

Myth: Positive reinforcement trainers only use food as rewards, which is a form of bribery. A dog should never be bribed into doing something for food but should obey their owners because they want to make their owners happy. Food also has the power to help a fearful or anxious dog overcome his fears. Articles - Canine Connection LLC. | Un site qui a du chien. Shotgun Life - Expert Dog Trainer Robert Milner Says Heck No to Shock Collars. The case he makes against canine shock collars is audacious and contrarian in the worlds of American bird hunting and field trials – attracting a contingent of detractors during his five decades as a trainer of dogs for hunting, rescue and explosive detection.

Robert Milner with two of his British Labrador Retriever puppies. He is supremely confident in his judgment, however, because reams of scientific data conclude that dogs, their owners and trainers benefit more from positive-reinforcement training as adopted by Guide Dogs for the Blind and the Marine Mammal Program developed by the Navy to train dolphins versus widespread compulsion training that implements shock and choke collars to exact pain on a uncooperative dog. “The sporting culture in this country has a poor concept of a dog’s nature and behavior,” he explained from the sparse office of his Duckhill Kennels in Somerville, Tennessee.

“We owe it to them to learn the most effective and gentle ways to train them. Mr. Mr. For Mr. Pédagogie canine: voyez les vidéos. Dans un article publié sur le site Psychology Today, le psychologue Stanley Coren de l'Université Columbia souligne qu'un aspect de l'apprentissage chez les chiens qui semble souvent négligé par la communauté scientifique est la modélisation des comportements sur ceux observés chez d'autres chiens. Les chiots ont tendance à imiter les comportements des autres chiens dès leur tout jeune âge et cela continue toute leur vie. C'est ainsi qu'il est beaucoup plus facile d'élever un chiot dans une maison où il y a un chien adulte déjà entraîné. Il y a aussi des tâches beaucoup plus complexes que les chiens semblent apprendre par observation, rapporte-t-il. Certaines tâches sont si complexes, comme celle des chiens sauveteurs Saint-Bernard, qu'il serait difficile de concevoir un programme pour les entraîner efficacement. Voyez également: Psychomédia avec sources: Psychology TodayTous droits réservés.

Deaf puppy learns sign language. When Yolanda Evagelistis and Luke O’Toole adopted Bruce, a blue-heeler cross, they had no idea that he was deaf. Now Bruce is being trained to interpret hand signals and has become a very well behaved puppy. Bruce was adopted by Evagelistis and O’Toole in November from The Lost Dogs’ Home in Australia. His previous owner never disclosed that he was deaf and Evagelistis and O’Toole had no idea he couldn’t hear when they first took him home. They soon suspected something was off with Bruce and brought him back to the Lost Dog’s Home to be checked out. “We just fell in love with him and his friendly nature,” said Evagelistis. The only proper way to use a choke chain in loose-leash walking. Conseils pour protéger son chien du froid - Conseils d'un vétérinaire. Protéger son chien du froid et des méfaits de l’hiver ?

Voilà une question pertinente à se poser en tant que propriétaire. Bien que nous sachions que le chien est plus résistant au froid que l’être humain, il y a des précautions à prendre à l’approche de l’hiver. Surtout, il ne faut pas surestimer leur résistance au froid. Dans nos régions, on constate que les chiens vivent de moins en moins à l’extérieur. Ils font partie, bien souvent, de la cellule familiale et vivent à l’intérieur de l’habitation. Ce qui a pour conséquence de les rendre moins résistants au froid. Voici quelques conseils de préventions afin d’éviter des problèmes, liés au froid ou à la neige, qui peuvent devenir très graves pour votre compagnon.

Le pelage du chien est une bonne protection contre le froid. Il est évident que les races à poils longs, denses et avec un sous poil épais (Husky, Saint Bernard,Terre-Neuve,..) sont plus résistantes que les races à poils courts. L’âge du chien joue un rôle aussi: How to be Completely Dominant Over Your Dog- dog training. Salon National des Animaux de CompagnieCentre de foires de Sherbrooke | Centre de foires de Sherbrooke. Index. How to be Completely Dominant Over Your Dog- dog training.

Life in Quebec » Top Five Reasons Your Dog Should be on a Leash. Professional dog trainer, Nancy Tucker, based in Sherbrooke , Québec, explains more: In the past week while out walking in the Eastern Townships with my dog Chili , we experienced three unpleasant encounters with other dogs that were off-leash. Two of those encounters involved the same dog and resulted in Chili being attacked and bitten around her face. Chili is always on-leash when we leave our property. She is wary of other dogs and when she sees one, she gets pretty wound up.

When I first adopted Chili from the shelter and before she received some training, her default greeting style consisted of barking and lunging at other dogs. She wanted to scare them off, and most of the time, this worked quite well. This is why it’s crucial that I have Chili under my control at all times when we’re out in public. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . © Copyright (c) Life in Quebec ………………………………………………………………………….. Nancy Tucker is a dog trainer and behaviour consultant based in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Share and Enjoy. Le reverse sneezing ou éternuement inversé chez le chien « Vet and the City. Le reverse sneezing (ou « éternuement inversé » ou « rétro-éternuement » ou encore « internuement ») est, chez le chien, un phénomène respiratoire qui se manifeste par une crise d’inspirations bryantes et difficiles. Je vous en reparle aujourd’hui car j’ai eu 3 consultations pour cette raison depuis hier matin … ça a donc l’air de beaucoup vous perturber, cette affaire, en ce début 2013!

;-) On vient nous consulter, nous autres vétos, parce que "le chien tousse", "fait de droles de bruits", "s’étouffe", … Le propriétaire est souvent très inquiet car les épisodes de reverse sneezing sont souvent assez impressionants! Voici deux petites vidéos trouvées sur Youtube pour vous en faire une démonstration : Il s’agit en fait d’un spasme du palais mou (voile du palais) souvent impressionnant mais généralement totalement bénin. Sauf si ces crises sont très fréquentes et/ou liées à de la toux, des syncopes ou des décharges nasales. On ne connait pas vraiment la cause de ce phénomène. Like this: (19) Le chien et l'hiver. 4 Tips for Finding a Good Playmate for Your Dog. Dog parks may offer suitable exercise and socialization for some dogs, but they also promote unwanted behavior like jumping up on people, blowing off recall cues, pulling on leash to enter the park, and mobbing or bullying other dogs.

They also may be stressful and dangerous for dogs and their people. All too often, dogs who are actually quite friendly do not thrive in the dog-park environment. I generally encourage my clients to be choosy about who their dogs socialize with. Maybe it's like human parents, who prefer their children not to necessarily have the most friends, but the best friends, who help them to be happy and reach their full potential. So, how do you choose an appropriate playdate playmate for your pooch? 1. While play is a topic worthy of its own article (or book!) The chaser: These dogs like to chase and be chased.

What you often find is that a chaser does not take well to being tackled, and a wrestler may be totally uninterested in chasing. 2. 3. 4. Blind Dog Living in a Trash Pile Gets the Most Beautiful Rescue. (99) Éducation et comportement canin - Gens du métier seulement. Bactérie Salmonella - Des produits au beurre d'arachides retirés. Des produits au beurre d'arachides pourraient être contaminés par la bactérie Salmonella, ont indiqué jeudi l'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments (ACIA) et Starbucks Coffee Canada Inc. Les produits visés par cette alerte sont la tartinade de miel et de beurre d'arachides Honey Peanut Butter Blend de marque Justin's, emballée dans un sachet de 0,5 oz dont la date de péremption varie entre le 14 et le 30 août 2013, et le sachet de beurre d'arachides contenu dans les boîtes repas Protéines BISTRO BOX de marque Starbucks, distribué à l'échelle nationale et vendu en emballages de 192 kg.

Vendredi matin, aucun cas de maladie associé à la consommation de ces produits n'avait été signalé. «Les aliments contaminés par la bactérie Salmonella ne présentent pas nécessairement d'altération visible ni d'odeur suspecte, mais leur consommation peut causer la salmonellose, une maladie d'origine alimentaire. Doggone Safe - How to Love Your Dog. Valentine's Day tips from Doggone Safe Children want to show love to dogs by giving hugs and kisses, but many dogs don’t like this. Most dog bites are to children, by the family dog or another dog known to the child. Hugs and kisses are a major cause of facial bites to children.

Doggone Safe offers suggestions for safe ways to love your dog that the dog will appreciate. Children (and adults too) often want to show love to dogs the way we show love to each other, through hugs and kisses. Read more about why dogs don't like hugs and kisses. The world's most famous dog does not likes hugs.

Doggone Safe offers the following suggestions for Valentine’s Day about how to love your dog in a way that the dog will appreciate. Check out our photo series showing how to love your dog. Touch Your Dog Invite your dog to come to you for attention. Play With Your Dog Play games like fetch and hide and seek that do not involve chasing or rough play. Understand Your Dog Reward Your Dog. Emission chiens direct 8. E. coli: XL Foods dit avoir corrigé ses lacunes | Marie Allard | National. Cette évaluation «permettra de déterminer si l'établissement a corrigé les lacunes» cernées durant l'enquête sur la contamination par la bactérie E. coli, a précisé l'agence.

Pour l'heure, l'usine reste fermée. Tous les problèmes ont pourtant été réglés, a assuré mardi Brian Nilsson, coprésident de XL Foods. «Nous avons travaillé avec diligence pour répondre à toutes les demandes de mesures correctives», a indiqué le dirigeant dans un communiqué publié en anglais seulement. «Nous voulons remercier nos employés, qui ont travaillé sans relâche pour préparer cette inspection. Nous allons continuer de coopérer avec l'ACIA pendant qu'elle vérifie nos systèmes de salubrité alimentaire améliorés.»

Jusqu'à maintenant, 11 Canadiens - dont 2 Québécois - ont été infectés par l'E. coli 0157, lié à XL Foods. The Pet Professional Guild - Educational Handouts. The Official Ahimsa Dog Training Manual: A Practical, Force-Free Guide to Problem Solving and Manners: Grisha Stewart MA: 9781478176411: Excited puppy does the cutest thing to greet his human (VIDEO) » DogHeirs | Where Dogs Are Family « Keywords: Puppy, jumping, jump, excited. Manuel Castaneda crée la formation à distance au brevet d'éducateur canin : Mèze. Ils viennent des quatre coins de France. La première promotion « caniscool » s'est retrouvée, la semaine passée, pour suivre les cours dispensés par Manuel Castaneda. En collaboration avec le CFPPA de Pézenas, le centre basé à Mèze est précurseur.

Il délivre une formation au diplôme d'état du brevet professionnel d'éducateur canin. La durée totale de formation est de 1200 heures. Près de 75% des cours sont délivrés à distance par le biais d'une plateforme informatique. 294 heures en centre de formation permettent d'aborder la partie pratique de l'enseignement et de valider les acquis. Éthologue, vétérinaire comportementaliste ou éducateur pour chiens guides d'aveugle, les formateurs se sont succédés pour offrir aux élèves une formation complète.

Les apprenants capitalisent ainsi connaissances et compétences au sein des neuf unités d'enseignement relatives au diplôme. Et les débouchés professionnels sont nombreux. La Griffe S.P.A. des Cantons de l'Est. How bored is your dog? It’s a well-established fact that dogs and humans have lived together for a very long time. With the industrial revolution however, as our lifestyle has dramatically changed, so has the life of our dearest companions. Instead of working with us, running along side of the carriage, herding sheep and cattle, walking to school to pickup the kids, exploring the fields around the house, etc… our dogs now spend most of their time alone, in the confounds of our homes and backyards.

The lucky ones may get an hour walk during the day or a play-session at the dog-park or doggie daycare, but for the most part, they have lost the ability to explore freely, run as much as they need to and generally play an active part of our daily activities. Dogs sleep 12 to 18 hours, divided into several short naps throughout the day, which leaves them 6 to 12 hours to look for ways to entertain themselves. Dogs are built for chasing, running, foraging, playing, shredding and digging. So what can we do? Like this: Introduction | simon gadbois. J'ai besoin de toi, mon chien ! - Chez Maya. Pension Pour Chiens et Chats. (274) BOOT CAMP pour les éducateurs canins à Québec avec PATRICE ROBERT le 31 mars 2013. | Un site qui a du chien. Susan Garrett: Dog Trainer, Agility Champion, Owner of Say Yes Dog Training | Susan Garrett teaches the world how to find joy in their dog training through her DVDs, online courses, and workshops.

Photos des chiens et chiots. Mobile Uploads. Pooches on couches | Canis bonus. Blog post about dogs on couches By Laure-Anne Visele, written Oct 2012. Bad influence Awkward moment. My dog lodged somewhere with a puppy. After his visit, their pup started sleeping on the couch. So: furious owner and very embarrassed me. So, today’s question is: “Should we allow them on our couches”? Are dogs on couches being ‘dominant’? No one has ever remotely proven a link between the couch and “being dominant“. Big disclaimer before we trivialise the whole thing away: If your dog growls when you tell him to get off, you have an issue.

So why do they like couches? … it’s more comfortable? I still don’t want dogs on my couch There ARE good reasons: it smells and they shed hair. I happen to live in a hybrid home: Sensible husbandInfinitely less sensible wife: I couldn’t give a rat’s tail if my couch was made of dog’s hair, and I happen to love the way a dog smells. So we have a “Only if we say it’s OK rule.” The strict ban For repeat offenders: Regularly test until he stops trying. Evidence? And Man Created Dog - National Geographic Channel - Canada. (1) Lois Saucke. There's Aways a Reason - Dog Charming - Behaviour Consultant & Trainer. Éducateur canin. Pet Parents Or Owners: What’s In A Name? I am not a pet parent or a guardian: I OWN my dogs. While this may make many readers cringe, the terms ‘pet parent’ and ‘pet guardian’ really make me squirm.

As a pet owner, I don’t feel that I’m entitled to push my dogs around, treat them like slaves or tie them to the bumper of my car. In fact, my dogs all live in my house, are allowed on any piece of furniture except my red fabric couches (what was I thinking?) , they have their very own kitchen, their own bedroom with a real hand carved daybed to sleep on, with lovely, clean sheets that get laundered twice a week. On the surface, it might appear to be a nice gesture to claim that I don’t own my dogs, but the fallout from that seemingly innocuous gesture could be very dangerous for our pets. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, “Animal welfare is the ethical responsibility of ensuring animal well-being. “It boils down to our founding document, the U.S. Think this is far fetched? FREE Cruciate Tear Guide.

Camping Chiens acceptés: : Guide des terrains | Dog Trick Academy - Fresh Dog Tricks Ideas for Dog Owners. (13) Pet Tips. Daisy the Puppy Can't Quite Figure Out Stairs - Simon Shows Her How. A Pit Bull Howl Pitbull. (190) Profil Canin. Dog play pen. 5 Reasons Why Veterinary Technicians are So Awesome! Malgré plus de 400 races très diverses, un chien reconnaît un chien. Pension pour animaux à Laval - Chat, chien et animaux exotique | Flair.

Technique Bowen. Ça clic avec Pitou | Jean Lessard, éducateur canin. Animcara. The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association. 'touch'- a must for any dog trainer! Livre Le chien qui vous convient , Joël Dehasse, Éducation, Élevage,  Autre, Chien, Animaux, Missdolittle. Pitbull Tease & Tolerance. Neutering Dogs: Effects on Joint Disorders and Cancers in Golden Retrievers. Is the dog fancy at a tipping point?Ruffly Speaking | Ruffly Speaking. L'Éducateur Animo | Building blocks of stress in behaviour modification and training | glasgowdogtrainer. (88) Poules Académie (2ème couvée !) Lowell Unleashed. Garderie canine | C'est ça la vie. XL Foods sous haute surveillance | Martin Croteau et Marie Allard | Santé. My Way is Not the Only Way | Science of Dogs. Give Thanks for Pets. Victoria Stilwell, Dog Trainer and TV Host, Speaks with Dogster. (160) FeltedFido. Major source of evolutionary differences among species uncovered. Is Your Dog a Criminal or Alcoholic?  Canine Rehabilitation vs Behavior Modification.

(177) Nouveau mouvement pour redéfinir le statut de l'animal au Québec. Pour l'Amour des Animaux. Guide pratique Animaux de compagnie. The difference between dogs and cats. Honest Kitchen Recalls 5 Lots of Dog Food. The Genius of Dogs and The Hidden Life of Wolves. Peanut Butter and Dogs: Peanut Butter, Dog Itching, Is peanut butter good for dogs? How It Works. March 2012 - Digital Edition. What a Dog’s Tail Wags Really Mean: Some New Scientific Data. There’s a reason dogs are mans best friend | – Everything the internet was never intended to be used for… Recent study challenges theory that dogs respond to training better if they are hungry. Some People Should Not Be Allowed to Have Pets (funny!)