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My dog has a big bump on his head. It just got larger not. Fear is an emotion, not a behavior | Dog as Copilot. I don’t know how many ways I can say this, but it is so important when dealing with a dog that is afraid or nervous about a situation. FEAR IS NOT A BEHAVIOR, it is an emotion. Comforting the fearful dog will not make the dog more fearful, unless it is the only interaction the dog ever gets. Here is a video from Suzanne Clothier on this very topic. We can reinforce behaviors and train a dog to do behaviors on cue. We cannot teach a dog to experience a specific emotion on cue. So when your dog is frightened, don’t feel bad offering comfort, instead feel bad if you just leave your dog to get over it.

As someone who has an anxiety disorder, I can tell you that you don’t ‘just get over’ a major fear. Counter conditioning and training new coping skills can and do help with many fear problems. I have found the key to working with fear in dogs is to give the dog options. Like this: Like Loading... Over-the-Counter Medications That Are Safe for Dogs (And How Much to Give!) While veterinary care, lots of love, and a healthy lifestyle is the absolute best way to keep your pet feeling great, all dogs will experience at least some form of injury or illness in their lifetime. Did you know that there are many over-the-counter human medications that can be safe and effective for dogs, when used correctly? Benadryl, or another branded antihistamine, can be incredibly useful for treating allergies, bug bites, or other causes of itchy skin.

Buffered aspirin is an excellent anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Even Dramamine can be used for dogs with motion sickness, and Immodium can treat diarrhea. However, dosages for dogs are much different than for humans. Use the chart below to determine if your OTC medication is dog (and cat) safe and how much should be administered. Global Vision | A World of Entertainment » Obedience class, they pay for themselves. - R2 Fish School Training Kit.

5-year-old girl attacked by dog in l'Assomption - Montreal. A 5-year-old girl is in stable condition at Ste-Justine hospital after being attacked by a dog Monday morning. Police were called to investigate around 9:30 a.m. Monday. According to Alain Benoît, an officer with the L’Assomption/St-Sulpice police force, the girl was walking down Dominique Street in l’Assomption with her 16-year-old female cousin when a dog attacked her. "For a still unknown reason, the dog … jumped on her and bit her several times," he said. The girl, who was visiting her cousin in the small town northeast of Montreal, suffered bites all over her body, with ones on her neck and behind her ear being the worst. Witnesses said the dog's owner and a neighbour ran out of their respective houses when they heard the girl screaming. The owner was bitten on the back of her leg in the process of trying to separate the girl and dog, which was a breed of mastiff. Police said they shot the dog because it approached officers while growling and behaving aggressively.

Interactive Map Shows Which Pet Stores Support Puppy Mills. Does your local pet store help perpetuate animal cruelty? The sad reality is…many do. You see, most puppies sold in pet store come from puppy mills. So if your pet store has a slew of roly-poly pups for sale, chances are it supports a very cruel industry. To make matters worse, by giving stores that sell puppies your business, you’re actually supporting puppy mills, too! “Most people just don’t realize that pet store puppies come from puppy mills,” says Cori Menkin, ASPCA Senior Director of our Puppy Mills Campaign, “and that by shopping for pet supplies at stores that sell puppies, you’re actually supporting puppy mills.” Take ActionWe’re here to help! Our new interactive map shows pet stores across the country that sell puppies.

“It’s an easy action that takes a big stand against puppy mills,” explains Menkin. So where can you shop? Truths and Myths About Shaving Dogs with Double Coats | doggywoof. Double coats, also known as down hairs, ground hairs, or undercoat, are very fine, fluffy hairs closest to the skin on some mammals. The hairs are short and crimped, which makes them highly efficient at trapping air and insulating the animal. This keeps them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This brings us to the first myth: Long-haired, double-coated dogs need to be shaved in order to be cooler during the summer. Double-coated dogs are dogs that have a heavy undercoat. The lighter, softer coat that sheds naturally does not need to be shaved. Unless the dog has passed the point of no return in the matting department, the best type of grooming for these dogs is a vigorous undercoat raking with a special tool that helps remove the undercoat.

This raking, followed by a bath, and a blow dry, will help separate the hair so the groomer can get to the rest of the undercoat. Another myth is that cutting a dogs hair off will cause the dog not to shed. Crash test auto-chien. Man cross-Bred Labrador and Poodle into Labradoodle, Regret. (LABRADOODLES/DOG BREEDS) Labradoodles are a dog breed mix between a Labrador Retriever and a standard poodle. Now, the dog breeder who created the first hypoallergenic labradoodle puppies regrets creating the labradoodle dog breed – and all of the problems that came along with it.

Read on… – Global Animal Sydney Morning Herald If Wally Conron had known what was going to become of the labradoodle, he wouldn’t have bred the dog in the first place. It was 22 years ago and Conron, now 81, was working as the breeding manager for the Royal Guide Dog Association of Australia when his boss set him a tough task.

A blind woman from Hawaii had written asking if they could provide a guide dog that would not shed hair, because her husband was allergic to it. I said, ‘Oh yes, this will be a piece of cake. Conron decided there was one possibility left: take his best labrador bitch and mate it with a standard poodle. ‘I released a Frankenstein. … People say ‘aren’t you proud of yourself?’ The Plot Thickens: Spay Neuter Effects & the Health of Our Dogs » TheOtherEndoftheLeash. Many years ago, in the 1980′s, I was in Scotland being introduced to a cocktail party full of veterinarians. Imagine my surprise when one of them cornered me, waving his drink and spluttering his words, and began berating American veterinarians for promoting spay/neuters of pet dogs.

Several others joined in, and before I knew it I began waving my own drink and spluttering my own words, in defense of my dog’s vet, as well as many colleagues and friends. For all I know I threw apple pie in there somewhere. Their point was that it is not good medicine to remove vital organs, which have many functions beyond reproduction, in order to prevent something that may or may not happen (mammary cancer, pyometra for example).

That was my first introduction, a long, long time ago, to the fact that not all health care professionals believe that spaying and neutering young dogs is in their best interest. Is your head spinning yet? Back, then, to the question I asked earlier? Companion Animal Psychology: The end for shock collars? Something puzzles me about the arguments made by shock collar advocates. On the one hand they claim the e-collar doesn’t hurt, and on the other they say it’s a last resort to prevent ‘dead dogs’ due to recall and chasing problems. Surely the second justification casts doubt on the first? Two new scientific studies funded by the UK’s DEFRA address both arguments, and conclude that e-collars are unnecessary and detrimental to animal welfare.

Shock collars (including invisible fences) are already banned in many countries because of welfare concerns. The DEFRA studies aimed to investigate the welfare of dogs trained using e-collars. The results will surely add to calls for shock collars to be banned in England and Scotland (they have been illegal in Wales since 2010), and elsewhere. Only a handful of instruction manuals stated that vocalizations indicate the shock is too high.

Three groups of dogs were tested, with 21 dogs in each group. The results also showed some welfare concerns. (168) Les choses que les chiens nous apprennent (Vidéos GAG) Réussir l’achat d’un chiot de race dans un élevage. RÉUSSIR L'ACHAT D'UN CHIOT DE RACE DANS UN ÉLEVAGE Berger Australien chiots Chemins Cathares Vous avez pris la décision d’acheter votre chiot chez un éleveur spécialisé dans la reproduction d’une race. Vous pensez avoir bien mûri votre projet, et voulez vous assurer de mettre toutes les chances de votre côté, de bien commencer votre relation avec votre nouveau compagnon. Voici quelques informations pour vous y aider. Quelques questions de bon sens, pour commencer • Tout d’abord, oubliez l’idée que choisir l’élevage le plus primé de France est une garantie d’équilibre psychologique et comportemental : ce n’est pas parce que votre chiot est issu de champions qu’il est bien dans sa tête.

La plus belle femme du monde possède t-elle un Quotient Intellectuel de 150 ? Rien n’est moins certain. • « Beau chien » ne signifie pas obligatoirement (même si ce n’est pas incompatible) « excellent gardien », « chasseur efficace » ou « bon rapporteur ». 14 aliments toxiques pour le chien - aliments interdits aux chiens. Malgré les recommandations de divers experts pour éviter de donner des aliments toxiques ou dangereux à nos chiens, parfois on oublie ou tout simplement on ne veut pas les croire.

Dans cet article, nous allons voir ensemble les 14 aliments toxiques pour le chien, apprendre sérieusement en considération. Certains vous semblerons évident. Ceux qui sont bons pour l’être humain ne l’est pas forcément pour nos chiens, voici ci-dessous une liste d’aliments toxiques pour le chien : 1 – Les os : Les os cuits sont dangereux pour les chiens. 2 – Le chocolat : Parce qu’il contient de la théobromine, un composant qui agit comme stimulant cardiaque et comme diurétique.

La mort est même possible, surtout si le chien fait de l’exercice. 3 – L’alcool : La consommation d’une petite dose d’alcool peut désorienter le chien, le rendre nerveux et sur certains agressifs. L’empoisonnement peut se produire soit par l’ingestion de grandes quantités, soit par l’ingestion répétée de plus petites quantités. Crash Test for Dog Harnesses Shows 100 Percent Failure Rate. In a revolutionary new study, crash tests showed that not a single kind of dog harness provided sufficient protection in the event of an accident, and had a 100 percent failure rate.

The nonprofit Center for Pet Safety (CPS) said that despite being properly harnessed, canine crash-test dummies became projectiles, and were even decapitated. “We tested them to the child safety restraint standard and we experienced a 100 percent failure rate to protect either the consumer or the dog,” said CPS founder and CEO Lindsey Wolko.

“That is a very real concern for consumers.” CPS would not release the names of brands tested out of fear that consumers will stop using harnesses altogether. Injuries are typically worse for unrestrained dogs, but this test is showing that in some cases, the harnesses are just as lethal. Veterinarian Kim Haddad has seen firsthand what kind of injuries dogs sustain in accidents. “Broken legs, broken jaws, soft tissue injury, it can be pretty traumatic,” she said. Homme-chien : dominant, meneur ou dictateur ? : Mon Chien Magazine. Il est de bon ton aujourd’hui de dire que la hiérarchie interspécifique n’existe pas. Après des années de recherche sur le comportement du chien nous ayant prouvé l’existence de cette hiérarchie homme/chien, certains reviennent maintenant sur la question, n’hésitant pas à remettre totalement en question la base sur laquelle s’appuyait leur travail depuis tant d’années.

Effet de mode Je me souviens qu’il y a environ une quinzaine d’année, tous les pédiatres proclamaient haut et fort qu’il fallait coucher les bébés sur le ventre pour éviter la mort subite du nourrisson, et toutes les mamans ont suivi ce conseil. Puis quelques années plus tard, la publication d’une étude les ont tous fait revenir sur leurs décisions : en fait, non, il faut les coucher sur le dos pour éviter cette mort subite, et toutes les nouvelles mamans ont suivi ce nouveau conseil, contredisant ce que leur propre mère leur conseillait, puisqu’elles avaient appris l’inverse. Question de terminologie Une hiérarchie positive. LE CERVEAU À TOUS LES NIVEAUX! Zututh: Toothbrushes that Work for Labradors & Dogs | Its a Lab Thing. Zututh Toothbrushes Brushing you Labrador’s teeth is an important task that should be done.

I am not going to lie and say that I brush Brody and Saban’s teeth everyday or once a month. The fact is that I don’t and I know I should. I know that bones and kibble help but can’t do what a toothbrush can do. I was introduced to Zututh toothbrushes by a friend and I had to check them out. Zututh Design First, I want to point out that the Zututh toothbrush is not your typical toothbrush.

You can see how the brush head easily gets in between the teeth and gums for very thorough cleaning. The Zututh Toothbrush comes in two styles. Never the less, like anything you should introduce the new experience slowly. So now I am doing my very best to give their teeth a brushing. How often do you Brush your Labrador’s teeth? Est-ce que votre chien veut VRAIMENT être caressé ?

Est-ce que votre chien veut VRAIMENT être caressé ? San Diego : Vente de chiens, chats et NAC en animalerie encadrée - Mon Chien Relax. Karen Pryor and the Neurobiology of TAGteach and the Clicker. Dog Food Thief - Who moved my chair? Chien qui fait du parkour. Stéphane Gendron s'excuse pour le 'Chaton Gate' Deux enfants laissés seuls dans un véhicule à 35°C.

Deux enfants en bas âge ont été laissés seuls dans un véhicule de type familial, dimanche en pleine canicule, dans le stationnement du centre commercial Place Fleur de Lys, à Québec. Leurs parents ont été arrêtés. Selon des témoins, les enfants seraient restés dans le véhicule plus d'une trentaine de minutes à près de 35 degrés. Une vitre était légèrement entrouverte. (Agence QMI) Un témoin qui passait par là a été alarmé par les pleurs des deux enfants. À leur arrivée, les policiers ont ouvert une porte et ont sorti les petits du véhicule pour tenter de les calmer. Arrivée des parents Les parents seraient sortis du centre commercial plusieurs minutes après l'intervention des policiers, accompagnés d'un troisième enfant, selon les informations recueillies. Le Journal de Québec a tenté de les interroger, mais sans succès. «Oui, c'est moi le père indigne», a néanmoins lancé le père de famille.

Ils ont ensuite été libérés sur place sous promesse de comparaître par sommation. What’s the Real Deal With ‛Clinically-Proven’ Dog Food? By Cheryl Lock Take a second to think about what’s important to you when it comes to the food you feed yourself and your family. Are you big on organic food? Or locally grown? Whatever your food standards are for yourself and your family, it’s equally as important to feed your dog foods that are healthy and wholesome as well.

However, with so many marketing terms appearing on pet food labels, it can be hard to tell which options are really best for our furry friends. Pet nutritionist and Chief Science Officer Martin J. 1. Terms such as these, as well as phraseology like “Doctor/Veterinarian recommended,” are very important and have specific rules about their use, controlled by the FDA and the FTC. 2. While these terms are often used interchangeably (and inaccurately), “clinically proven” is a stronger statement. 3. 4. Dr. UC Davis Veterinary Hospital Helps Blind Rescue Dog See. Don’t Socialize the Dog! Something is Rotten in Harlequin Danes. Régime alimentaire pour chiens souffrant d'insuffisance rénale. Studies Have Linked Lawn Pesticides with Canine Malignant Lymphoma. Le maire Gendron admet tuer des chats. Mom Was Right: It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It | notes from a dog walker. Thank You For Not Shaming Me. Lumps and Bumps on Dogs. Silly Dogs, Happy Dogs.

How to dog-proof your hardwood floors. Food Pets Die For: Shocking Facts About Pet Food: Ann N. Martin, Shawn Messonier: 9780939165568: Welcome to Cesar Millan swinging dogs around by their scruffs. Dog helps cleaning the house. Hiérarchie, encore et toujours… (343) I hope that none of the dogs I train or come into contact with EVER look this horrified about being near me :( Dog Training - Stop over excitement when you sweep/vacuum/blender. Do shock collars hurt? It’s the amps not the volts. | awesomedogs. Dog Training Tips. THE MILLION DOLLAR RECALL. Croquettes pour chiens : dangereuses et inutiles. Another Potentially Dangerous Dog Trainer. Customized Training • Board-and-Train • Private Training Walks | Contact us today! Maureen Backman, MS: Owner and Trainer • Phone: (415) 294-1356 • Email: muttabouttownsf.

Top 10 des Arguments les plus Bidons utilisés par les Vétérinaires. Cpdtprep : CPDT Preparation. Occam's razor. Corriger le chien par l'extinction du comportement - Comment corriger son chien ? Victoria Stilwell Positively |  Phone Consultations. Notification en temps réel des maladies des animaux de compagnie. À quel point les chiens peuvent-ils apprendre d'autres chiens? Chien.