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BIENVENUE CHEZ FIDÈLE CANIN! La méthode FIDÈLE CANIN est une vision avantgardiste de que devrait être les relations chien-humain. Elle est essentiellement basée sur: -le respect du chien et de son guide -la communication inter-espèces chien-humain -le conditionnement opérant (principalement le renforcement positif) -la science du chien. La méthode FIDÈLE CANIN est éprouvée, rapide, efficace et augmente le plaisir de travailler avec son chien. La méthode FIDÈLE CANIN vous est accessible à partir de formations théoriques et pratiques, consultations et produits d'entraînement. La méthode FIDÈLE CANIN est pour toute personne intéressée par l'amélioration de sa relation avec son chien et pour tout intervenant qui désire augmenter ses connaissances en comportement canin. La méthode FIDÈLE CANIN est appliquée et enseignée par... Danielle Gauthier de Varennes, éducateur canin comportementaliste, PDG de FIDÈLE CANIN.

The Four “Fs” of Fear. Spooked? It's autumn—the season of shorter nights, crackling leaves, the hunter's moon, and, of course, Halloween. Costumed creatures come to your door and scary monsters parade across your television screen. Maybe your pulse will quicken as you get reacquainted with Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, and Boris Karloff, and maybe your hands will get sweaty. And maybe you'll see behavior in action. Yes, a room full of people watching a horror film can be a great example of an important behavioral concept.

Let's talk about the Four Fs, specifically about the third F. The four Fs Ted Turner (the behavior expert, not the film mogul) created a series of videos that I stumbled upon early in my clicker training education. Fight flight fool around …fornicate (my own paraphrase) When considering stress behaviors, we often think of the first two, but not of the latter two (although #4 seems fairly de rigueur in bad romance novels and many film genres). We'll leave #4 for another time. Fooling around. Pourquoi à 12 mois un chien devrait être capable de tout sauf : des parcours d’agility , du frisbee et co … - Réglisse, Excel & Glen. Par Regexcel dans Santé-Bien être le 28 Septembre 2013 à 13:59 Pourquoi à 12 mois un chien devrait être capable de tout sauf : des parcours d’agility , du frisbee et co … Comme on ne demanderait pas à un papi de 90 ans de faire de la corde à sauter , on ne va pas demander à un enfant qui sait tout juste marcher de nous accompagner à pied lors d’une randonnée … Cela vous semble couler de source ?

Et pourtant … On estime qu’un chien type westie (environ 8-9 kg âge adulte) termine sa croissance à 10-12 mois. Qu’un border collie la termine à 14-16 mois et qu’un Bouvier Bernois la termine à 20-22 mois. Ces chiffres pouvant être variables dépendant des individus. Rien de choquant dans ses chiffres lorsque l’on sait que l’âge pour commencer les concours est de 18 mois pour l’agility par exemple ? On est bien d’accord mon but ici n’est pas de descendre les gens qui sortent tôt en compétition, mais simplement de prévenir en expliquant aux futurs compétiteurs qu’il y a des risques. 8 semaines à 6 mois.

Comment un bon chien en arrive à mordre …... Une catastrophe annoncée! Mercredi 9 octobre 2013 3 09 /10 /Oct /2013 07:35 Comment un bon chien en arrive à mordre …... Triste histoire, malheureusement classique... Une catastrophe annoncée! C'est l'histoire d'un jeune chien Border Collie, BOB, que nous suivons presque depuis l'ouverture de notre cabinet. Nous l'avons soigné lorsqu'il était jeune (6 mois?) Pour un gros bobo: rien de grave, mais une pansement d'immobilisation pendant 2 semaines au moins, à refaire régulièrement et à ne pas mouiller!!!!

Pendant ses nombreux soins et pansement, BOB étaient insupportable: il passait son temps à nous sauter dessus pour nous faire des bisous!! J'ai revu BOB cette semaine. Je fais patienter un peu BOB et son maître afin de revoir mes état émotionnels à la baisse...j'en profite pour relire son dossier médical. Allez HOP, tout le monde en consultation, BOB a déjà retourné la salle d'attente et son maître lui hurle dessus depuis 5 minutes ("assis""couché""bob""non""arrête""assis""assis""bob"..........).

Ah ! Régime de permis pour les propriétaires et gardiens de chats et chiens - Le ministre Gendron annonce la mise en vigueur d'un nouveau règlement sur la sécurité et le bien-être des chats et des chiens. Help for OCD Dogs. Why you should (and how you can) cure your dog's obsessive-compulsive disorder. By Pat Miller You’ve probably heard about people who wash their hands repeatedly until the skin wears off, who pull out their hair until they’re bald, or return home, time after time after time, to make sure the stove is turned off. These are obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCDs).

Sad to say, OCD behaviors aren’t confined to humans; dogs get them, too. Oh, you won’t see your dog worrying about whether the stove was left on, nor will you catch him washing his paws repeatedly in the sink. What is OCD? “OCD is a psychiatric disorder characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions, such as cleaning, checking, counting, or hoarding. The last thing you want is for your dog to develop an OCD. An “obsessive” debateThere is some disagreement among animal behavior professionals about applying the term “obsessive” to canine behavior.

Noted veterinary behaviorist Dr. . • Increase exercise. . • Reduce stress. Boarding & Dog Training in Mobile, Alabama! Aberdeen Acres Pet Care Center animal cruelty. Dog Leash Training: Teaching Your Dog to Walk on a Leash. Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. Dogs have to be taught to walk nicely on leash.

They’re not born knowing that they shouldn’t pull ahead or lag behind. Teaching leash manners can be challenging because dogs move faster than us and are excited about exploring outdoors. Leashes constrain their natural behaviors and movements. Some dogs are determined to run around as fast as they possibly can. Other dogs want to stop, sniff and urinate on anything and everything in their paths. How to Teach Your Dog to Walk Nicely on a Leash You’ve probably seen dogs at shows or on TV who prance alongside their handlers, staring up with rapt attention. You can use various methods to teach dogs to walk without pulling on leash. Until your dog learns to walk without pulling, consider all walks training sessions.

Continue reading below... Qualities of a good dog trainer | Capers for Canines (and Other Animals) A recent reader’s comment saying that anyone can be a dog trainer is absolutely correct. There are no governing bodies to control it. I visited my local pet store and saw business cards for almost a dozen trainers hanging on the bulletin board. It’s become a very popular profession. But are they good trainers? I’ve heard people say that they want to be a trainer because they were able to teach their dog how to sit. I started my career working with animals as a pet massage therapist and I am glad that I did because through that training and experience, I learned how to read dogs’ body language and communications signals. The next attribute of a good trainer is obviously being able to work effectively with the dogs using humane and scientifically sound techniques. Most trainers teach classes and provide one-on-one consultations with clients. And finally, probably the least important skill is writing ability although I do believe it’s still necessary.

Dog Training Careers. Are you thinking of becoming a Dog Trainer and not sure where to start? One thing to sort out in your mind is whether you want to train dogs (dog trainer) or teach people how to train their dogs (Dog Training Instructor). If you want to do the former then you may want to talk to the big charities like Guide Dogs for the Blind, Hearing Dogs etc who train dogs as Assistance Dogs. Or you may want to offer residential training yourself - where you take dogs into your home/kennel and train them to do various behaviours. Once they understand what is required the cues are transferred over to the owner. But what most people refer to as a Dog Trainer – person who runs classes for owners - is actually teaching the owners, not the dogs. One of the first things you need to decide is 'Do you like to work with people?

'. If you don't, then please do not think about becoming an instructor. The majority of DTI's are self-employed. Good things about being a self-employed dog training instructor include: Certified Dog Trainer Qualities. Dr. P's Dog Training: Qualities Of A Trainer. In most instances when talking is about dog training, it hinges on techniques and methods - the basics that are used to develop in the dog the habits and natural abilities that will enable it to do a good job.

Dog psychology is touched upon but rarely trainer psychology - what makes the trainer 'tick'. I have met a number of good trainers, who all have their particular style even to the extent of allowing their dogs to do things that to the layman would appear totally taboo. But at the end of the day they come out with not only a good dog but a top dog. Perhaps we could learn more from studying the top trainers to develop in ourselves the necessary skills and qualities to succeed in training a dog.

A good trainer has a compound of qualities which are strongly inter-related, experience, knowledge, patience, natural affinity with dogs, enthusiasm, exuberance, readability, - the list could go on. A good trainer should be able to judge why a dog is going wrong. Dog Behavior Blog: What Makes A Good Dog Trainer? Over the years, I have watched a lot of dog training classes and I have found that there are certain qualities that all good dog trainers have. One thing that good dog trainers always remember is that the people in their classes genuinely want to have a good relationship with their dogs.

The people are there voluntarily. No one forced them to come. So that enthusiasm for a good relationship has to be nurtured and encouraged. Dog training is a people-oriented activity. As the old joke goes, dog training teaches the people more than it teaches the dogs. Good trainers know that different people learn in different ways. In my opinion, the best way to teach dog training is to make it fun for everyone. For those of us who have been training dogs for a long time, it is very easy to forget that a lot of people don’t know how dogs learn. A frustration of teaching dog training classes is that many people do not do their “homework,” or work with their dog outside of class.

--Con Slobodchikoff. Conditionnement classique et opérant. Pourquoi est-ce que les humains (et les chiens) réagissent aux stimuli avec certains comportements ? Les comportement peuvent ils changer selon les conséquences ? Peggy Andover explique comment le cerveau peut associer des stimuli différents et ses réponses, appuyé par la fameuse expérience d’Ivan Pavlov de 1890, et comment le renforcement et la punition peuvent entraîner des changements de comportement. Quand on pense à l’apprentissage, on s’imagine souvent des élèves dans une classe ou un amphithéâtre, livres ouverts sur leur bureau, qui écoutent attentivement un professeur à l’avant de la salle.

Mais en psychologie, l’apprentissage à un autre sens. Pour les psychologues, l’apprentissage est un changement de comportement à long terme basé sur l’expérience. Il y a deux formes principale d’apprentissage : le conditionnement classique et le conditionnement opérant, ou instrumental. Parlons tout d’abord du conditionnement classique. Source : WordPress: J'aime chargement… Reppep213/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Consumer-Protection-through-Certification.pdf.

Wake County, CPDT-KA, Certified Dog Trainer | Professional - — Certified Professional Dog Trainer, CPDT-KA servicing Cary, Raleigh, Morrisville, Holly Springs and more in Wake County In order to obtain a cosmetology license in barbering, cosmetology, esthetics, nail technology, or waxing, students must complete 1000 hours of training plus pass a board certified exam and earn CEU’s to keep the license active. In order to call oneself a Dog Trainer the requirements are: zero. There are no federal or state requirements. Read the Article I wrote for “The Examiner” Consumer Protection through Certification Why hire a Certified Professional Dog Trainer? How to Hire a Dog Trainer Position Paper (American College of Veterinary Behaviorists) How to Choose a Trainer (American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior) ASK FOR QUALIFICATIONS. I am a CPDT-KA (Certified Professional Dog Trainer—Knowledge Assessed, the only independent, international certification for dog trainers.

To become a CPDT-KA trainers must: My Credentials/Certifications: Vet Brochure.pdf. Brochure.pdf. Trainer Certifications. When you use the APDT Trainer Search, you will see a variety of degrees and certifications listed after our members' names. This page is a helpful guide to understand what these mean.

One thing that's important to know when looking for a trainer is that there are many ways that one can become a professional dog trainer. Some trainers have apprenticed for some period of time with an experienced trainer before branching out on their own. Some have special schooling, such as higher degrees from colleges and universities in animal behavior, or schooling at online vocational programs that may be combined with a hands-on mentoring component.

Others came into the profession through working in animal shelters or competing in dog sports and competition. It is not unusual to come to the profession through a combination of experiences both experiential and educational. There is no required certification or licensing to become a professional dog trainer or behavior counselor. Designations. DOG WILLING Puppy Kindergarten and Basic Manners Classes. A Closer Look at All Dogs Are Individuals [INFOGRAPHIC] | Animal Farm Foundation. All dogs are individuals means: We owe it to all dogs to see them for who they really are, free of prejudice, stereotypes, and assumptions that are based on a known pedigree, a breed label guess, physical appearance, or their past history. Just a small handful of genes will determine how a dog looks on the outside. It’s not even 1% of their genome. And yet, we frequently make enormous, life changing assumptions about dogs based on that 0.25%! This set of genes, the ones that determine a dog’s breed associated physical traits, are different that the genetic program that builds the brain.

The genetic program responsible for creating the brain is much different and tremendously more complex than the genetic programs that underlie physical traits in dogs. The overwhelming majority of dogs in shelters are mixed breed dogs. Peer reviewed research shows us that visual identification of mixed breed dogs is highly inaccurate. Not even when the mixed breed dog has pure breed parents! Kristopher J. Understanding inherited causes of canine bloat. Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), or bloat, is one of the leading causes of death in dogs, second only to cancer for some breeds, and the number one killer of Great Danes. Despite its prevalence, the cause of bloat is unknown. A multi-disciplinary team at Michigan State University is investigating the hormones motilin and ghrelin for the cause of the disease -- and better treatments. Laura Nelson, assistant professor in the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences (SCS) and principal investigator in the project, has been awarded a 2-year grant to fund research on the causes of Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) in dogs.

The grant was awarded by the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation (CHF) on October 4, 2013. When a dog gets bloat, gas fills the dog's stomach, the stomach twists completely around, the gas has no way to escape, and blood and air supply to the stomach are cut off. "Not every dog is going to get it," says Nelson. Pet Tutor(TM): Smart solutions for barking issues. 101 Things to Do Beyond the Box-Dog Behavior Games.

How to make your own Puppy Pen with PVC Pipes- Aussiedoodle and Labradoodle Puppies | Aussiedoodle Breeders in Washington State, Portland, Oregon. Mignon: Un labrador tente d’entrer en contact avec un enfant trisomique et autiste (vidéo) Do Dogs Have a "Eureka" Feeling When Solving Problems? Formerly Invisible Dogs Seen for the First Time. Free Pumpkin-Carving Stencils of Favorite Dog Breeds. (571) Éducation canine Tactik-K9. Publishing - Le Monde de l'intelligence - Le Monde de l'enfance. Do as I Do Exam | Do as I do. How to Make Your Senior Dog More Comfortable. Leash Etiquette - No More Pulling on Leash! | Beast Canine Services. Les troubles du comportement sexuel chez le chien. Techniciennes en Santé Animale: indispensables | clnique vétérinaire.

My drawings on UK television? | Electronic Pet Fences: What You Need To Know. The Truth About Humping | Are Dogs People? Really? "Dogs ARE Persons!" (The Other Side of the Debate) No, dogs aren’t people! At the Dog Park The Importance of Participating. Qu'est ce qu'un chien primitif, et comment l'éduquer ? - Eduquer son chien. Eduquer son chien soi même : Rappel - Propreté - Marche - Aboiement... Why dog trainers will have to change their ways | Science | The Observer. Why dog trainers will have to change their ways | Science | The Observer. DNA My Dog. Des distinctions entre les établissements vétérinaires - Chroniques - Le Canada Français. Des distinctions entre les établissements vétérinaires - Chroniques - Le Canada Français.

Clicker. Buy a Retract-A-Gate retractable safety gate for children and pets. Great Dog Productions. Conférence de Boris Cyrulnik - "La mémoire traumatique". Reward Training versus Discipline-Based Dog Training: Which Works Better. The Pet Professional Guild - Change Unwanted Cat Behaviors. Does Punishment Work? What are Effective Alternatives? by Marilyn Krieger. The Matching Law, Key To Dog Behavior. (106) L'importance de tenir votre chien en laisse.

(106) Ce que l'ignorance peut faire. (106) La muselière. Pet Tutor(TM): Smart solutions for barking issues. Des distinctions entre les établissements vétérinaires - Chroniques - Le Canada Français. Changing of the guard | Training Border Collies. Keeping Pets Safe from Coyotes. Janet Farricelli CPDT-KA - BEYOND CESAR MILLAN. (164) Non, votre chien n’est pas jaloux! Publishing - Le Monde de l'intelligence - Le Monde de l'enfance. Publishing - Le Monde de l'intelligence - Le Monde de l'enfance. Un regard suffit au chien ! Apprentissage sans erreur. 2 ou 3 jours pour un humain, 2 ou 3 heures avec un chien!

Pinch Me A.K.A. Prong Me | awesomedogs. Popham Beach State Park Reviews - Phippsburg, Mid Coast Maine Attractions. N'est pas accessible.