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Operant Learning Illustrated by Examples. Many thanks to Ruth Byrn, Marge Rogers, and Susan Friedman for their generous assistance with the movie. Does Summer’s weave behavior get reinforced by a spray of water? In the terminology of learning theory, positive does not always mean good. Actually it never means good. Likewise, negative does not mean bad. Also, reinforcement is not always about giving the dog something she wants. Got that straight? If your head already hurts, skip ahead and watch the movie. Anybody still reading? Does Feisty’s barking in the crate get punished by a spray of water? To continue: Most of us have heard the term “positive reinforcement” and have a notion of what it means.

There is a certain amount of confusion that we just have to live with on this subject because of the terminology that B. So that’s our first job. Positive means that something is added after a behaviorNegative means that something is taken away after a behavior And that sets us up to talk about these “somethings” as consequences. Blogs sur l’éducation et l’élevage des chiens. CPR for dogs (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) » DogHeirs | Where Dogs Are Family « Keywords: CPR, emergency, cardiac massage, cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Do you know what to do if your dog stops breathing? Knowing a few emergency procedures if your dog is choking, or having difficulty breathing, could save your dog's life because you may not have time to get to a vet. If your dog has a foreign object stuck in his throat, it is important to try and dislodge it before performing CPR.

Read our article: Heimlich Maneuver for dogs. Canine CPR CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) preserves brain function until proper blood circulation and breathing can be restored. The signs that indicate the need for CPR include unconsciousness, lack of arousal, lack of physical movement, or eye blinking. The following information has been updated with latest recommended guidelines outlined by the first evidence-based research on how best to resuscitate dogs and cats in cardiac arrest published in June 2012 by the Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation (RECOVER). The key to canine CPR is remembering the ABCs: References Copyright 2015 DogHeirs. Collie online: Le coup de chaleur...Attention, DANGER.!

Le système de ventilation du chien et la polypnée thermique Il est principalement constitué par le museau et les cavités nasales. Chez le chien, l'inspiration se fait essentiellement par le nez alors que l'expiration se fait par la bouche. Ce circuit permet d'utiliser au mieux l'évaporateur nasal au refroidissement des muqueuses. L'eau contenue dans l'air venant de cet échangeur et des poumons peut en effet se condenser sur les muqueuses buccales et surtout sur la langue qui pend à l'extérieur. L'évaporation de cette eau va servir au refroidissement de l'organisme du chien.. La salive a un rôle thermorégulateur. Les glandes salivaires du chien. Le nez est séparé en deux parties: Le cornet nasal supérieur est constitué par l'os ethmoïde. Dans les cavités nasales, de minces lames osseuses, fixées latéralement à la paroi, s'enroulent sur elles-mêmes et forment les cornets nasaux.

Ce système de thermorégulation fonctionne parfaitement en milieu naturel et bien aéré. Understanding Desensitization in Dog Training : 265EmailShare Is your Dog Scared of Something? This is another “Back to Basics” understanding article when it comes to some of the terms we use in dog training and how to utilize the training concepts with your dog. A lot of people just simply don’t understand desensitization training and what it involves. As dog trainers we throw the concept out time and time again, and I am no different. I often find myself using this term often when answering questions on our blog.

But sometimes I forget not everyone knows what I am referring to when I use this term, so let me help you to break it down. When you hear that someone is sensitive to something, it means they are quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals or influences, having acute mental or emotional sensitivity. Dogs with severe behavior problems (aggression, fear, separation anxiety) are often overly and abnormally sensitive to a stimulus (person, dog, noise). For example remember Pavlov and his dog? This is an abnormal fear. Classical Conditioning - An Introduction With Examples. Classical conditioning is a type of learning that had a major influence on the school of thought in psychology known as behaviorism.

Discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. Behaviorism is based on the assumption that learning occurs through interactions with the environment. Two other assumptions of this theory are that the environment shapes behavior and that taking internal mental states such as thoughts, feelings, and emotions into consideration is useless in explaining behavior. It's important to note that classical conditioning involves placing a neutral signal before a naturally occurring reflex. In order to understand how more about how classical conditioning works, it is important to be familiar with the basic principles of the process. The Unconditioned Stimulus The Unconditioned Response The Conditioned Stimulus References.

Page Title. Operant Conditioning – How to Modify a Dog’s Behavior. Operant conditioning does not mean reward training. Operant conditioning actually encapsulates both reward and aversive training. In its simplest form, operant conditioning says that to modify a dog’s behavior, we can either add or take away a reward stimulus (positive reinforcement, negative punishment); or we can add or take away an aversive stimulus (positive punishment, negative reinforcement). Operant Conditioning and Dog Training. Operant conditioning in itself is not pro-reward stimulus or aversive stimulus. However, it is interesting to note that B.F. Skinner, who developed many of the operant conditioning principles, has expressed that reward stimulus is the preferable form of control.

When someone says "operant conditioning" trainer, it actually refers to all dog trainers because every trainer uses some form of operant conditioning techniques to modify a dog's behavior. Included in the operant conditioning framework are studies on timing, frequency, and schedules of reinforcement. Dog Psychology – What Is Fact and What Is Myth. Free online veterinarian advice. Veterinary Blog, Dog and Cat Health Information, Questions, and Answers. (438) Les risques du métier. Is Food Really the Problem? | Fearfuldogs' Blog. Guess what these dogs are looking forward to getting?

From the comments I’ve been hearing and the stuff I’ve been reading on the internet one would be inclined to think that the use of food in training poses great problems or risks. I cannot think of one conversation I’ve had with a trainer who laments that their clients reinforce behaviors with food too much. Indeed it’s usually the opposite. Having trouble with the duration of a down/stay? I’d put money on that it’s because the behavior is not being reinforced with food soon or often enough, or in the right place. I’m not suggesting that there are not other reinforcers that can be as effective as food or that we don’t need to be aware of how we use food in training, but do we really need to be out there warning pet owners about the dangers of using food to train their dogs?

If we are lucky someone along the way has provided a dog with a reason for feeling good about people. Can our relationships go beyond food? Like this: Fergie et Josh Duhamel : Délurés, ils préparent leur chien à l'arrivée de bébé ! À quelques semaines maintenant d'accueillir leur premier enfant, on savait que Fergie et Josh Duhamel s'affairaient aux préparatifs et mettaient tout en oeuvre pour que bébé arrive dans un environnement parfait. Mais là, la motivation des futurs parents dépasse toutes les espérances et surtout l'entendement : le couple vient en effet de faire appel à un dog whisperer, comprendre un homme qui parle aux chiens, afin de ménager leur toutou face à l'arrivée imminente de leur fils.

À Hollywood, une lubie en chasse décidément une autre. Fergie et Josh Duhamel viennent vraisemblablement de céder à l'une d'elles et pas des moindres. Après l'homme qui murmurait à l'oreille des chevaux, voici donc l'homme qui murmurait à l'oreille des petits chiens. À Los Angeles, il s'appelle Cesar Millan et vient tout juste de s'occuper du cas de Zoe, cabot qui réside dans le foyer Duhamel, sur les hauteurs de Brentwood. VCAS 08-2013 Dog to Dog Introduction Large Breed. 6 Ways I Messed Up My Dog’s Targeting. Targeting done right! –credit Marge Rogers Hand targeting is usually suggested as a great behavior for new clicker trainers since it is easy to get and easy to define criteria for. I guess I didn’t read the brochure carefully enough because I messed up hand targeting for one of my dogs six ways from Sunday! From time to time I share in the blog mistakes I have made in the past, so I recognized a great opportunity here.

My way of making lemonade. Target Touching its nose to the trainer’s hand or an object is often one of the very first things beginning clicker trainers are encouraged to teach their dog. Look at that contact from Zuri! How could I wreck targeting? I don’t know about you all, but sometimes I just don’t realize how messed up I’ve let something get until something comes along to highlight it. A Story of Many Mishaps Summer’s First Target Stick Summer first learned to target a “touch stick” as we called it in agility class. Then for many months I tried to get her to open her mouth. Navy SEAL dogs to feature in 'Alpha' thriller. After the death of Osama bin Laden in May 2011, interest in the Navy SEALs and their elite weaponry and tactics spread far across the media landscape. Of all the stories to come out of that night, however, one of the more amazing was the inclusion in the SEAL team of a combat dog named Cairo.

Equipped with an array of high-tech tools - like super-strong, flexible body Armour and "doggles" featuring night-vision and infrared capability - Cairo became a symbol of the modern combat dog and its critical importance to the U.S. military. "Like their human counterparts, the dog SEALs are highly trained, highly skilled, highly motivated special ops experts, able to perform extraordinary military missions by Sea, Air and Land (thus the acronym)," states the official Navy SEAL website.

Perhaps recognizing the public's fascination with the role of combat dogs, Paramount is circling a script by Scott Frank ("Get Shorty", "Flight of the Phoenix", "Minority Report") titled "Alpha. " Related on MNN: Is Food Really the Problem? | Fearfuldogs' Blog. Fergie et Josh Duhamel : Délurés, ils préparent leur chien à l'arrivée de bébé ! Anesthetic problems for herding breeds. Hello Friend, Welcome to Thursday! Things change in veterinary medicine, and with so much information, your veterinarian can't always stay up on it- in fact it's somewhat up to you..

One resource you should have is my book- it's complete, thorough, and recently updated to now include over 500 pages. Your *NEW* updated copy is here: ---------------------------------------------------- Anesthetic reactions your Vet may not be aware of.. One veterinary journal I regularly read called 'Clinicians Brief' recently published a paper on Breed Specific Anesthesia. If you have a herding breed ( ie Collie, Shetland Sheepdog), then there are a few things you should know about. This is part of the article: ( Breed-Specific Anesthesia Stephanie Krein, DVM, & Lois A. In the collie and other herding breeds, this genetic mutation results in a defective pump that allows a select group of drugs to accumulate within the brain. Heal Your Pet At Home! Best Wishes, Un homme tue le chien de sa mère pour impressionner une fille.

Photo : IS/iStock Un jeune homme d'Edmonton a été condamné à 26 mois de prison pour avoir tué le chien de sa mère et envoyé des photos de la scène à son amie pour l'impressionner. Branden Chailler, âgé de 18 ans, avait déjà plaidé coupable à des accusations de méfait, d'entrée par effraction et de meurtre de chien. En décembre 2012, Chailler a tranché la gorge et l'estomac de l'animal dans sa chambre. Il a ensuite transmis des photos illustrant son crime à une fille qu'il voulait fréquenter. L'individu a ensuite quitté son domicile, il est entré par effraction dans un commerce, il a vandalisé un certain nombre de véhicules et il a marché dans la circulation avant d'être arrêté.

Selon le juge Allan Lefever, ces gestes étaient « calculés ». Le procureur Christian Lim espère que l'homme participera en prison à des programmes pour l'aider à soigner certains troubles mentaux. 22 Rear End Awareness Exercises for Dogs in Agility, Freestyle, Rally Obedience etc. Pet Tech: Find out what your furry friend does all day. VCAS 08-2013 Dog to Dog Introduction Large Breed. La prison pour un maltraiteur de chiens de Windsor. Photo : SPA de l'Estrie Un résident de Windsor, en Estrie, a plaidé coupable à des accusations d'actes de négligence et de cruauté envers ses deux chiens. Jimmy Marchand devra passer les quatre prochains mois derrière les barreaux pour avoir maltraité ses bêtes. Il lui est aussi interdit de posséder des animaux pour une période de trois ans.

La Société protectrice des animaux de l'Estrie (SPA) est intervenue, en collaboration avec la Sûreté du Québec (SQ), à deux reprises en 2012 au domicile de l'accusé à la suite de signalements reçus de citoyens. La première fois, la SPA avait saisi un chiot de trois mois, un berger croisé, qui souffrait d'une fracture à la patte arrière droite. La SPA est intervenue au domicile de l'accusé une deuxième fois quelques mois plus tard. C'est à la suite de ces deux interventions que la SPA a porté des accusations de négligence contre ce résident. « Nous sommes satisfaits de cette sentence. Six mois de prison pour avoir battu et noyé son pitbull | Olivier Parent | Justice et faits divers. Minier a admis en cour mercredi s'être défoulé sur son chien en février, alors qu'il était en colère contre un autre jeune homme.

Il s'est reconnu coupable d'avoir frappé l'animal à coups de pelle, de pieds et de poings, pour ensuite le noyer. Il a laissé le corps de la bête pendant quelque temps dans une poubelle avant de l'abandonner sur le bord d'une route. Une photo du chien meurtri s'est mise à circuler sur Facebook, ce qui a incité un internaute à porter plainte à la police. Steven Minier a vite été identifié comme le propriétaire de l'animal. «C'est dur à comprendre», a échappé le juge Christian Boulet lorsque les gestes de maltraitance lui ont été résumés, mercredi, au palais de justice de Québec.

Le procureur de la Couronne, Me Michel Fortin, n'a pu s'empêcher de qualifier d'«outrageant» le comportement du jeune homme, qui possède d'autres antécédents en matière de violence. Autres antécédents en matière de violence. Release The Hounds Vancouver: Dog Boarding and Walking: Dealing With Demanding Dogs. It is summertime and Rizzo’s nose is cold. How do I know that? Because he keeps sticking that cold nose under my bare arm as I try to write in my summer t-shirt and shorts. I smile and keep my focus on my writing but soon the cold nose begins insistently poking, flipping my arm upward with increasing urgency. And this is a moment of choice. Depending on how you look at it, this is either an easy choice or a difficult one.

The positives of negatives You see, my dog wasn’t just pestering me because he likes to upset me. This is where I can tell you from experience that not everything we intend as punishment actually does its job. Short term solutions, long term problems My response to Vince’s noisy interruptions was always immediate and loud. As the years passed and our understanding of dogs and behaviour grew, we caught on to his tactics more quickly and they weren’t as effective.

Needs and wants Tactics, pay-offs, and thinking ahead We believe that our dogs need to communicate with us. (340) Les risques du métier. Health Scare: Dogs Infected with Mysterious Disease. (102) Timeline Photos. La préparation de l'athlète canin - Agil-Dogs. Dog pond project – day #5 – DONE! | Nancy Tanner.

Is Food Really the Problem? | Fearfuldogs' Blog. Shaping Explained- Part 1 of Training Your Dog to Turn on a Light Switch with Clicker. Training strong dominant breeds with a firm hand. The Dog Athlete - Home. AKC ADDS NEW ADVANCED LEVEL TO CANINE GOOD CITIZEN® PROGRAM | AKC Community Canine(sm) Is a Dog's Life Worth More Than a Person's? 16 Things You Should Stop Doing In Order To Be Happy With Your Dog | Roger Abrantes. Nonverbal communication cues and dog behavior - Miami Dogs.

Leash Training Your Dog. Leash Training Your Dog. How to Teach Your Dog to Play Red Light, Green Light. Puppy Plays Red Light Green Light!! Atlantic Film Festival 2013 : Bad Coyote. Homemade Salmon Dog Treat Recipe: Yummy Treats for Focus During Dog Training. Veterinary Information Network (VIN) - For Veterinarians, By Veterinarians. The World's Fastest Dog Vs. The World's Fastest Cat [Video] Video: A Powerful Message Behind "Bad Dog/Good Dog" Commercial | Glenn Miller Routine - Hooked on Swing.

Set your goals??? – Or just enjoy the moment! | LoLaBu Land Experience. Animal Cognition | Clive D.L. Wynne | Monique A. R. Udell. BBC Nature - Wolf howl identification technology excites experts. Excitement, Feeling, and Attachment's Impact on Training. Forest Agility with dogs in the Pacific Northwest. Lumping and Splitting Criteria- A Dog Training Model Showing Distance, Duration and Distraction. Shaping A Dog's Recall Part 1 Capturing a Check in/Eye Contact Clicker Training. Donna Hill's Youtube Dog Video Index. Crate Rest Activities for Dogs after Back, Hip, Leg Injuries, ACL or TPLO, Heartworm treatmentetc. Counter Conditioning: a Visual Explanation. The Difference Between Baiting (Bribing), Luring and Rewarding with Food or Toys in Training Dogs. (91) Incredible Video of Humans Helping Dogs.

6 Life Lessons I’ve Learned from Clicker Training | Clicker Nerd. Habits of Effective Clicker Trainers Part 1 Using Rewards. Dog Body Language: 3 Ways Dogs Tell Kids to Leave Them Alone. 5 tips for getting great pictures of your dog — The Daily Dog Blog. One Dog at a Time | The Unexamined Dog.