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Comment savoir si votre chien est heureux de vous voir ? Regardez ses sourcils ! Selon une étude japonaise, il serait possible de deviner les émotions d'un chien en regardant son expression faciale et plus particulièrement ses sourcils. Si le chien est devenu le meilleur ami de l'homme, il n'est pas toujours facile de comprendre les émotions de son compagnon. Est-il triste ou heureux ? Pour le savoir, certains vous conseilleraient d'observer sa queue qui est un bon indicateur de son état émotionnel. Mais la face de votre chien est en réalité bien plus révélatrice. C'est ce qu'ont démontré plusieurs études dont une nouvelle récemment publiée dans la revue Behavourial Sciences. Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter Selon ces travaux menés par des chercheurs japonais, les émotions des chiens sont trahies par des expressions faciales bien précises qui impliquent à la fois les oreilles et les sourcils de l'animal.

Oreille ou sourcil, des émotions différentes En revanche, face à un inconnu, ils baissaient leur oreille gauche. So You Think You Want a High Drive Puppy. Teach your dog to go up and down stairs. Why Are Pets Relinquished to Shelters? In a recent study conducted by the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy (NCPPSP) and published in the July issue of the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (JAAWS), researchers went into 12 selected animal shelters in the United States for one year to find out why. The results of the study show that the top seven reasons for relinquishment for both dogs and cats are the same. “These commonalities suggest that there may be similar ways to address relinquishment in dogs and cats,” says Pam Burney, NCPPSP president. “For people who work in a shelter all day, there isn’t always time to look at these issues.

We have impressions of what’s happening, but now we have objective data that will help us develop specific programs to address the issues that have been identified.” Top 10 Reasons for Relinquishment* Dogs: Cats: Specially trained researchers completed confidential individual interviews with pet owners who were relinquishing their dogs or cats to animal shelters. Kathy Sdao Seminar: Letting Reactive Dogs Choose. New Vaccination Protocol - This is welcome news and should be taken with you to your vet should you need reinforcement against over-vaccination. I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary schools in North America are in the process of changing their protocols for vaccinating dogs and cats.

Some of this information will present an ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be skeptics. Some organizations have come up with a political compromise suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who fear loss of income vs. those concerned about potential side effects. Politics, traditions, or the doctor’s economic well-being should not be a factor in medical decision. Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months. If a modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months of age, it produces immunity, which is good for the life of the pet (ie: canine distemper, parvo, feline distemper). Puppies receive antibodies through their mothers milk. Wonders of Baking Soda for Carpet Odors. Warm weather brings out all kinds of smells that have been lurking in our carpets: Pet mistakes, that well-worn sneaker odor. It can all add up to a less-than-fresh-smelling home.

Fortunately, there is a simple and non-toxic solution. Find out how to deodorize your carpets safely and effectively with baking soda! Baking soda “adsorbs” odors, which means it takes odors from the air. It neutralizes acid-based odors in water. Liberally sprinkle baking soda on the carpet. Caution: While damp baking soda works really well for many odors, damp baking soda can also get stuck onto the carpet fibers and be difficult to clean.

(91) See What This Dog's Hilarious Morning Routine is =) . Cruauté envers les animaux : vers un registre des coupables? | Faits divers et judiciaire. Cet article est réservé aux membres vip Pour poursuivre la lecture / mois * Taxes Incluses * Certaines conditions s'appliquent Contenu réservé VIP : Nouvelles exclusives Galeries photos Cartes interactives Vidéos exclusives Contenu des chroniqueurs Compléments d’information Vos privilèges VIP : Accès illimité à 100 % du contenu internet Application mobile pour appareils Android et iOS. Offre valide pour 6 mois, pour les nouveaux abonnés seulement. Problems Associated With Adopting Two Puppies at the Same Time. Why experts warn against adopting two puppies at the same time - and what you can do for your dogs if you did not heed the warning.

By Pat Miller There’s no denying it: a new puppy is one of the world’s most wonderful things. It’s a cold, hard heart that doesn’t get all mushy over puppy breath, soft pink puppy pads, and the fun of helping a baby dog discover his new world. So, if one puppy is wonderful, two puppies must be twice as wonderful, right? Well, not usually. Most training professionals strongly recommend against adopting two pups at the same time. Don’t do itI’m the last person on earth to argue against getting a second dog, or even a third; my husband and I have five. While the majority of new puppy owners seem to recognize that one puppy is enough of a responsibility for them, a certain number fall prey to one of a few common arguments about why two puppies might be better than one. It’s a good thing to recognize that your pup could use companionship during the day.

Clicker Training a Bird Dog Retrieve Part 1 Shaping and Chaining The Basic Retrieve. Faithful Pit bull saves mother and baby attacked by pepper spray » DogHeirs | Where Dogs Are Family « Keywords: Bethany, Oklahoma, Pit Bull, intruder. A family dog saved a woman and her 1-year-old son after a man posing as a delivery driver pepper sprayed her and her baby on Friday. The man was holding a package and posed as a UPS driver in order to gain entry to the home, reported KOCO News in Bethany, Oklahoma. When the woman opened the door he attacked her and the child with mace. The Pit bull named Louie, came to the rescue when the woman screamed. He chased the intruder out of the house and the suspect fled down the street.

A neighbor heard the commotion and called the woman's fiancé, Ryan Bounds, who was at work. Ryan was thankful Louie was at home to protect his family. Ryan said his son and fiancé were taken to hospital and are recovering from the ordeal. Related: Wolves howl because they care: Social relationship can explain variation in vocal production. When a member of the wolf pack leaves the group, the howling by those left behind isn't a reflection of stress but of the quality of their relationships. So say researchers based on a study of nine wolves from two packs living at Austria's Wolf Science Center that appears in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, on August 22. The findings shed important light on the degree to which animal vocal production can be considered as voluntary, the researchers say. "Our results suggest the social relationship can explain more of the variation we see in howling behavior than the emotional state of the wolf," says Friederike Range of the Messerli Research Institute at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna.

"This suggests that wolves, to a certain extent, may be able to use their vocalizations in a flexible way. " Scientists have known very little about why animals make the sounds that they do. Are they uncontrollable emotional responses? The burden of euthanizing an aggressive dog | No Dog About It Blog. Yesterday I read a painfully poignant post by Phyllis DeGioia about her dog, Dodger and her decision to put him down due to his aggression (“Euthanizing Aggressive Dogs: Sometimes It’s the Best Choice“). Her words were not only powerful because they came from her own experience, but also because they so clearly articulated the conflicting emotions and guilt one feels when faced with euthanizing a dog due to aggression. Societally, it is so much more acceptable to euthanize a dog for old age or illness than it is for a dog with behavioral issues.

And yet, many a pet owner has had to face making this type of decision. I admire Phyllis for her courage in writing about her decision to euthanize Dodger. In 2011, I wrote about a dog park friend who had to make this difficult decision after her cream-colored Golden Retriever showed serious signs of aggression at just 11 months old. Sometimes something just goes wrong with a dog. Sometimes bad things happen. Like this: Like Loading... (230) Guilty Dog. Anatomie comparéen entre herbivore et carnivore, l'homme doit-il manger des animaux ? :végétarisme Belgique.

Source en anglais : The Comparative Anatomy of Eating - Traduction et mise en forme pour Les êtres humains sont le plus souvent décrits comme «omnivores» . Cette "observation" repose sur le fait que les humains se nourrissent, en général, d'une grande diversité d'aliments végétaux et animaux. Cependant , les cultures et les coutumes sont plutôt des facteurs de confusion et "l'observation" des pratiques alimentaires n'est pas la meilleure technique à utiliser quand on essaye d'identifier le régime alimentaire le plus «naturel» . Alors que la plupart des humains sont clairement des omnivores par leur comportements, la question demeure de savoir si les humains sont anatomiquement adaptés à un tel régime incluant animaux et végétaux. Une technique plus objective, et donc de meilleure qualité, consistera à examiner l'anatomie et la physiologie humaine. Analyse détaillée La cavité buccale (la bouche) Les carnivores Les herbivores L'estomac et l'intestin grêle Les carnivores.

Un dentier anti-morsures ? | Stealthily. Avant toute chose, je tiens à préciser que je ne cautionne pas cet outil, mais l’ignorance est mère de tous les maux comme le dit si bien Rabelais… Sachez de plus que ce système n’a aucune valeur législative et ne peut donc remplacer la muselière pour les chiens catégorisés. blanc C’est en 2005 que le dentier « anti morsure » a vu le jour. Spetim Saciri, habitant Suisse et comptable d’origine grecque marié à une technicienne dentaire, a mis au point ce système pour sa chienne Sunny, une femelle rottweiler car « La muselière terrorise les chiens. C’est une véritable torture qui les empêche de respirer. Elle les traumatise à vie et les rend agressifs », accuse-t-il. Ce dentier anti-morsures recouvre les canines et sert de tampon, répartissant ainsi la pression en cas de morsure.

Ce dentier ne gêne pas le chien car il ne touche pas les gencives. Le dentier ne peut évidemment empêcher le chien de mordre, mais la morsure sera beaucoup moins grave que s’il ne portait rien. . © J. Like this: (101) Timeline Photos. Éthique Animale - Le spécisme. Interdiction de refuser une location avec un animal de compagnie. Barack Obama dénonce les lois discriminatoires contre les Pit Bulls et chiens catégorisés. Les lois discriminatoires contre certaines races de chiens, principalement contre les Pit Bulls et « molosses » sont courantes dans beaucoup de villes des Etats unis. Il est établi scientifiquement et statistiquement que ces lois sont infondées et c’est ce que dénonce le Président Obama à travers une déclaration de la maison blanche en réponse à une pétition contre ces lois. Récemment le président Obama et sa famille faisait la une de l’actualité avec la venue d’un deuxième chien à la Maison-Blanche. La chienne s’appelle Sunny et c’est aussi un chien d’eau portugais comme le mâle nommé Bo.

Mais sur le plan politique, le président américain montre également son intérêt pour la cause des chiens. En effet, le président et la Maison-Blanche ont décidé de s’engager dans le combat contre la discrimination de Pits Bulls et autres chiens catégorisés, en répondant favorablement à une pétition publiée sur le site du gouvernement « We the people ». (310) - If a trainer or behaviorist does not talk to you... When choosing a dog trainer, buyer beware! Before 1981 when Dr. Ian Dunbar developed the first Sirius Puppy Class, training wasn't recommended for puppies under 6 months old.

The only training methods available at the time involved physical force using training tools such as choke collars, and were considered to be too harsh for young puppies. Dr. Dunbar created the lure/reward method, which opened up an entirely new perspective on dog training in general. With this method, instead of being corrected for wrong behavior, puppies are set up for success by being lured into the desired position then rewarded for achieving the behavior. Unlike traditional dog training, with no force, fear, pain or intimidation inherent in the technique, it was now appropriate for puppies as young as 8 weeks old to begin training classes.

Lure/reward training proved itself to be so effective, efficient, and fun for both owners and dogs that the usage spread to family pet obedience classes for all ages. Our own Dr. Wrong. Choosing the right trainer. (310) Timeline Photos. Un chien retiré des griffes de son maître : Les plus récentes : Vidéos. Shock Collars Australia - The Lies From Inside. GIVEAWAY: Excalibur Dehydrator — $250 value.

If you're new here, you may want to sign up for FREE weekly updates delivered to your inbox featuring Real Food recipes, nutrition & health articles, and special discounts or promotions. P.S. This post may contain affiliate links to products or services I use, enjoy, or recommend. By making purchases through these links, you are supporting the companies or products I believe in, and you're supporting Food Renegade. Thank you! This month, I’m giving away a 9-Tray Excalibur Dehydrator to one of you.

I am so grateful for you, my readers! So, as a way of saying thank you and giving something back, I’m hosting monthly giveaways! These prizes are coming entirely out of my own pocket. Entering the contest is as easy as 1-2-3! 1. (It will take you to to read about the product. 2. Real Food RecipesNutrition & Health ArticlesCoupons, Special Offers, & More Giveaways You can unsubscribe at any time. Berberis: arbuste de haie. (310) Pat Miller - For those of you who wondered what the outcome was... (310) Les choses que les chiens nous apprennent (Vidéos GAG) Coaticook invite les touristes… et leur chien | Le Journal de Sherbrooke.

COATICOOK - Pour accueillir les visiteurs, Tourisme Coaticook ne ménage pas les efforts pour leur faire sentir qu’ils sont les bienvenus. Et si souvent les propriétaires de chiens se sentent délaissés quand vient le temps de voyager avec Pitou, la Vallée de la Coaticook leur ouvre tout grand les bras. « Vous souhaitez amener votre chien en vacances dans la Vallée de la Coaticook, dans les Cantons-de-l’Est?

Pas de problème! Nous aimons vos animaux de compagnie », peut-on lire sur le site Internet de l’organisation. Un fait que confirme Julie Sage, conseillère touristique pour Tourisme Coaticook. Cette dernière mentionne que de nombreux sites accueillent les chiens, en autant qu’ils ne démontrent aucun signe d’agressivité et qu’ils soient en laisse. « Ça fait sept ans que je travaille pour Tourisme Coaticook et nous n’avons jamais eu de problèmes à ce sujet. Au total, une vingtaine d’activités et de sites où loger sont proposés sur le site Internet de l’organisme.

Le toutourisme en vogue. (91) i cant even fucking hula hoop. The thing I hate about being a veterinarian | hstdvm. How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs: 7 Steps. How to Train Your Dog to Calmly Walk on Leash. How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs: 7 Steps. ÉTHIQUE ANIMALE - Une introduction. Voyage au centre de la vie (chiens et loups )

Accueil. Collier électrique, à pointes… les études scientifiques. The Scale of the Universe 2. TOUX DE CHENIL (BORDETELLA) 1ere partie - Kennel cough part 1. Ouch! Lead Work. Séance clicker Echo travail du plot. Cruauté envers les animaux : vers un registre des coupables? | Faits divers et judiciaire. Good Dog Owners Get Treat - The Norfolk Times. Rien Ne Protège Votre Animal Lors D’Un Accident De La Route. Article - Dogs And Humans Both Get Runners High | Voyage au centre de la vie (chiens et loups ) TAGteach Aug 2013 Newsletter. The Cat Coach | When Cats Grieve. Nij Vyas Sheepdog Training - Kevin Evans and Jimmy Defaidty Double Gather winners 2013.

2013 Pet Food Recall List | Pets Adviser. 2013 Pet Food Recall List | Pets Adviser. Dogs Beyond Reason. Buddy Belts. Always remember to release your dog! | Dogmantics Dog Training. New Member Registration. Raw Meat Diet for Dogs and Cats. Des animaux en deuil ? Tails of Seattle | Heart dogs: Kathy Sdao and Effie. Annulation de la nouvelle mesure d'abattage massif de loups. My Imperfect Dog. Pet Joint Supplements | Healthy Joint Support. Medical Reasons for Coprophagia (Poop Eating) Medical Reasons for Coprophagia (Poop Eating) Dog Catches Ambulance Ride Following Injured Owner. How to teach voluntary blood draws: Lessons from dolphins and horses apply to dogs | Blog | AVSAB. Making force-free training the norm | Training for happier dogs, happier owners and peace of mind. Making force-free training the norm | Training for happier dogs, happier owners and peace of mind.

What your dog food manufacturer doesn't want you to know - Seattle Dog Training, Behavior, and Nutrition. What your dog food manufacturer doesn't want you to know - Seattle Dog Training, Behavior, and Nutrition. New Vaccination Protocol - "Game of Thrones" Actress Sophie Turner Adopts Her Direwolf. Gâteries & Nourriture Lyophilisée Orijen | Le Blog de Heidi et Cie.