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5 Causes of Leash Aggression Toward Other Dogs. Leash aggression – pulling, lunging, barking at other dogs - is a common and frequently misunderstood/misinterpreted behavior. It is a rare thing, in my work, that a dog actually wants to cause serious and immediate harm to another dog. In most cases, something else is the root cause of bad on leash reactions. Understanding what is going on allows you to tailor an effective response that will be helpful rather than making matters worse or setting your dog (and you) up for failure.* Here we go: Dogs who are hurting don’t want to be hurt more. Clues: Your dog “used to be great” with other dogs and now is grumpy; your dog is good with low-energy, “polite” dogs but snarls and lunges at the exuberant ones; your dog is better at the beginning of a walk than at the end (or vice versa).

Bad experiences on leash can create a “best defense is a strong offense” approach. Course of action: Not all dogs “want to say Hi” and I do not expect them to. Clues: Dog sees other dogs and loses his mind. Leur chien attaque leurs deux filles. Publié le 22/07/2013 à 10H44 | Mis à jour le 22/07/2013 à 14H58 - Vu 17694 fois SAINT-QUENTIN - Cassandra, 12 ans, a sauvé la vie de sa petite sœur Sheryline jeudi soir, alors qu’elles se faisaient toutes deux attaquer par leur chow-chow, Chouchou. « C’était un gentil chien, calme et joueur… et en dix minutes, la maison s’est transformée en scène de crime. » Telles ont été les paroles de Sébastien Graux, le papa, après le drame qui a touché ses deux fillettes.

Il était près de dix-neuf heures. Sheryline, 3 ans et demi, joue alors tranquillement sur le sol, dans le salon de la demeure familiale, rue Montplaisir, à Saint-Quentin, sous le regard de sa grand-mère. Il a suffi que la petite lève le bras, prise dans ses activités, pour que leur chien Chouchou devienne dingue. « J’étais dans ma chambre, quand j’ai entendu ma petite sœur crier au secours, raconte Cassandra, 12 ans, de son lit d’hôpital. . « C’est grâce à Cassandra si on a encore Sheryline » L'Aisne Nouvelle. Plan for 'dog-operated' kennels. Snout and about: The Dogs Trust's Ralph has a go at opening one of the doors Comments (2) Paw-controlled central heating, bark-activated privacy screens and snout-operated doors could become standard features in the rescue kennel of the future, according to a dog charity.

The Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, is funding a research project in Loughborough which will look into the feasibility of canine-operated "smart" kennels. Dr Clara Mancini, head of the animal-computer interaction laboratory at The Open University, came up with the idea, and will receive £14,700 from the trust to help make it a reality. The project is titled Towards the Smart Kennel: A requirements elicitation study for a smart environment to support good canine welfare in kennels. "It sounds elaborate but the concept is quite simple and straightforward," said Dr Mancini. "The idea is to put the dogs in control of their own environment as much as possible. " Watch out for toxic algae, which can be fatal to dogs. If you think a body of water looks suspicious, don't let your dog swim in or drink from it.Oregon Veterinary Medical Association After a dog died last week after swimming in water downstream from Dexter Reservoir, the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association is advising owners to be cautious about water that looks suspicious.

Only a small portion of Oregon’s waterways is monitored by the Harmful Algae Bloom Surveillance program, so it’s crucial that you take a close look at the water first before Fido jumps in. If you see anything that looks unusual – particularly a foamy, scummy, paint-like layer that appears pea-green, blue-green or brownish red – then it could be toxic algae. The OVMA advises outdoor enthusiasts to go by the catchphrase, “when in doubt, stay out!” The toxins are especially harmful to children and pets. Symptoms following exposure can include dizziness, tingling and numbness that can lead to difficulty breathing or heart problems and require immediate medical care. Should you shave your dog for summer? Debate rages. This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted. For many years, Eric Taylor refused to perform crew cuts on many popular dog breeds.

Taylor, owner of the Dog Father Groomery in Riverton, says the "old-school" training he received 25 years ago discouraged close crops. "You just did not shave any double-coated dogs," he said, referring to breeds with two layers of fur, such as German shepherds, huskies and chows. A golden retriever named Gator brought a change in Taylor's professional code.

"The older he got, the harder it got for him to move around and even breathe during the summer," Taylor said. When his sister started having Gator's coat shaved, Taylor noticed an improvement. Indeed, some groomers still eschew shaving. "There are certain circumstances when a shave-down is necessary," she wrote in a treatise on the subject. — DogDays. Nous avons reçu un message annonçant le lancement d’une campagne de sensibilisation contre les abandons initiée par des professionnels du cinéma. Souscrivant à toute initiative de ce genre nous répondons donc favorablement à leur demande. La campagne « DogDays » contre les abandons d’animaux vient d’être lancée ! Ce projet s’est développé sur l’initiative de professionnels du cinéma et de la communication sensibles à cette cause. Notre travail est totalement bénévole et indépendant. Nous souhaitons maintenant que cette vidéo puisse profiter à toutes les organisations de protection animales. N’hésitez pas à la diffuser afin qu’elle puisse être utile et efficace. A visiter : WordPress: J'aime chargement… Kids & Dogs: Pitfalls & Potentials, Cambridge, MA. PEOPLE ETIQUETTE During the lectures, please turn off all cell phone and pager audio alerts.

Please take all private conversations outside while the speakers are presenting. BABIES The presence of a baby is likely to be distracting to other participants, so we ask that you refrain from bringing any babies or very young children into the lecture hall. VIDEOTAPING No videotaping or audiotaping is permitted. A selection of videotapes and books will be available for sale. BOOKS & TOYS, ETC. FOR SALE A selection of books, videos and toys will be available for sale. SEATS The lecture hall provides metal folding chairs. REGISTRATION DEADLINE Thursday, September 19, 2013 REFUND POLICY A full refund will be issued if requested by Wednesday, September 18. PARKING There will be ample parking near the seminar location. Confrontational Techniques Elicit Aggression » TheOtherEndoftheLeash. Remember the movie Groundhog Day, in which Bill Murray wakes up every morning to repeat the same day, over and over?

That is a bit of what it feels like to write about the value of benevolence in dog training, and the problems associated with aggressive, confrontational techniques. And yet, I just can’t stop, because there is still a flood of advice about using force and confrontation to correct a dog for ….. (fill in the blanks)…. because 1) misbehavior is a sign your dog is attempting to dominate you and 2) you can only counter it by using force. Sigh.

Those of us arguing that we should be teaching our dogs, rather than forcing and threatening them, have an excellent study by Veterinary Behaviorists to support our perspective. Not surprisingly, leash corrections were common, used by 71% of respondents and 74% yelled “No” in response to their dog’s behavior. MEANWHILE, back on the farm. Here’s the Scarlet Tanager (thanks to Jim, he took the photo). Some tulips to make you smile! Travelling with Dogs - Notes from the Road. We have just returned from a little more than two weeks on the road with our dogs. Three of us and three dogs packed into a van with luggage and accessories necessary for our dogs and dog agility. We drove more than 1500 kilometers from Victoria, BC Canada down to Santa Rosa, CA in the USA and back again. Our travels sometimes required more than 7 hours driving in a single day.

Although I am grateful for all of the training and work with did with our dogs prior to leaving on this trip, being on the road provides its challenges and opportunities. Weather, road conditions, destinations, and schedules will all present various challenges when travelling with our dogs. And that is to say nothing of the unanticipated things that might crop up. Perhaps the most important thing for us to consider on a trip like this is that our dogs will need some help understanding what is going on. Home away from home There is one place our dogs spent much of their time while we were on the road.

Out and about. 12 urgences vétérinaires. Qu’est ce qu’une urgence vétérinaire ? Comment pouvez vous savoir si votre chien est dans un état qui nécessite des soins d’urgence à 1 heure du matin ou si son problème peut attendre le lendemain matin ? Cet article va parler des urgences vétérinaires les plus graves et les plus fréquentes. Il est loin d’être exhaustif car il y a beaucoup trop de situations d’urgence pour toutes les énumérer et certaines urgences se déclarent brusquement sans signaux d’alerte préalables. Beaucoup de situations d’urgence sont facilement identifiables comme la perte de connaissance, la paralysie et la diarrhée hémorragique par exemple. Cependant, certains problèmes urgents pouvant mettre la vie du chien en péril, tels que les ballonnements, peuvent débuter par des symptômes qui ne semblent pas très importants.

Plusieurs urgences vitales seront décrites ci-dessous. Tout d’abord, vérifier les gencives de votre chien. 1. C’est la mère de toutes les urgences vétérinaires. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Using Coconut Oil for Natural Candida Treatment as Well as Alzheimer’s. By DANICA COLLINS Did you know that an exciting new natural Candida treatment is also one of the best remedies for Alzheimer’s prevention?

Caprylic acid (a medium-chain triglyceride) is an anti-fungal agent found naturally in coconuts. It’s also the active ingredient in a new medical food validated by scientific research as an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s. The medical food is being marketed under the name Axona. Caprylic acid works by providing the brain with an alternate source of energy. Healthy brains use glucose as their main source of cellular energy. Candida: The Fungus You May Not Know You Have Caprylic acid’s potential against Alzheimer’s is highly promising. Candida albicans is a fungus (also referred to as a yeast) that causes a host of undesirable effects in the body.

Leon Chaitow, a renowned alternative health practitioner and author, says, “Candida is possibly the least understood, most widespread cause of continuing ill health currently in our midst.” Image Related Posts. The importance of preparing animals for the vet. Until recently, it was believed that animals didn’t feel pain or that they felt it differently than we do. In the past decade, research has shown that this simply isn’t true.

Our pets definitely feel pain! We have stress when thinking of going to the dentist. Our canines may not be able to build up anxiety to the thought of an upcoming appointment to the vet, but their stress levels may rise as they walk towards to the vet’s office. From his perspective, this is a place where, he’ll be carried, restrained by strangers and poked with needles, without any understanding that this is for his benefit. There was a time where animals were considered so different from humans, that many thought it unnecessary to treat them for pain. I’m certainly preaching to the choir here as I have no doubt that as animal lovers, this isn’t anything that we didn’t already know, even intuitively.

Preparing an animal for medical procedures struck me as a necessity when I first started working with my horse. How Smart Is Your Dog? Test Your Pet's Brain Power for Science - Wired Science. Brian Hare and his dog, Tasmania. Photo: Nick Pironio/Wired Is your dog a genius or a dolt? Probably both, according to biological anthropologist Brian Hare of Duke University. Dogs are astoundingly good at reading our gestures and learning words, but they totally fail at physics, Hare says. He’s not talking string theory. Most dogs are at a loss, for example, when their leash gets wound around a tree. Pony up $60 and you’ll get access to videos that walk even the most science-phobic dog owner through a series of simple experiments that assess things like navigation, memory, and empathy. Hare and his wife and collaborator Vanessa Woods have also written a book on dog cognition, The Genius of Dogs: How Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think.

Last week Wired visited Hare’s laboratory at Duke to ask him about his new company, what makes dogs smart and how much most dog owners know about their own best friends. Wired: What do dogs do that’s smart? Wired: In what ways are they dumb? Diouk & Diablo. Remise en cause du système hiérarchique chez les chiens ? Remise en cause du système hiérarchique chez les chiens ? Aujourd’hui, je vous propose un billet un peu particulier, réfléchissons mes bons, et admettons ensemble que parfois, il faut se remettre en cause, remettre en question sa propre vérité pour aller faire un tour dans la vérité des autres, pour cela, parlons un peu d’Alexandra Semyonova.

Alexandra Semyonova est diplômée en sciences sociales et comportementales, comme elle le dit elle-même dans l’introduction de son livre, The 100 Silliest Things People Say About Dogs, elle a appliqué tous les principes admis en laboratoire sur son chien adulte, la récompense pour les bons comportements. Certaines conclusions de ce livre sont parfaitement en accord avec ce que nous pensons, c’est à dire que le système social des chiens n’est pas fondé sur la domination par la force ou par l’agressivité, et que les chiens, par leur langage, évitent d’eux-mêmes les conflits.

Des preuves à l'encontre de la théorie de la hierarchie de dominance by L. Remise en cause du système hiérarchique (suite) - Incident avec Lili. Remise en cause du système hiérarchique (suite) - Incident avec Lili Aujourd’hui, un billet un peu particulier, car un incident s’est produit hier. Commençons si vous le voulez bien, car ce n’est pas sans lien avec l’incident en question, par poursuivre le billet du 23 juin 2011 concernant la remise en compte radicale du système hiérarchique et du fait même que le chien soit un animal de meute par Alexandra Semyonova. Vous pouvez retrouver ce billet ici : Dans ce nouveau billet, je me propose de vous donner ma vision des choses concernant les prédispositions du chien à vivre en meute et le système hiérarchique.L’avis que j’ai de ces différentes notions n’est évidemment pas inné, il est le fruit d’une documentation poussée, de discussions avec des professionnels, mais aussi d’une observation au quotidien.

Nous avons donc un groupe de neuf individus capables à la fois de cohabiter et de communiquer un minimum. Alors, vrai ou faux ? Un chef, quel chef ? Prévention de la morsure, un cas d'étude. Bonjour, je veux faire un jeu. Émotions et sentiments. Retour sur les signaux d'apaisement. Le côté clair et le côté obscur. Le chiot. DogNostcs eLearning. Teaching Impulse Control. DogNostcs eLearning. Teaching Impulse Control. Blog | Ad cAnes | Association de protection animale. Les chiens et la canicule | Mon Boule et Bill. Pour ou contre l’utilisation du collier étrangleur? - Daubigny. Clickety Dog at Pet School - train your perfect puppy - App Trailer. » Blog Archive » It’s Here! CPDT-KA Fundamentals… (632) Kathrine Breeden - Messages. E-Training for Dogs - Online Dog Training Class | Puppy Dog Training Online | Search and Rescue Dog Training.

CPDT-KA Exam Study Course. When it's even too hot for a dog to swim outside! Le clicker, c’est quoi cette bête ? | Stealthily. A Dog's Journey LLC - home. (143) Ameline Renier - Messages. Haiko, le Jack Russell qui a plus d'un tour dans son sac ! Jack russell : Amazing dog tricks 2. Education Canine: Introduction à la méthode Clicker. Renforcement positif - concepts de base. Renforcement positif - concepts de base. Assis et coucher, techniques de base au clicker. Éducation Canine Sébastien Larabée | Articles, vidéos et nouvelles sur l'éducation canine.

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Do Dogs Actually Use Color Vision? 3 Great Uses of a Dog Head Collar. 10 Tips For Current and Future Puppy Owners That Want to Train the Perfect Dog. Marc Bekoff - Animal Behavior and Emotions. To shock or not to shock: There is no question - Arlington Animal Advocacy. Éducateur canin Montréal: désensibilisation d'un chien à la piscine! Moral behavior in animals. Your Dog Is a Copycat. Teaching a Puppy To Walk Nicely Part One.

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Family Paws-New parent classes dog and baby. Seattle DogSpot, Digging Up What Dogs Dig | Seattle Dog Spot. Dog Milk: Modern Dog Blog with Modern Dog Beds, Dog Tags & Collars. Man cross-Bred Labrador and Poodle into Labradoodle, Regret. Family Paws-New parent classes dog and baby. Dr. Becker Discusses Pyometra or Uterine Disease. Treatment of Food Aggression in Dogs is About Finesse, Not Force. The Pet Professional Guild. Why is +R So Powerful In Training. Puppy Class & Free Puppy Socialization Class 7/20/13. The Stink On Tripe - Panse verte qui pue. What is a “pit bull”? | Happy Pit Bull.

Top 7 Worst Dog Food Brands - Holistic And Organix Pet Shoppe.