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Covenant Psychiatric & Mental Health

Covenant Psychiatric & Mental Health Services is a provider of behavioral therapy and mental health services in Hyattsville, Maryland. Our mission is to provide a peaceful and serene environment where you can feel comfortable and secure.

Dangers of Relying on Alcohol for Deal With Anxiety. In movies, it’s all too common to see depressed and anxious characters turn to alcohol for relief.

Dangers of Relying on Alcohol for Deal With Anxiety

Unfortunately, this is also true for real-life individuals. How often have you turned to alcohol to relieve your anxiety? How often have drunk yourself into a stupor just to forget the stress of life? During the pandemic, how often did you find yourself reaching for a bottle of alcohol? If you imagined various scenarios where you did all of these, you’re not alone – especially if you are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Once the alcohol wears off, you’re bound to experience an even worse case of anxiety due to changes in the brain’s serotonin levels. Can Cold Showers Relieve Anxiety? There have been many discussions about the benefits of taking cold showers, but recently, experts have been debating over its role in anxiety treatment when used as water/hydrotherapy.

Can Cold Showers Relieve Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental health condition that causes excessive worries for an individual and can be treated with the right mental health service in Hyattsville, Maryland. Often, complementary therapies may offer help, too. And this is where cold showers are said to be beneficial. It has been proven that cold showers can help improve blood circulation in the body. By lowering your body temperature, your system responds by moving fresh blood through your body. Anxiety causes an increase in blood pressure, so in theory, a cold shower may help bring it down. Another way cold showers can help is by increasing endorphin levels in your brain, which eases symptoms of depression and anxiety. Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The National Institute of Mental Health defines post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a disorder that develops in people who have gone through a traumatic event.

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Individuals with PTSD may feel afraid and may experience sensations like flashbacks, especially if they encounter fear triggers. These fear-triggers are the mind’s way of protecting a person from further harm. Almost everyone will experience various reactions post-trauma. Some may need professional psychiatric treatment in Fort Washington, Maryland, but most people are able to recover from the initial symptoms naturally. To be diagnosed with PTSD, an individual must have all of the following symptoms: PTSD can be treated by ways of medication and seeking professional mental health service in Hyattsville, Maryland. Why Do People Get Addicted to Drugs? The reasons behind drug addiction may vary from person to person.

Why Do People Get Addicted to Drugs?

But somehow, the same root pattern can be traced. It usually starts in the brain where a compulsion of some sort tricks people into trying something “new,” feed their curiosity, or simply escape reality for pleasure. When Is It Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Many of us have experienced obsessing over different kinds of things, even those that are very unimportant.

When Is It Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

When this happens, we usually feel uneasy and anxious. But how do we know if our obsessive behavior already crossed the ‘normal’ line? Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and ritualized, repetitive behaviors that a person feels compelled to do or perform. When a person has OCD, obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors tend to become so consuming that they interfere with his or her daily life. That person may also recognize that his or her obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational and unfounded. When self-remedies don’t help with your obsessive-compulsive behavior, cognitive-behavioral therapy is often resorted to as it is found to be the most effective treatment for such.

How Full Are You? Guide to Surviving Tough Times. Because of recent events, we find ourselves running on empty – physically, emotionally, and mentally.

How Full Are You? Guide to Surviving Tough Times

When we first started the year, many of us had high expectations. We had a list of things planned out. We even had this desire to do better. Unfortunately, what’s happening right now is nowhere near our expectations. The sudden change has left some of us all skittering and so woefully unprepared to deal with the situation. Fill yourself with healthy meals and plenty of waterExercise every day to clear your mind and keep your body limberLearn new things and engage in activities that you enjoyCreate a routine and stick to it to maintain structure and orderAvoid letting social media saturate your daily routine.

A Simple Guide to Talking About Your Mental Health. Getting the courage to get a psychiatric treatment in Fort Washington, Maryland is difficult.

A Simple Guide to Talking About Your Mental Health

But, opening up to your family and friends about your mental health is even more so. Societal stigmas and mental health are so intricately entwined that it’s difficult for those who are struggling with mental health problems to open up. Many feel that if they do talk about it, they will be negatively judged and even shunned by their peers. Worse, their concerns may be shrugged off and deemed as unimportant. Things that Negatively Impact Your Mental Health. If you or someone you love suffers from a mental health illness, it is always important to seek psychiatric treatment in Fort Washington, Maryland as soon as possible.

Things that Negatively Impact Your Mental Health

The condition can be more manageable early on. Alcohol Rehabilitation: How to Stay Sober. Types of Prescription Drugs that Can Cause Overdose. Prescription drugs are prescribed by doctors to cure a person’s illness or disease.

Types of Prescription Drugs that Can Cause Overdose

However, some people abuse these prescription drugs. Simple Tips to Look After Your Mental Health. Your mental health is as important as your physical health, so you should put enough effort into looking after it.

Simple Tips to Look After Your Mental Health

To ensure your mental well-being, you need proper self-care measures and the assistance of a mental health service in Hyattsville, Maryland. If you are set on taking care of your mental health, here are some effective self-care tips that you can follow with ease: Take a day off to relax.When you are too stressed, you won’t be productive at work, school, or even at home. If you take the time to recharge your energy and motivation, you would be able to give your body sufficient time to catch up. You won’t have to worry about getting physically sick in the future.Inject a little “me” time in your daily schedule.Don’t think that you need a vacation just to have a “me” time. Key Points to Know About Opioid Abuse. Opioids are substances that are commonly derived from the opium poppy. What to Do When a Loved One Is Drinking Too Much.

How to Deal with Depressive Episodes. Living with depression is challenging. You need more than just a professional mental health service in Hyattsville, Maryland. A support circle and proper self-care measures can help you through. If you keep having depressive episodes, here are the things you can do: Breathe, and don’t panicDepression starts with a tinge of sadness.