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Somewhat Quirky. Project EH. Define Project Eh? Project Eh is one that you think may be a fail, then you think may be not too bad. But it certainly isn't great. But I don't want to put any more work in it - for now. Would I buy it if I saw it in a store? Certainly not. I just DO NOT LIKE IT when something that seems like it should be easy turns into something not so easy. I have these cardboard letters.

Because this is my self-proclaimed "poop or get off the pot" week regarding my Pinterest inspirations I thought maybe I would do the same with at least one of my letters. Inspiration #1 I think that the pin I had on this said something like "make design from glue and paint everything one color. Inspiration #2 This IS done with glue - covered with foil - antiqued with shoe polish. UPDATE NOTE: This is NOT done with Elmers glue. Inspiration for Inspiration #2 This is the original tutorial for The Art Club's project. Now to what I did. Here is where the battery on my camera went out.

Let it dry for a while. Stamped Metal Tags from Coke Cans! Bottle Cap Tray. *Edited 1/5/13* Hello everyone! First of all, I am glad so many people have enjoyed this project. When I did it and wrote the tutorial over 2 years ago, I never thought it would be my number 1 hit project to date. A lot of you have asked questions here in the comments and emailed me with particular unforeseen problems and I have tried my best to come up with solutions and ideas to remedy these problems. And a lot of you have had success, even using other things than bottlecaps, which is great! If you plan to do this project, be aware that it is not a thrifty project...however it can be....bottle caps are are recycled, trays can be found on sale....but the acrylic water, while not super expensive, is not exactly cheap.

I like using trays for various tasks around the house and was on the look out for one to keep my coffee station area nice and tidy. Thankfully it did! I started laying the caps in and played around with the pattern until I was happy. Thanks for stopping by! *Edited* Happy Money Saver.