Cotten Schmidt, L.L.P.
We are attacking your legal problems with next-level analysis, purposeful strategy and attention to detail. Our firm is driven by unique principles and our staff is characterized by professionalism and legal experience in order to provide loyal, confidential assistance and high performance to our clients.
Premises & Products Liability. Personal Injury Defense. Personal Injury. Oil and Gas / Energy. Mass Torts and Toxic Tort Litigation. Health Care Law. Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) Family Law & Divorce. Estate Planning. Environmental Litigation. Employment Law. Construction Law. Condemnation. Commercial Litigation. Class Actions. Business Law and Business Transactions. Practice Area. Arbitration and Mediation. Appellate Practice. Admiralty and Maritime. Cotten Schmidt, L.L.P. Don't believe these myths about a Houston commercial litigation attorney. Benefits of Hiring Corpus Christi Maritime attorney.
Things to consider while choosing the best Houston law firms. Legal representation in commercial disputes in Houston. What do maritime attorneys do? Firms with the best Houston law reputation. Appellate Practice.