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Statistics. Facebook Says It Now Has 350 Million Mobile Users, Up 100 Million From March. Facebook Says It Now Has 350 Million Mobile Users, Up 100 Million From March Facebook said 350 million of its 800 million monthly active users access the service through mobile devices today in an update today to its statistics page.

Facebook Says It Now Has 350 Million Mobile Users, Up 100 Million From March

The last time it spoke about this number was back in March, when it said it had 250 million monthly active mobile users. Our app tracking service AppData does record actives for Facebook’s different smartphone apps. Since Facebook is likely one of the most, if not the most, popular smartphone app in the world excluding China, its growth can be used as a proxy for developers interested in the market size of each platform. We went through our service AppData to compile the following figures. Facebook for Android is showing five times as high a growth rate as iOS with nearly 1.5 million users becoming monthly active users every single week. > Continue reading on Inside Mobile Apps. Sponsored Post Hands-On Social Media Training for Beginners.

Facebook Changes Again: Everything You Need To Know. As we predicted, Mark Zuckerberg's keynote at the f8 conference in San Francisco Thursday introduced some of the most profound changes seen on Facebook since its inception.

Facebook Changes Again: Everything You Need To Know

So many changes, in fact, that it can be hard to keep track. So here's a handy-dandy guide. 1. You're going to get a Timeline — a scrapbook of your life. In a complete overhaul of its ever-evolving profile page, Facebook is introducing Timeline. The further back in Timeline you go, the more Facebook will compress the information so that you're only seeing the most interesting parts of your history.

Timeline is in beta now, and will be opt-in to start. 2. So you'll start seeing the option to tell the world you're Reading a particular book, for example, or Watching a given movie, or Listening to a certain tune. 3. But you don't have to worry about this app stuff clogging your news feed, because ... 4. 5. The upshot: a brand-new kind of media-based peer pressure. Facebook F8, tout ce que vous devez savoir ! Kriisiis vous livre son avis. Hier Facebook vous promettait des nouveautés lors de l’événement Facebook F8 !

Facebook F8, tout ce que vous devez savoir ! Kriisiis vous livre son avis

Malheureusement, je n’ai pu assister à la conférence en direct mais je me suis rabattu sur l’exemple article de The Next Web. Il semblerait que le discours mené par Facebook n’a pas déçu à en croire ma timeline sur Twitter ! Dans cet article je vais reprendre les idées importantes annoncées dans The Next Web correspondant aux nouvelles annoncées par la société. La journée a commencé, assez curieusement, avec une introduction comique de la part de Andy Samberg prétendant être Mark Zuckerberg. Il a plaisanté en annonçant que Facebook ne compte plus ses utilisateurs, car ces derniers sont devenus trop nombreux… Au début de la Keynote, nous apprenons qu’un demi-milliard de personnes utilisent Facebook dans une journée.

Entrons dans les détails. Facebook a annoncé le début de sa « Timeline », ce qu’il appelle « story of your life ». Voici à quoi cela ressemble : Netflix s’annonce également comme un partenaire.