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Gnuplot homepage. Gnuplotting · Create scientific plots using Gnuplot. Gnuplot tips (not so Frequently Asked Questions) Parametric (E) In the usual 2-dimensional plot of gnuplot, the Y coordinate is expressed by y=f(x), however you can also use a parametric expression which uses the parameter , x = f(t) y = g(t) With this expression, more complicated functions can be plotted with gnuplot. Note that the 3-dim. plot with two parameters is given in the spherical harmonics section.

The most simple but it is impossible to express by the y=f(x) form is a vertical line which is x=const. This function can be written as: x=const y=t with the parameter , when is varied. Gnuplot> set parametric dummy variable is t for curves, u/v for surfaces gnuplot> const=3 gnuplot> set trange [1:4] gnuplot> set xrange [0:5] gnuplot> set yrange [0:5] gnuplot> plot const,t In this case the vertical line is draw at x=3.

The parametric expression of a circle is x=sin(t) y=cos(t) and the circle can be drawn if one changes the parameter from 0 to 2pi. X=r(t)*cos(t) y=r(t)*sin(t) The circle is a special case of which r(t)=const. How to Draw Gears in Inkscape. Steps 1Start with the gears effect included in Inkscape. For the current version 0.46 you can find it in Effects > Render > Gears. In the upcoming 0.47 it was moved to Extensions > Render > Gears. Adjust parameters (with Live Preview enabled to see their effect in real time) and you will get a toothed wheel. 11You may want to increase the complexity further by adding some parallel gears, which may have their own parameters (as long as they are not coupled with the initial gears). Method 1 of 3: Coloring the gears - Golden 1Now we will make the gears "real", emulating a metallic surface, like gold (or call it bronze, the process is about the same). 2Define the color. 5Add some more gears (all your golden gears).Note the usefulness of the drop shadow, without it it would be hard to set apart the gear from the background, now they are distinct objects.

Method 2 of 3: Coloring the gears - Steel 7Distribute the screws evenly (or randomly if you feel like it) and it's done! 13Soften the focus.