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10 Tips on Maximizing Laptop Battery Performance. I am on the planes a decent amount of the time (100,000 miles by late May) and tend to spend a chunk of my flights using my laptop.

10 Tips on Maximizing Laptop Battery Performance

Most of the time it’s productive, but it can also include a DVD or the occasional game (either Nethack or Battle for Middle-Earth 2, which are obviously similar). When I was a-hunting for a laptop, battery life was a key criterion in my selection process, as was weight. While I like my Vaio VGN SZ-160P, the standard battery was lasting about 3 hours (the extended life clocks in under six hours before my tweaks), not enough for the SFO-JFK route (now switching to SFO-EWR as a default due to Manhattan traffic, which is a huge bummer because United’s P.S. flights have standard AC outlets on board).

So I did a lil’ Googlin’ for tips on extending battery life, and I found them all pretty, well, lacking. Stuff like “don’t try to do real-time 3d rendering” or “fully charge up your battery before flying.” Key to this process is having some good methodology. Ian's Shoelace Site - Introduction. Fun, fashion & science in the Internet's #1 website about shoelaces.

Ian's Shoelace Site - Introduction

Whether you want to learn to lace shoes, tie shoelaces, stop shoelaces from coming undone, calculate shoelace lengths or even repair aglets, Ian's Shoelace Site has the answer! You can find out more about this site, or you can dive right in below. Table of Contents Lacing Shoes Are all of your shoes, sneakers and boots still laced up the way they were when you bought them? Tying Shoelaces Most people learn how to tie their shoelaces around the age of five. The "Granny Knot" Do your shoelace bows sit vertically instead of across the shoe? Shoelace Lengths The rhetorical question: "How long is a piece of string? " Tips of Shoelaces = Aglets Many people search for shoelace "tips" or "ends" because they want to know the name of the plastic or metal bits at the ends of shoelaces. Shoelace Tips, Hints & Ideas This section contains all sorts of tips, hints and ideas about shoelaces.

Shoelace Marketplace. Main Page. A beginner's guide to Facebook for non- I've always been interested in social networking sites like Myspace, Twitter and LinkedIn.

A beginner's guide to Facebook for non-

But lately, I've been spending quite some time on another social site which I've found to be quite worthy of my time and yours. If you haven't guessed it yet, I'm talking about Facebook. This powerful networking service is not just for individuals like me to keep in touch with friends. It's a very effective networking tool for nonprofits to create awareness and connect with their community.

In this post, I'll take you through a beginner's guide to get your non-profit on Facebook and ways to effectively use this tool. So what exactly is Facebook? FaceBook is a social networking site that allows users to connect and share information. " FaceBook is an Internet site that allows users to post online profiles (including photos, information about themselves, etc.) and then connect to other users who share the same interests, experiences, etc. How to get started? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.