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One Laptop Per Child -- XO Giving. Non-Profit Tech Blog » Philanthropy and Nonprofit Top 25 List - So what happened to September’s list? Consider September’s list to be the prototype for an upcoming list that I will present shortly. I’ve made some radical changes to this list in order to accommodate my new criteria. This list includes the following criteria: you must be a nonprofit or you must be a non-profit that is intricately involved with nonprofit work such as volunteermatch.orgyou must be listed in GuideStar. you must be listed in Quantcast The visitor figures are an average from the latest figures from Compete and Quantcast. I basically took the Quantcast list and started from the top searching for .org domains. Without further ado, here’s the list: As you can see, the Wikimedia Foundation and PBS are the only nonprofit entities that have more than one URL in the top 25. There are lots of surprises here for me. Clinton Global Initiative -- Q&A with Chuck Har. As I've learned over the last few days, the Clinton Global Initiative is all about partnerships, hybrid funding models, and blurring of lines.

One such model, SeaChange Capital Partners, is being developed by Charles Harris, a former managing director at Goldman Sachs. I met Harris on the first day of the conference, and we spent ten minutes chatting about his new venture. Philanthropy News Digest: How did you got interested in the nonprofit sector? Chuck Harris: Well, the first thing I would say is that education opened up a world of opportunities for me. So I come to this with a deep appreciation of what educational opportunity can do for somebody. But as I was getting to the end of my banking career, I became more active philanthropically, mostly giving to educational programs and schools.

PND: What do you mean by “funding dilemma”? PND: What was the mechanism you came up with to address the problem? PND: How will you identify the nonprofits you plan to help? CH: We’ll do that. Impact Channel. You say tomato, I say tomah-to... Submit Story | Doing your part for the environment (and your bottom line)! Buzz! News onPhilanthropy: New Clinton Metric: People Reached (N.