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Cigars & Pipes

Facebook Twitter Cheap Humidors Hydra Electronic Humidifier. Description: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I give to you the most amazing cigar humidification device ever created.

Cheap Humidors Hydra Electronic Humidifier

It is called the Hydra Electronic Humidifier and this baby packs quite a punch. The Hydra is small enough to fit in a medium 75 cigar humidor, yet large enough to humidify up to 8 cubic feet. Canada Humidor. Absolute Cigars. - welcome. Cigar Aficionado. The Stogie Guys Blowin Smoke on Everything Cigars cigar reviews, news and commentary 7 days a week. Cuban Cigars Reviews & Ratings. Pipes By Design. Cuban Cigars Online. Epicure Cigar & Pipe. Cuban Cigars from the Calgary Cigar Company. Shefield & Sons Tobacconists since 1978. The Humidor -