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Find a DSW store. Jack's World. New York Pratique. Si vous avez des questions relatives au blog, il est fort probable que la FAQ y réponde déjà. Cependant, comprenant qu'un blog, c'est bien, mais fouiller dans les archives, ça équivaut a quelques nuits blanches, vous trouverez ici une liste pointant vers des articles utiles du blog. Preparez votre voyage Article tres pratique pour completer la serie des ze-fais-comment-dis-madame-euh pour venir aux Z'Etats-Zunis-euh. Chercher un billet d'avion, faire ou pas la demande d'un visa, est ce que je peux emporter le saucisson que j'aime tant avec moi (la reponse est non pour le saucisson) et qu'est ce qui ferait plaisir a des francais a qui vous rendez visite (lire France mon amour) Etudier à New York En grande université, en séjour linguistique ou en stage, quelques pistes pour débroussailler le monde hostile de la paperasse et de la préparation.

J'ai aussi ecrit un article sur comment rediger son CV a l'americaine, si vous vous demandiez. Vetements, souvenirs, deco... Woodbury Common Premium Outlets. Visiter New York — Informations pratique pour visiter New York. NYC’s 5 Best Thrift Shops. Sure, in New York City, shopping can be fairly self-indulgent – not to mention pricey. If you’re smart about it, however, you can make it a cost-effective and altruistic hobby. Manhattan is packed with thrift stores that use the sale of used/donated merchandise to support local charities. Here’s where to start. By Kimberly Rae Miller. More: The 5 Best Vintage Clothing Shops In The East Village Spence-Chapin Thrift Shop Photo Credit: Spence Chapin 1850 2nd Ave New York, NY 10128 (212) The location of this thrift store at 96th Street makes it prime for amazing labels at discounted prices.

Angel Street Thrift Shop (credit: Angel Street Thrift Shop) 118 W 17th St New York, NY 10011 (212) If Chelsea is more your speed, check out the Angel Street Thrift Shop. Arthritis Thrift Shop (file photo credit: Clip Art) 1383 Third Avenue New York, NY 10021 (212) 772-8816 This shop is small, and more of an adventure to rummage through. Housing Works. Top 25 New York Shopping Destinations - New York City Visitors Guide - Tourism. 40 free things to do in New York City. Seeing the bulk of New York City's biggest attractions can mean spending a hefty chunk of a trip's budget on tickets. Empire State Building? $27. The Met? $25. The Guggenheim and the Whitney go for $22 and $20, respectively.

Even the Frick is $20. Free New York travelers, get busy! 1. One of Lower Manhattan's most fascinating, and controversial, stories of recent years circulates around the new African Burial Ground National Monument site. 2. Brooklyn Brewery. Free tours of Williamsburg's Brooklyn Brewery run on the hour from 1-5pm Saturday, 1-4pm Sunday. 79 N 11th St, Williamsburg, Brooklyn. 3. Imagine mosaic. It doesn't take brilliant travel minds to tell you that a park is free to visit – most parks are. 4. New York's most concentrated area for a gallery crawl is in Chelsea, mostly in the 20s Streets between 10th and 11th Avenues. 5. City Hall. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The ferry to Governor's Island is free, as is access to the 172-acre island which opened to the public only in 2003. 12.