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Toxics and Endangered Species. The industrial age has brought millions of pounds of toxic contaminants into our environment. Pollution, synthetic chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals and even chemicals from household products are now pervasive in our water, air and soil. This toxic legacy poisons wildlife and our future. Widespread toxic contamination of ecosystems and exposure to wildlife is well documented. A 10-year government study revealed that more than 90 percent of the nation’s tested waters and fish are contaminated with pesticides. These chemicals also make their way into people’s water supplies, significantly affecting our health. The Center’s Toxics and Endangered Species Campaign employs a broad range of tools to reduce the harmful impacts of toxic contamination from pesticides, endocrine disruptors, lead, mercury, coal, uranium mining and fracking.

Pesticides Pesticides, by design, are toxic to plants and wildlife. Endocrine Disruptors Lead We also work to clean up historic lead pollution. Mercury Coal. Monde, Nos civilisations se dirigent vers un effondrement irréversible des écosystèmes terrestres. La course apparemment irréversible à l'effondrement de la biosphère. Jean-Paul Baquiast 29/06/2012 Dans un article que nous avons publié par ailleurs, s'intéressant aux questions méthodologiques concernant es sciences de la prévision, nous avons signalé qu'une équipe pluridisciplinaire internationale suggèrait que les écosystèmes de la planète seraient engagés dans une course irréversible à l'effondrement.

Celui-ci signerait nécessairement la fin des civilisations humaines telles que nous les connaissons (Voir en référence ci-dessous: Nature: Approaching a state-shift in Earth’s biosphere). Ce n'est pas le premier des diagnostics inquiétants concernant l'avenir de la biosphère que nous présentons sur notre site, tous émanant de scientifiques confirmé bien d'ailleurs que certains lecteurs nous reprochent une propension au catastrophisme. Néanmoins l'originalité des méthodes employées par cette équipe comme la diversité des sources utilisées conduisent à prendre très au sérieux ce nouvel avertissement.

Recommandations Références Ref.: Anthony D. Giraffes? Horses?? 20 Animals You Didn't Know Are Going Extinct. When it comes to the Endangered Species List, some animals stand out as celebrities: polar bears, giant pandas, rhinos, snow leopards... But sadly, the list is so extensive that there are many species you may never have suspected are endangered. Here are twenty of them. An icon of the African plains and a necessity in any wildlife documentary about lions going a' huntin', the zebra is actually in trouble. Well, really, it's the Grevy's zebra. Robert Lancione via Wikipedia Creative Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0 We wouldn't think of peacocks as endangered, considering you can find them in any wildlife park, petting zoo and even random farms across the country.

Tomaszw28/CC BY-SA 3.0 Giraffes are practically part of the landscape of Africa, standing tree-like in the grasslands. Jerry Oldenettel/CC BY 2.0 Though you may see a flock around that sugar-water feeder you set out, quite a few hummingbird species are actually listed as endangered by IUCN. Canorus/CC BY 3.0 Horses?!? Ruestz/CC BY-SA 3.0 No! Approaching a state shift in Earth’sbiosphere. En Amazonie, la plupart des extinctions sont à venir. Les 10 espèces les plus menacées en 2010. Les 10 espèces les plus menacées de disparaître de notre belle planète sont connues, pour certaines très connues, comme le panda ou le tigre, et pour d’autres moins, tel le magnifique papillon monarque. Il est urgent de les protéger. Des animaux souvent symboliques, parfois attachants, et, qui, si on ne fait rien rapidement, disparaîtront de notre Terre.

Changement climatique, braconnage, surpêche : les menaces qui pèsent sur eux sont trop nombreuses. Le WWF publiait en 2013 sa liste des espèces les plus menacées. On estime qu’il reste uniquement 3 200 tigres vivant dans le monde à l’état sauvage. Sur les 8 sous-espèces de tigres, seules 5 sous-espèces sont encore existantes : le tigre du Bengale (Inde, Bangladesh et Népal) (photo), le tigre de l’Amour (Sibérie), le tigre de l’Indochine, le tigre de Sumatra (Indonésie) et le tigre de Chine.

Et pour les 3 dernières « races » citées, seules quelques centaines de tigres vivent encore à l’état sauvage… La sélection de consoGlobe. Earth Blog: EARTH MEANDERS: U.S. Abrupt Climate Change 2012: Where Will You Be the Day Earth’s Death Became Unavoidable? The world’s and especially America’s environment has gone mad during the summer of 2012. Abrupt climate change is clearly upon us, and life-giving ecosystems are visibly failing, portending doom for our shared biosphere, all life, and humanity. Given overshoot of ecological boundaries, and failure to pursue concerted national and global sustainable development and ecological sustainability policy, 2012 may well be the year Earth’s death through collapse of its one shared biosphere becomes inevitable.

By Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological InternetEarth Meanders come from Earth's Newsdesk Abrupt Climate Change Is Now Fundamentally the meaning of life is ecosystems [search]. Earth's biosphere - the thin mantle of life from underground to the top of the atmosphere, which self-regulates the Earth System to keep it habitable - is collapsing.

U.S. It is the nature of ecological systems that damage done today is not fully realized for decades. Green Libertarianism: Being Green While Remaining Free. Mass extinctions linked to climate change are already underway. Context We are currently witnessing a mass extinction event, the sixth of such thought to have occurred in the Earth’s history. Mass extinctions were responsible for the demise of marine organisms more than 400 million years ago and the fall of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago – an event which led to the ascent of modern-day mammals. The causes of these historical extinctions can only be guessed at based on geological records. But, the result then – as now – is a sharp reduction in global diversity of plant and animal species.

The current round of mass extinctions may be triggered by a combination of human-related environmental and ecosystem impacts, experts contend. In addition, climate change is surfacing as a main threat to global biodiversity. While there is much debate on the cause of climate change, most scientists agree that the earth’s climate is changing at an accelerated pace. Typically, scientists rely on models to predict the types and rates of extinctions. Extinction de masse annoncée pour les espèces sauvages.

Par: Caroline Albert 28/01/13 - 15h01 © reuters. Les scientifiques lancent un cri d'alerte: un cinquième des vertébrés - dont le panda, le tigre et le rhinocéros noir - sont menacés d'extinction dans un avenir proche. De nombreuses espèces disparaissent avant même d'être découvertes, mais d'autres plus connues vivent également les dernières décennies de leur existence. © afp. © getty. D'après cette nouvelle étude, publiée dans le magazine Science, la crise qui touche la faune est grave et est susceptible de s'aggraver à cause du changement climatique.

Aux Etats-Unis

ARKive - Discover the world's most endangered species. Wildscreen's Arkive project was launched in 2003 and grew to become the world's biggest encyclopaedia of life on Earth. With the help of over 7,000 of the world’s best wildlife filmmakers and photographers, conservationists and scientists, featured multi-media fact-files for more than 16,000 endangered species. Freely accessible to everyone, over half a million people every month, from over 200 countries, used Arkive to learn and discover the wonders of the natural world. Since 2013 Wildscreen was unable to raise sufficient funds from trusts, foundations, corporates and individual donors to support the year-round costs of keeping Arkive online.

Therefore, the charity had been using its reserves to keep the project online and was unable to fund any dedicated staff to maintain Arkive, let alone future-proof it, for over half a decade. Despite appeals for support, just 85 of our 5.6 million users in 2018 made a donation. Espèces menacées et animaux en voie de disparition.