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See Better to Learn Better wins Index Award. Customisable, almost unbreakable and free of charge: Yves Béhar’s spectacle for Mexican children just won Index Award.

See Better to Learn Better wins Index Award

We are happy to learn that “See Better to learn better” by Yves Béhar, a project we published in Abitare 504, was just won Index Award 2011. Eyesight problems cause learning difficulties in 11% of Mexican schoolchildren: they cannot see the blackboard properly or in some cases even the books on their desks.

Most families simply cannot afford to buy glasses for their children, a problem which is compounded by the particular social stigma attached to children wearing glasses in this country and the perception of poor eyesight here as a handicap. Béhar drew on sports goggles technology in his design for the rubbery, virtually unbreakable flexi-frames, but has managed to manufacture them at a much lower cost thanks to new specially created machinery. Chili peppers’ surprising pain relief. This post is brought to you by Columbia Pictures "Moneyball" Human beings are supposed to avoid chili peppers.

Chili peppers’ surprising pain relief

The fruit contains a fiery irritant, called capsaicin. It’s so strong that one milligram of the flavorless white crystalline stuff placed in your palm burns like a lighted cigarette, and the pain lasts for hours. African fossils put new spin on human origins story. 8 September 2011Last updated at 15:00 By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News Professor Chris Stringer, with the help of a cast of a fossil skull, describes the similarities that this species has with modern humans The ancient remains of two human-like creatures found in South Africa could change the way we view our origins.

African fossils put new spin on human origins story

The 1.9-million-year-old fossils were first described in 2010, and given the species name Australopithecus sediba. But the team behind the discovery has now come back with a deeper analysis. It tells Science magazine that features seen in the brain, feet, hands and pelvis of A. sediba all suggest this species was on the direct evolutionary line to us - Homo sapiens. Google Details Electricity Usage of Its Data Centers. Video: Bringing Clean Water to Kenya - Health - GOOD. Marco Casagrande. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Marco Casagrande

Casagrande est né d'une famille finno-italienne catholique aisée[1]. Il fut élevé à Ylitornio, en Laponie finlandaise, avant de suivre des études d'architecture à Helsinki. Mercenaire et écrivain[modifier | modifier le code] Après son service militaire, Casagrande se porte volontaire en 1993 au sein des forces de défense HVO en Bosnie Croate.

Il écrit sous le pseudonyme « Luca Moconesi » le livre controversé Mostarin tien liftarit[2],[3]. Architecte et artiste[modifier | modifier le code] This Company Turns Plastic Bottles Back Into Crude Oil - Environment. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

This Company Turns Plastic Bottles Back Into Crude Oil - Environment

But if life gives you plastic? Make crude oil. Electric motor made from a single molecule. 5 September 2011Last updated at 08:56 By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News The butyl methyl sulphide molecule whips round an axis defined by its single sulphur atom (blue) Researchers have created the smallest electric motor ever devised.

Electric motor made from a single molecule

Giant crabs make Antarctic leap. 7 September 2011Last updated at 00:26 By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News The crabs are large and dominant organisms, able to crush other animals King crabs have been found on the edge of Antarctica, probably as a result of warming in the region, scientists say.

Giant crabs make Antarctic leap

Writing in the journal Proceedings B, scientists report a large, reproductive population of crabs in the Palmer Deep, a basin cut in the continental shelf. They suggest the crabs were washed in during an upsurge of warmer water. The crabs are voracious crushers of sea floor animals and will probably change the ecosystem profoundly if and when they spread further, researchers warn. Related species have been found around islands off the Antarctic Peninsula and on the outer edge of the continental shelf. But here the crabs (Neolithodes yaldwyni) are living and reproducing in abundance right on the edge of the continent itself.

Search for life The crabs and their tracks were abundant. NOTCOT.ORG. Bangladesh's 'golden fibre' comes back from the brink. 6 September 2011Last updated at 00:02 By Anbarasan Ethirajan BBC News, Dhaka.

Bangladesh's 'golden fibre' comes back from the brink

Petite Poucette, la génération mutante. Michel Serres, diplômé de l’Ecole navale et de Normale Sup, a visité le monde avant de l’expliquer à des générations d’étudiants.

Petite Poucette, la génération mutante

Historien des sciences et agrégé de philosophie, ancien compagnon de Michel Foucault, avec qui il a créé le Centre universitaire expérimental de Vincennes en 1968, il a suivi René Girard aux Etats-Unis, où il enseigne toujours, à plus de 80 ans. Ce prof baroudeur, académicien pas tout à fait comme les autres, scrute les transformations du monde et des hommes de son œil bleu et bienveillant. Son sujet de prédilection : la jeune génération, qui grandit dans un monde bouleversé, en proie à des changements comparables à ceux de la fin de l’Antiquité.

How To Calculate Lifetime Value - The Infographic. One way to analyze acquisition strategy and estimate marketing costs is to calculate the Lifetime Value (“LTV”) of a customer.

How To Calculate Lifetime Value - The Infographic

Roughly defined, LTV is the projected revenue that a customer will generate during their lifetime. In this graphic we’ll briefly cover how to calculate LTV and how to use LTV to help solidify your marketing budget.