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Cognitively Guided Instruction

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Analyzing Students Thinking. Analyzing Students’ Thinking In this chapter, we examine the type of professional development experience in which teachers analyze student thinking as revealed in students’ written assignments, think-aloud problem-solving tasks, class discussions and clinical interviews. Within this kind of professional development sessions, teachers learn to observe various types of student mathematical activity and to interpret what they observe, with the ultimate goal of enhancing their students’ learning opportunities. Theoretical rationale and empirical support In Chapter 1, we discussed the research evidence that supports teachers learning about students’ mathematical thinking. We argued that doing so can help teachers develop not only a knowledge base about students’ conceptions and problem-solving strategies that they can use in planning instruction but also skills for listening to students and interpreting their thinking.

This illustration depicts a typical 2-hour-long session in a CGI program. Direct Modeling Strategies. Maths: Solving Problems: Word and Real Life Problems. Bridges Gr 1 Supplement. CountsMathProblemBooklet.