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Interactive Art and Computational Design, Spring 2012 » MadelineGannon-3D Wolf Puppet with FaceOSC. MadelineGannon-3D Wolf Puppet with FaceOSC 3D Wolf Puppet A framework for bringing 3D mesh data from Rhino (via Grasshopper) into Processing_0195.

Interactive Art and Computational Design, Spring 2012 » MadelineGannon-3D Wolf Puppet with FaceOSC

The mesh from Rhino is exported as .txt files that contain the model’s UNIQUE VERTICES, as well as the ORDERED VERTICES needed to construct each face. .txt are then streamed from the Rhino/GH file into the sketch’s data folder. This demo uses FaceOSC to control a 3D puppet, using eyebrow and mouth data to modify the ears and jaw.


3D puppetry. We present a system for producing 3D animations using physical objects (i.e., puppets) as input.

3D puppetry

Puppeteers can load 3D models of familiar rigid objects, including toys, into our system and use them as puppets for an animation. During a performance, the puppeteer physically manipulates these puppets in front of a Kinect depth sensor. Our system uses a combination of image-feature matching and 3D shape matching to identify and track the physical puppets. It then renders the corresponding 3D models into a virtual set. Welcome — Association for Computing Machinery. Galactico.


Pearltrees videos.