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Navigating Online Spanish Immersion A Guide for Language Learners. 6 Essential Medical Spanish Verb Conjugations for Healthcare Workers in the USA. How to Manage the Most Frequently Used Verb Conjugations in Spanish for Healthcare Workers. Verbs are are the glue that hold a language together and create meaning. A pure vocabulary-based subject/noun/adjective communication style is caveman speak, and you’re way too smart for that! So, in this post we’re breaking down the 6 most common Spanish verb conjugations and verb tenses for everyday clinical settings. Of course there are more verb tenses in the Spanish language, but since your goal is not to be a Spanish linguist – you should probably focus on these first.

Take a look below! Get the full lesson notes here: Spanish Verb Tense #1 – Present Tense: Meaning: to describe everyday things that you are doing or do habitually. Conjugations: stem of the verb + the conjugations below Common Irregular verbs in the present tense: Caerse = to fall down Conocer = to know (people or places) Dar = to give Decir = to say / to tell Estar = to be (feelings, location, state of being) Hacer = to do. Fall Prevention in Spanish – Useful Vocabulary To Learn. Taking vital signs in Spanish: informing & giving results.

Do you ever have to take vital signs or communicate to your patients about them in Spanish? In the hospital setting you may have your patients hooked up to the monitors and you don’t have to explain too much except a result here and there. But if you work in the outpatient clinical setting, taking vital signs in Spanish requires handful of special instructions and vocabulary that you may not be too familiar with. I recently taught a live lesson in our Learning Medical Spanish Facebook group and I wanted to share it here too. Btw – that group is free, you just have to request access to it – go ahead and join if you’re learning medical Spanish! Here is the Vital Signs in Spanish lesson I taught to the Facebook group: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see all of our lessons and get the latest videos right away!

Download Vital Signs in Spanish Notes TODAY For example, let’s look at weighing a patient: Informing them: Bueno, sígame por favor. Common Vital Signs Verbs: Read More.

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The Importance of Medical Spanish Courses by Common Ground International. Transformative benefits of language learning for the brain. Learning another language has its challenges and its benefits! Some of the practical advantages that often arise are: better job opportunities, being able to express ourselves in another country during a visit or vacation, understanding a song, movie or book in another language, and for some, looking cool by speaking a language that sounds romantic or passionate.

But have you considered the massive brain benefits of learning another language? These benefits as we will see in this blog, give our brains enhanced capabilities, improvements, and future protection to our mental capacity as we age. Mejora de las funciones cognitivas – Enhanced Cognitive Functions: Learning a second language is like a mental workout for the brain.

Aumento de la densidad de materia gris – Increased Gray Matter Density: Neuroscientific studies have revealed that the brains of bilingual individuals boast higher gray matter density in areas associated with language processing and executive function. Exploring Spanish Immersive Adventures for Young Learners by Common Ground International. How to Measure Blood Sugar Level in Spanish. Describing the diabetic diet in Spanish Learn how to describe the diabetic diet in Spanish.

The diabetic diet basically consists of: Eating healthier foods Eating smaller amounts of food Eating on… Read More. How to discuss the 3 Ps of Nursing in Spanish. Exploring Spanish: Immersive Adventures for Young Learners. 6 Essential Medical Spanish Verb Tenses. Spanish Immersion for Educators: A Transformative Language Experience by Common Ground International.