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Portraits. Nerdy Community. Celestia: once i had a dream that my cat was working at mcdonalds w/ me and she had a lil uniform and she kept getting fur in the fries and everyone was yelling at me and saying “ur cat sucks on fries” and i was like “shes just a cat give her a break!” And i woke up crying ohmyseason6cas: ten-and-donna: emilianadarling: Well it sure did have a… …killer ending. too soon (Source: franklyrainbows) bobdoom: lunathepug: What kind of noise is that supposed to be, Luna? This is 100% worth sharing again. Afacebehindacamera: This is a ‘where are you visting from?’ (Source: consumed-wanderlust) the-one-blog-to-rule-them-all: i think it would be neat if netflix doubled as a dating site like “here are 9 other singles in your area that watched supernatural for 12 straight hours” blvckgoldenn: That one friend that acts out when boys are around aidantuurner: (Source: misterfrodo) Nice things to whisper when hugging someone yogurtville:

Skinny VS Curvy - Celebrity Body Shapes and Sizes. Bloglovin. Nfidence - wear it like Make Up. ניסיתי ליצור מראה בובתי מאיפור שראיתי, אבל לא יצא לי כ"כ.. BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS. Awake and Living. Vale Design : Freelance Package Design & Branding. Cleaning my "digital" house. As I have mentioned before, I am a streamliner. I only have a few key items in my wardrobe. I only bring items into my home if they make us happy or serve a purpose. The second an item stops meeting one of those criteria, it is out the door to Goodwill or my favorite donation center. I am very much a believer in "A cluttered desk. A cluttered mind. " That being said, I have been taking stock of my "digital" house.

Grace from Design* Sponge just wrote an amazing article on the State of the Blog Union. I am a HUGE advocate for learning. So I am cleaning my "digital" house. I re-evalauated what I am interested in right now. My results: • my twitter is now the place I slow down, find a great resource link and actually read the whole article. • my instagram contains photos that make me happy from people I love and respect. • my inbox has never been cleaner. • my rss feed is super streamlined and only shows my 6 favorites sites. Peace & hair grease. Anything but Perfect Blog — Digital Art & Printables. Hello friends, old and new! Welcome to my new digital home, a brand new space to feature, share and sell my designs. Thank you for following me over here from the old domain, Please take some time to browse around.

For those wondering “Why the rebrand?” Happy trails to the ABP mushroom mascots! I’ve maintained a website for over 13 years. In the past, there was no real goal, except to (sporadically) blog on a personal level. My most recent domain name, Anything but Perfect, was the perfect title for me when I was blogging about mom stuff, crafts & hobbies and leaving a FT corporate job. What has changed? HC is not a “rebrand” in the true sense of the word. But what about the freebies? A huge part of ABP were the freebies. I can’t find a particular freebie anymore! The ultimate goal is to rebrand and transfer (most of) the freebies from the old site, however with over 55 free printables, it’s going to take a lot of man hours to do it.

What about the ABP copyright? Get Smarter Here. All Topics - The Latest News Headlines, Videos and Images.