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Science20finalmeeting_final. [Bibliographie] Le blogging scientifique. Science 2.0. Un article de Wiki URFIST. [modifier] ouverture : l'affaire #arseniclife [modifier] Science 2.0 [modifier] Science 2.0, de quoi parle-t-on? Science 2.0 vs eScience, Open Science...[1]inclut l'Open Access? [2]adoptions et adaptations de techniques, d'outils et de manières du web 2.0 par le milieu académique / scientifique à des fins de: vulgarisation (à l'intention d'un public non scientifique ou exterieur à la discipline) communication (posters, etc., à l'intention des "pairs" ou d'un public scientifique extérieur à la discipline- cf.

Scivee) publication / recherche elle-même (pour les "pairs") [modifier] Paradoxes [modifier] Open Access / Accès Ouvert la "voie dorée" (S. Pour se tenir au courant: Open Access News / Peter Suber [modifier] Web 2.0 [modifier] exemples d'outils 2.0 Wikipedia les blogs YouTube Facebook Twitter ... pearltree Caractéristiques: partage désintermédiarisation collaboration [modifier] Essais de défnition [modifier] Science 2.0 [modifier] Quelques exemples d'outils 2.0 cf.

Et: If you build it, will they come? How researchers perceive and use web 2.0. This project looks at the extent of adoption of different web 2.0 tools in different subject fields and disciplines, and the different types of researchers who are using them. The RIN commissioned a team from Manchester eResearch Centre (MeRC), University of Manchester, and the Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation (ISSTI), University of Edinburgh, to conduct this project and the team’s own project homepage is here. The project enquires into the factors that influence researchers to adopt and use Web 2.0 tools, and conversely the factors that prevent, constrain or discourage usage.

The study also explores whether and how web 2.0 tools are changing researchers’ behaviour in significant ways, and what implications this might have for researchers, institutions, librarians, information professionals and funders. We sought evidence on whether web 2.0 tools are: The report and briefing sheet are available to download below. Article Chartron/Boudroux, 2009.