Why You Should Search for Colleges Based on What You Want. Many of us have sat down with a stack of college mail, a dozen web browser tabs, and a mental checklist of what makes a perfect school: Dad wants me to choose a local college, so I can come home on weekends.
Mom thinks I should look for cultural diversity because there’s no better time to learn about the world than in college. My advisor picked out the most academically rigorous schools in the state, so I can make my high school proud. My best friend told me to avoid his rival school because he doesn’t want to be my enemy by Christmas. If you’re familiar with this situation—or one like it—you know how bewildering it is to find a college that suits everyone’s criteria. You’ll have a lot of conflicting expectations. The initial college search can be full of conflicting expectations from people who aren’t you, the person who will actually have to live with the final decision. How to Make Freshman Year Move-In Day Go More Smoothly. Moving is always stressful, even more so when you’re moving to an entirely new place.
But there are ways of lessening that stress and making freshman year move-in day more go more smoothly than exasperating. The most important thing? Be. Prepared. Know the Details of Your Move-In Not everyone can move in at once, it would be far too chaotic and crowded. Advice for Incoming College Freshmen: Pay Attention! This past May, I graduated from college after four years of working hard, barely working, and everything in between.
My younger brother is heading into his sophomore year of college, and several friends and family have kids heading away for the first time, ready to tackle their freshman year with gusto. I can’t help but put myself in their shoes, quivering outside my freshman dorm, clutching a backpack that was half my size, waiting to see what would happen when I walked through the doors of the hall. Pay. Learning a New Language in College. The free time of every college student is significantly limited by studies.
Written assignments, reports, readings, and other tasks are an inevitable part of life during that period. Seems like the college is not the perfect time for learning a new language, right? Well, wrong. Studies have shown that the younger you are, the easier it is for you to learn a new language. After college, this ability diminishes and learning becomes harder.
How College Has Changed Since Our Parents Attended. 3 Myths about Transferring Colleges. Transferring colleges can be a stressful time as you make sure you have everything you need to make the major change.
There are a lot of myths surrounding the transfer though, so here are some things you need to know. Myth: My Credits Won’t Transfer While the myth of “My credits won’t transfer” has some truth to it, it is not the whole story. In fact, it depends on the school you originally went to as well as the school you are transferring to. Each will have different requirements regarding what classes and credits will count towards your degree.
Smart Strategies For Starting The College Search Process. Going through the websites of all the colleges in the US and short-listing those that look interesting is definitely not a smart way to go about searching for colleges.
With over 2,000 colleges across America, going through them all could take you a very, very long time. The only way to keep the college search process manageable is by putting in place smart strategies for starting the college process. Start Your College Search With A Brainstorming Session Self discovery should be your first step of the college search process. Planning on attending a particular college just because an older sibling or your best friend loved the institution is never a good idea. During your brainstorming, try and answer these questions: What in the World is Going on With the New PSAT?
Today is the day!
High school juniors (and some sophomores) who took the PSAT in October have been anxiously awaiting their scores. After all, scores were already delayed from their normal delivery of the second week in December. With all of the changes coming to the SAT, his year, the College Board announced that scores would be released to students via their website on January 7, 2016. But when those students checked their scores today, many were shocked and confused. Their scores seemed low–terribly low. What in the World is Going on With the New PSAT?
How Students Can Set S.M.A.R.T Goals. Setting goals is an important factor in everyone’s life, student or non-student.
How are you supposed to work hard for something if you don’t know what that is? Teenagers, especially once they get to college, tend to have a hard time finding out what they want to do next. They know the big picture, but don’t know what to do in the present in order to get to where they want to. Thankfully George T. Questions To Ask Your High School Counselors About Majors. Have you decided on a major yet?
Great! What is Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies? While researching your potential college majors, you may have come across the term multi- or interdisciplinary studies. But what exactly is that? Multi- or Interdisciplinary Studies A multi- or interdisciplinary studies major is any major field that has two or more distinct programs that are integrated through a unifying theme.
Some examples of interdisciplinary studies can include: Fashion Design and Merchandising, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Accounting and Business Management, and more. One of the good things about being a multi-disciplinary major is that you can customize this type of major to suit your needs, and you can develop a highly refined skill set. Is This Major Right for Me? What is Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies? 4 MORE TED Talks for College Students. We’ve got another post with great TED Talks for college students.
If you haven’t had a chance yet, check out our first post, where we feature another 4 amazing TED talks for college students that you can learn a lot from. Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling—Emilie Wapnick Emilie Wapnick is a career and life coach, but has pursued many other interests in her life. She brings forth the notion that there can be more than one path in our lives to follow. This may not necessarily be the case for everyone by any means, but it’s certainly a fascinating idea to consider. The Money Saver Every College Student Has: Their Student ID. Every college student has at least three things in their wallet: their debit card, driver’s license, and their student illID.
At many schools, your ID card is your key to campus. You use it to get into buildings after business hours, to pay for things in the dining center or campus store, and to enter the recreation center. But there are TONS of reasons to use your student ID off campus as well, many of which also involve saving money. Here are 14 of them: 1. There are so many different uses for Amazon these days it’s pretty remarkable. Important Questions to Ask at a College Fair. During your junior year, you should take the opportunity to attend at least one college fair organized by your school or by local academic organizations. At these college fairs, you will get to meet with representatives from various colleges and universities around the country.
This is a great opportunity for you to get to know more about a school you may want to attend and have those most familiar with the institution to answer all of your questions. To get the maximum benefit from this fantastic opportunity, you will have to do your homework first to get at least some basic information about the different colleges. More Bizarre College Majors.
You already know about these 5 bizarre college majors. Well, the list is much longer than that. We’ve found a few more bizarre majors for you to look through. If you have not been able to find something that interests you from among the common majors, you may find one that piques your interest in this list. Auctioneering. How To Save Money on College Textbooks. In college, it’s a necessity to save money so it makes sense to try and cut down on expenses wherever you can. Renting or buying used textbooks is one great way to save your wallet. Brand New Textbooks are Expensive Buying a whole new set of college textbooks every year can be unbelievably expensive. In fact it is the largest college expense after tuition, housing, and boarding. Renting Textbooks Renting the textbooks you need is a much better alternative to buying brand new considering these are not really books that you want to keep after you have completed the semester. 5 Things to Know Before Applying to College.
Back when I was making my choices about college, I knew very little about the way the admissions and financial aid process works. Finding the Right College: 4 Tips. Looking for colleges is as exciting as it is frightening. Pros and Cons of Declaring Your College Major Right Away. When completing college applications, some schools may ask you which major you are interested in pursuing. However, even if you already know which major you’ll choose, there are pros and cons to declaring it so soon. Deciding What to Get out of College: School vs. Major. Typically, individuals interested in starting their college career (or continuing it) are faced with two main considerations: Do you choose a program first and then find a school with that preferred program? Or should you choose the school first and then find a program there that suits you? Schools With Incentives For Out-of-State College Students. Most states have incentives for college students to attract them from that state.
Whether it’s scholarship or grant opportunities or dual-credit class programs, they are trying to get your attention. While some students prefer to stay close to home, there are those of us who want to go elsewhere, whether it’s because an out-of-state school has a better program, nothing in-state holds your attention, or you just really want to get out and see the world a little more. Of course, making a list of the best schools for out-of-staters is difficult because there are so many reasons someone might want to go out of state, and so many schools to choose from. Here are just a few examples. How to Document All of Your College Visits. How to Choose a College Major. 6 Safety Items For College Checklist Students Must Have. Most Politically Active Campuses. Ah, politics. 6 Colleges with a Heartwarming Holiday Tradition. The Winter Holiday season is rife with the opportunities for merriment, and magic.
Many schools decorate, and there is likely a concert or two in honor of the season (and the end of the semester). But some schools take it to the next level. 7 Fun College Party Games for Study Breaks. Consider a Winter Break College Visit. What I Wish I'd Known Before College: Think, Smile, and Relax. Here Are 6 Best Beautiful Plants For Your Dorm Rooms. How to Start Your College Semester For A Great Year Ahead.
How to Use LinkedIn To Search for Colleges. How to Use LinkedIn To Search for Colleges. Top 25 Best Colleges in the Southeast. Finding the Right College: 4 Tips. Most Valuable Computer Science University Ranking in 2019. Private vs Public College Visits. Regional Gems in the West and South. Regional Gems in the West and South. Regional Gems in the West and South. Top 25 Best Urban Colleges 2016 Rankings. The Pros and Cons of Switching Your Major. The Pros and Cons of Switching Your Major. What's In My Backpack: 10 Must-Have Supplies for Students. How to Choose Which Colleges to Visit.
Freshman Year of College Tips and FAQs. What to Bring to College: 10 Things You Absolutely Need! The Best Speakers for College Students. College Prep Events to Attend During High School - College Raptor. College Prep Events to Attend During High School - College Raptor. 7 Great Tools to Improve Students' Cognitive Skills. Colleges with Interesting Histories - College Raptor. Things to Do the Night Before an Exam - College Raptor Blog. Single-Sex Colleges that Accept Transgender Students. How to Survive College Finals Week Before Winter Break. Pros and Cons: Being an Out-of-State College Student.
The Lost Art of Memorization: How to Use Your Memory. 4 Reasons to Start Prepping for College in Middle School. Do Freshmen Retention Rates Relate to a College's Quality? Introvert in College: Ways to Make Friends in College. College Freshman Move In Day FAQs - College Raptor Blog. Self Help Books for College Students: Choose one of the Top 7. Self Help Books for College Students: Choose one of the Top 7. Advice on Picking Your College Major - College Raptor. Building a Professional Wardrobe from the Bottom Up. What To Do On A College Visit - College Raptor Blog. History of Hispanic Serving Institutions - College Raptor. Colleges with the Best Dining Halls - College Raptor. 5 Coin Bank Options to Help College Students Save Money.
Alternatives to Going Home for College Winter Break. What I Wish My Older Sisters Told Me About College. College Admissions Won't Be Changing Any Time Soon. HBCU or HSI: 10 Reasons to Attend - College Raptor. Active Participation On Your College Visit - College Raptor. Having a Successful Semester in College - College Raptor. What is Net Price? The Importance of Knowing Your Net Price.
Acceptance Letter to Move-In Day: What Happens In Between? What is a Carnegie Classification? - College Raptor Blog. Empty Nesting: What Parents Should Do Now? - College Raptor. Liberal Arts Colleges Top 25 Colleges in the US 2016 Rankings. 8 Ways to Avoid the Freshman 15: Dining Hall Edition. Better Grades or Reputation: Which is More Important? Colleges with the Best Student Housing - College Raptor Blog.
Best College For Me: How To Narrow Your College Choices Quickly. Best College For Me: How To Narrow Your College Choices Quickly. Study Abroad Myths Debunked - College Raptor Blog. Study Abroad Myths Debunked - College Raptor Blog. Searching for College: Most Students Involved in Greek Life How to Survive Finals Week for College Students - College Raptor Blog. What to Ask College Alumni About Their School - College Raptor Blog. 5 More New and Emerging College Majors - College Raptor Blog. 7 Inspirational Quotes about Education - College Raptor Blog.
Archaeology Schools and Programs for Interested Students. Get the Most Out of Your Student Organization at College - College Raptor. 5 Incredibly Young College Graduates - College Raptor. 7 Cardinal Rules to Establish with New Roommates - College Raptor. Meet Roxie the College Raptor! - College Raptor Blog. 3 Tips to Keep in Mind While Doing Another Campus Visit - College Raptor.