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The Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious as a Lagoon. The "Lagoon" of Consciousness What you see represented in the picture above is a simple way to understand the terms, "conscious," "subconscious," and "unconscious. " Thus, what you're consciously aware of, you can clearly picture. And what you're subconsciously aware of, you can also picture, albeit somewhat less than clearly, more as an impression than a certainty. Finally, what you are unconsciously aware of, you can not picture at all, even though, at times, you may actually sense something is there. Why make these distinctions so empirical? For one thing, because much of our work in and around healing relies on having a genuine sense of these terms. More over, because most of us have been inundated with psychological terms for decades now, even lay people need this understanding. Is this true though? I think not.

Said in other words, if we are influenced, something is there. We are the "someone there. " We are the responsible party. Steven. The-unconscious-mind.jpg 1,280×890 pixels. SubconsciousMind. Undefined Our subconscious mind exerts a powerful influence over our lives. It preserves and runs the body. It stores and organizes memories, emotions, and energy. It controls and maintains all of our perceptions. Over 95% of what we do, think, and say comes from old programming in our subconscious mind. Unless you make a conscious effort to direct the immense power of your subconscious, its robotic and limited programs will run your life.

It will sabotage your best intentions. Here are ten facts you should know about the subconscious mind: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. When you choose to understand the workings of your own mind and choose to exercise control over the functions and attributes of your own mind, you will be empowered to create your own reality, to be completely self-reliant and totally prosperous. Influencing Your Subconscious Mind. Influencing Your Subconscious Mind I sometimes find it hard to describe how you imagination will manifest things. However, you have to realize that before someone “invented”, made, or constructed anything, they first had to imagine what it would be, look like, and/or feel. This process is what brings things into existence on the physical plane. In the subconscious, your feelings are what bring all emotional attitudes into play to create your world. When you feel something, you act in accordance with those feelings.

Your subconscious normally goes on autopilot, with little thought to the process on the conscious level. Use Your Subconscious Mind To Generate Money :: Working Moms Only ® By Karim Hajee "Oh, you have money? " I asked. "Sure, here. " She reached into her pocket pulled and handed her money over; "Here's 50-dollars okay. Of course she didn't have 50-dollars, it was all pretend. That got me thinking of just how powerful these little acts are. You see, when I was just a little older than her I used to do the same thing, pretend to be buying things for my mom. I would go to the bank with her and I would always grab a pile of those deposit slips they had.

One day my mom found one of those deposit slips and asked: "What's this? " "Oh I'm just pretending. Well here we are 40+ years later, I have my own company, write my own checks, and I cover a lot of mom's expenses. Now that's the power of the Subconscious Mind! I didn't realize it at the time but I was directing my subconscious to create a successful business and make sure I could take care of my family. When my daughter started doing the same thing I naturally encouraged her. The last step can be tricky. That's okay. Increasing your healing power with your subconscious mind. The reason that most New Years resolutions fail is the same reason that some people can’t manage to make the changes to heal themselves.

When we set goals, intentions and aspirations every part of us has to be in line with our mission. When you resolve to do something, whether it’s changing our diet or starting an exercise routine both our conscious mind and our subconscious mind have to be on board. Your conscious mind sets goals but your subconscious mind either helps or prevents you from carrying them out. When we fail to do something that we want to do, we often blame our weak will power.

But willpower is one of the worst tools for creating and supporting lasting change. When our intent to change is fueled by the word “should” or ambition, only a small part of us is onboard. When our plans come from our heart’s true desire we are much more likely to succeed. Often our goals are thwarted by our own resistance. Your resistance, as annoying as it is, has something to teach you.