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Pest Control

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"Do it yourself" pest control / Homemade pesticides, fungicides, and fetilizers for the organic gardener. Tomato leaf spray Add four or five pints of water and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch to tomato leaves crushed in your vegetable juicer.

"Do it yourself" pest control / Homemade pesticides, fungicides, and fetilizers for the organic gardener.

Strain it. Keep the unused spray refrigerated. Good fro all kinds of plants, vegetable and roses. Milk spray - a fungicideSpraying diluted milk on cucumbers and other squash family plants kills powdery mildew. Tobacco SprayThis mixture is great for combating many different types of bugs, but especially caterpillars, aphids, and many types of those nasty worms. *Warning: Don't use this solution on peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, or any other member of the solanaceous family.

Alcohol Spray: This spray really is great for houseplants. Salt Spray: This solution is used for cabbage worms and spider mites. 2 tablespoons of salt 1 gallon of water Just mix and spray! Buttermilk and Flour Spray: Garlic spray is great for getting rid of cutworms, wireworms, whiteflies, and slugs too.

*Beware: Do NOT use flies, ticks, fleas, or mosquitoes in this solution! Organic Pest Control and Pesticide: Do it yourself pest control and homemade organic pesticide, natural. Are you interested in "Do it yourself" pest control?

Organic Pest Control and Pesticide: Do it yourself pest control and homemade organic pesticide, natural

Here are some homemade natural pesticide, insecticide, insect repellant, organic pesticide, biocide and fungicide recipes. Organic pest control and pest management techniques are covered, along with several ways to kill powdery mildew on plants. Repel everything from insects to rabbits, kill mold, fungus or mildew, and exterminate pests... all with natural or organic pesticide alternatives to chemical pesticides. Garlic for organic gardening pest control, natural pesticide and insect repellant Garlic pesticide spray Soak 3 to 4 ounces of chopped garlic bulbs in 2 tablespoons of mineral oil for one day. Garlic pest control and insect repellant 1. 2. 3. 4. An insect repellent spray made of tomato leaves Add four or five pints of water and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch to tomato leaves crushed in your vegetable juicer.

Popular Botanical Pesticides NeemRotenonePyrethrinSabadilla Control Gardening Pest With Insecticidal Soap Milk as a fungicide? Biological Organic Fly Control by Kunafin. For years, entomologists have known the value of beneficial insects, the plant-friendly bugs that prey on insect pests that do damage to various crops, trees and ornamental plants.

Biological Organic Fly Control by Kunafin

But in nature, there never seems to be enough of them, or the right combinations, to adequately suppress pest populations. That's why the folks at Kunafin, an insectary in Quemado, Texas, near the Mexican Border, began mass-rearing several species of "good" bugs-to give farmers and gardeners an economical tool to control the "bad" ones. Meet the Junfins "It is important to realize that no method of insect control is 100 percent effective, including the use of most powerful insecticides," says entomologist Frank Junfin, who with his wife, Adele, own and operate Kunafin, a pioneer company in the field of biological integrated insect control (BIIC). "We do not over sell our capabilities, and we do not make unrealistic promises, but it is our philosophy that using a natural enemy against a pest is the way to go. Methomyl. Methomyl is a carbamate insecticide.


It was introduced in 1966, but its use is restricted because of its high toxicity to humans.[3] Its current primary use is on alfalfa for forage.[4] The EU and UK have imposed these restrictions by allowing a maximum pesticide residue limit of 0.02 mg/kg for apples and oranges. [citation needed] 0.02 mg/kg is the limit of detection. Methomyl is the active ingredient in commercial fly bait granules which are mixed with a cola drink to kill bothersome raccoon, skunk and opossum. Using methomyl in this "off-label" way may be against the law in some of the United States. [6][7] Synthesis[edit] Methomyl can be produced by reaction of methyl isocyanate and methylthioacetaldoxime(also known as methomyl oxime) First preparing ester Second preparing oxime from ester Third preparing product from isocyanate and oxime. References[edit]