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Selected Highlights of Rails in the West. Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum Selected Highlights of Rails in the West August, 1852: The Sacramento Valley Rail Road incorporated. This, the first passenger railroad in the West, would run up "R" Street in Sacramento, to end in the City of Folsom, closely following what is now known as Folsom Blvd.

This route was engineered by Theodore D. Judah, who held the title of "Chief Engineer" for the S.V.R.R. August 17, 1855: First excursion train ran over the English rails of the S.V.R.R., regular service began between Folsom and Sacramento on February 22, 1856. April, 1858: Theodore D. October, 1859: Judah buys 550 tons of 52 pounds-to-the-yard rail for his proposed California Extension Railroad, from the Rensselaer Iron Co., of Troy, New York. April, 1862: Rail laying commenced for the Sacramento, Placer and Nevada Rail Road, using the iron purchased (but not paid for) by Theodore Judah back in October, 1859. May, 1864: CPRR in operation to NewCastle. Compiled by G.J. Railroad Station Historical Society. Railroad Beginnings in California. Railroad Beginnings in California Having proven successful in the East, the first railroads built in California also provided transportation from inland communities to the rivers and ocean harbors to meet the needs of the growing population of California.

The discovery of gold in California near Sutter's mill, near Sacramento in 1848 brought a huge number of people lured by the promise of "gold laying in the streams" into California during 1849. An estimated 55,000 arrived by overland routes and another 25,000 by sea. Transportation from the mines to the Sacramento River became increasingly important. Freight wagons and stagecoaches provided transportation to the mining camps over the often rugged roads.

Sacramento Valley Railroad In August 1852 the Sacramento Valley Railroad was incorporated, and hired Theodore D. The SVRR was acquired by the Central Pacific Railroad in August, 1865. California Central Railroad and other connecting lines Leland Stanford, Collins P. Napa Valley Rail Road. First Transcontinental Railroad - Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum. The Museum of Railway Timetables ( Santa Fe Railway Caboose Adlake Marker Light. Appraisals, Research and Information Takes Time.....WE CHARGE! Personal Property Appraisals for all of Ouray, San Miguel, Montrose, La Plata, Dolores, San Juan, Delta & Mesa Counties, Members of Certified Appraisers Guild of America (CAGA). San Diego. San Diego Model Railway Museum - Man findet das Museum im BALBOA-Park von San Diego, ganz in der Nähe des Besucherzentrums. Der BALBOA-Park ist ein Zentrum für Muesumsliebhaber, jeder der einmal in San Diego ist findet dort sicher ein interessantes Thema.

Ganz in der Nähe ist auch der berühmte San Diego ZOO. Das San Diego Model Railway Museum ( ) führt uns durch die Geschichte der kalifornischen Eisenbahn. 1980 wurde das Museum von drei Vereinen (San Diego Model Railroad Club, La Mesa Model Railroad Club und der San Diego Society of N-Scale) gegründet. Die Ausstellungsflächen: 0-Spur (1/48 der tatsächlichen Grösse) H0-Spur (1/87 der tatsächlichen Grösse) N-Spur (1/160 der tatsächlichen Grösse) (verschiedene Spuren davon, sowie die 3-Rails werden im Beitrag gezeigt) Cabrillo & Southwestern San Diego & Arizona Eastern Die San Diego & Arizona Eastern wurde ebenfalls vom San Diego Model Railroad Club gebaut. Tehachapi Pass Pacific Desert Lines.