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50 Creative Ideas For Your Next PowerPoint Night| The Beautiful Blog. TikTok is the newest, hippest (just ask any twenty-something year old) social media platform and arguably the biggest thing since Instagram’s launch in 2010. The platform boasts over 1 billion users and has been downloaded an upwards of 200 million times in the United States alone. You can find all sorts of videos on TikTok from food recipes and fashion, to presentation tips.

Its diverse, entertaining, short-form content is what makes the app so favorable across many different age groups and demographics. Many trends and recommendations have come to light because of the ever-popular social media app like dances, sounds, and meals. And of course, we’re thrilled that it put presentations on the map for something fun other than board meetings and thesis assignments. So we’re tapping in. Want to create a viral-worthy presentation in half the time? Donnez le ton de chacun de ces extraits - Gameshow quiz. Quizizz Lesson Creator. Exercices d'écoute avec des reportages de la télévision. Ça va Ce site utilise des cookies pour assurer les services de Google Analytics et Google Adsense. Plus d'info Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law Exercices d'écoute pour étudiants de niveau avancé Écoute de fragments de programmes de télévision.