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The 2012 A-Z List Of Educational Twitter Hashtags. We got so many additions and updates to our 2011 list we thought it was time to bring you the most up-to-date list for 2012. So, without further ado, here’s the 2012 A-Z list of educational Twitter hashtags. We went through all the comments on the 2011 version , wrote down all the Twitter and Facebook updates, and compiled this list over the course of several months. What follows is our best effort to bring you the biggest and baddest list of hashtags. I’m sure we still missed some as new hashtags seemingly pop up every day. In any case, let us know what we missed in the comments or on our Facebook page! First, some background to get you up to speed on what the heck a hashtag is. First, What’s A Hashtag? Whether you’re a new or seasoned Twitter user, you likely come across confusing hashtags that probably look like a bunch of nonsense.

The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keyword or topic in a Tweet. How To Hide Your Hashtag Chat From Followers Sources The Most Popular Hashtags. Five Ways to Grow Your Personal Learning Network with Twitter. Ah, summertime. Beaches….vacations…camping…twitter. What? Yes, there’s room in your schedule (I hope) for a lot of fun things this summer. But summer’s also a great time to do some professional learning. And what better way to do that than via a vast and knowledgeable Personal Learning Network (PLN). And what better way to build your PLN than through twitter. Today we’ll focus on building a following. 1. They sound like something illicit, but they’re not. 2.

If you’re a regular reader, you know I love a twitter chat. 3. If you’re only following a small number of people, a great way to build your PLN is by simply following more. 4. Once you’ve followed a large quantity of people, you’ll see some really good tweets coming in. 5. That great article you just read…that great project you heard about…that TED Talk you watched…share them with your PLN by tweeting about them. These tips will hopefully help you get some quality learning done this summer. 5 Tips To Building A Healthy PLN With Twitter. The more I use Twitter, the more I understand the power that comes from connecting.

Connecting with friends, connecting with colleagues, connecting with leaders and connecting with valuable sources. It all builds into what has become my most trusted source for professional development and generating ideas. With a real opportunity to impact personal, professional and intellectual growth, here are five tips to help you build, nurture and grow your PLN with Twitter. 1. First Impressions Count What would you think if someone introduced themself without looking at you, telling you their name or who they are? Look at the difference between these two profiles and think about what would attract you to follow each. Example of a profile that could be more engaging Example of a profile that is much more appealing to follow So what are the key features of an engaging profile: Friendly, high quality profile pictureName that people recognize as a real personDescription of who you are. 2. 3. Hashtags Lists.

Some More Twitter Chats Worth Checking Out. It's been almost 1 and half years since I last wrote about my favorite Twitter chats. Since then many have come and gone, some have changed and some new ones have emerged worth checking out. First, to participate you don't need a Twitter account. Chats are a great way to passively learn with lots of people. I am a big believer in the power of the network. Of course if you want to interact and join the conversation, you are gonna need a Twitter account.

So what about the chats? #Edchat-Tuesdays 7pm and 12pm EDT- Yes. #SSchat-Mondays 7pm EDT- This chat for Social Studies teachers has some of the brightest minds on Twitter that participate. #Engchat-Mondays 7pm EDT- This chat for teachers of English does some very interesting chats and often has special guests and moderators. #PTchat-Wednesdays 9pm EDT- This is one of those chats that has seen a lot of changes. #NTchat-Wednesdays 8pm EDT- Another chat I love to lurk on is this one from my friend Lisa Dabbs. Not big on chats? The 80 Best Twitter Feeds in Instructional Technology. Posted on Tuesday August 30, 2011 by Staff Writers Instructional technology is prevalent in college, whether you’re taking online classes or attending in person.

Students today are using technology more than ever, and it only makes sense to use tech tools for a 21st century education. But innovations in instructional technology seem to pop up anew every day, and without your ear to the ground, it’s easy to miss important new developments. To help you keep up with the latest in instructional technology, we’ve highlighted 80 of the best Twitter feeds in the field.

These Twitter users report, analyze, and even use instructional technology, sharing their own unique experiences that we can all learn from. News Follow these Twitter accounts to stay up to date on news in instructional technology. @EmergingEdTech: @EmergingEdTech’s Kelly Walsh regularly tweets about new developments in the field of instructional technology. Organizations & Groups Tools Professionals Educators. 50 Essential Twitter Feeds for STEM Educators.

Posted on Wednesday December 14, 2011 by Staff Writers While jobs may be hard to find in many fields, when it comes to STEM professions, there often aren’t enough trained professionals out there to fill all the available positions. Add to that the fact that the U.S. often lags behind other countries in the world when it comes to math and science scores and you’ve got a pretty big problem on your hands. These factors are a major part of the push for greater STEM educational initiatives in recent years, both in public and private organizations, and they also demonstrate the importance of getting and keeping students interested in the science and technology fields. Of course, this is easier said than done, as any teacher in a STEM field knows, but there are a wide range of resources out there designed to help education professionals. For Educators Teachers in the STEM subjects will find some great resources on these feeds, designed to help educators promote STEM and better engage students.