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Pearltrees - Google Chrome extension gallery. Animated Films for Grown-Ups by Matthew Baldwin. As a child I had a Mickey Mouse alarm clock.

Animated Films for Grown-Ups by Matthew Baldwin

As an adolescent I graduated to a Mickey Mouse wristwatch. In high school I wore a black satin jacket with Walt’s signature rodent on the back. I guess you could say I was a fan. A Comedian's View on Postmodernism. Creattica. Signs of the Zodiac on the Behance Network. 800+ Great Tech Brushes for Photoshop. Sep 10 2010 Working on a Futuristic Design on a graphics or web design in Photoshop mostly requires more tech feeling.

800+ Great Tech Brushes for Photoshop

Using circuits,linings,wiring or even blueprints could help achieve a better futuristic results but will take time doing all the details needed. To work more with ease and save time, why not use brushes instead? Now check out this 850+ Super Cool Tech Brushes for Photoshop. 82nd Oscar: Animated Short Film - Semi-Finalists. Linkbar This Blog Linkbar.

82nd Oscar: Animated Short Film - Semi-Finalists

Creative Scan-and-Draw Color-Changing Pen Design « Dornob. Any artist or designer who works with color knows that the best inspiration and perfect coloration can often be found in real-life objects all around us.

Creative Scan-and-Draw Color-Changing Pen Design « Dornob

What if you could take your trusty drawing pen and simply scan any color you want and then turn around and draw with it? This innovative pen design by Jin Sun Park allows you to do just that. Next step? A complete texture selector and replicator?

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