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Cogniter is a Digital Marketing Agency specializing in content marketing, paid advertising, SEO, SEM and Social media services. Cogniter delivers end-to-end digital marketing solutions based on the goals that matter to you most. We have an innovative team of Digital Marketing Experts, who make sure all of your needs are handled efficiently and with precise execution.

Web-Design-Development-Company. Mobile App Marketing Services. It is time to get the word out about your exciting new mobile app.

Mobile App Marketing Services

There are more than a million mobile apps sloshing around on Google Play Store and iTunes mobile App Store. It will take a clever use of mobile app marketing to get the limelight on yours. We are the team which uses the right Mobile App Store Optimization techniques to rank your mobile app higher on the store and also promote it online thereby increasing downloads and revenue for our clients via our ingenious mobile app marketing techniques. Cogniter’s app marketers help you generate additional, recurring revenue without breaking your bank. We help generate more in-app purchases and improve user experience. At Cogniter we follow a user-centric approach to increase the popularity of your app and increase downloads. Application development company india. Custom Web Application Development. We can create web applications for you and your clients.

Custom Web Application Development

These applications run over the Internet and provide instant connectivity to users worldwide. Web applications are becoming more and more prevalent as companies choose to harness the power of the internet to run applications in real time. Are you interested in a new website? Click here to view out Business, B2B and E-Commerce Websites We have built a wide array of web applications for many clients. For Art-Exchange we built a vast administrative back end where the administrator can control the functions of their dynamic site as well as what is displayed on their site. For Travelhost we built an administrative back end where the administrator can set up sales associates and determine what they are allowed access. Four Ways to Market Your Mobile Game. If choice is a big factor to go by, then there was never a better time to be a mobile game aficionado.

Four Ways to Market Your Mobile Game

Hundreds of games are being published on the App Store and the Play Store everyday. Mobile game development is already a multibillion dollar industry and its growth shows no signs of abating in the foreseeable future. But what is a boon for the average gamer is not necessarily positive trend for the typical Android of iPhone app developer. As if coming up with a killer idea was not already hard enough, mobile game publishers are faced with a new challenge—how to get their games get noticed in the first place. Traditional marketing—fliers, television ads, and radio—is expensive and ineffective. Submit your game to multiple stores. Why is Now The Right Time To Start Your Mobile Gaming Business? Website Design and Development. Effective Digital marketing Services to Take Your Business Global.

It is interesting to see how the traditional methods of marketing are being replaced by digital marketing methods.

Effective Digital marketing Services to Take Your Business Global

These novel methods have not only helped the companies in being able to created a wider client base for themselves, but it has also resulted in increasing profits of the respective companies. It is extremely important to have a good online presence these days, in order to engage people across the globe. With the help of efficient digital marketing services, you can make your online presence strong and be able to reach out to millions. These days’ companies inculcate simple yet effective techniques such as Search engine optimization- An expert team will research keywords that are most searched on, while following ethical guidelines. With the help of effective digital marketing services, these leads may be converted into potential clientele later, making profitable deals for the company.

Two Questions To Ask Yourself Before Adding An App To Your Business. Mobile App Development and Mobile App Design Portfolio. Recruit Me Recruit Me is an application for the job seekers and the employers to search for the right candidate based on the location, skills and availibility.

Mobile App Development and Mobile App Design Portfolio

This is a unique... Taxi Cab Tracker Everyone that has used a taxi will have experienced being overcharged because the driver either didn't know the way or deliberately went the wrong way... Save The Hens Game Play the wonderful game "Save the Hens" and help little Hop to save his hens. 2nd Chance App This is an amazingly great android app which help couples to monitor call history, history of the GPS location,Phone messages and Facebook messages real time...

FieldFindR-TX FieldFindR-TX is a comprehensive phone app that consists of a database for high school, pro and college football fields within TEXAS...

IT Consulting Services | Website Design and Development | Mobile

What Internet Marketing Will Be Like in 2015? 2014 was an eventful year for SEO.

What Internet Marketing Will Be Like in 2015?

The diminishing importance of Google+, increased focus on security after the Heartbleed incident, and a newfound emphasis on local search were three big trends that were nowhere on the radar of prognosticators when the year began. The changes came out of the blue and affected a millions of search queries. Some websites, mainly content farms, saw their rankings take a dive while others witnessed an increased traffic after Google announced Penguin, Panda, and stressed the importance of reviews of Yelp and other such online places with focus on local. It is impossible to say what 2015 will have in store. Yet webmasters, SEO professionals, and internet marketeers can learn much from last year and alter their strategies accordingly to make them more effective.

Google+ is not important, from the perspective of SEO. Do not get it wrong. HTTPS is the future. Localization is more than a passing fad. Localization still invites acrimonious debates.