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Inspiration. SoftChalk LLC • Home Page — Products. Connectivism & Connective Knowledge. Week 9 is a conference week, focusing on Net Pedagogy. This will be a great opportunity to reflect on how social networks and networked technology impact how we teach and learn. We’ve lined up five excellent speakers for the week: Martin Weller Title: Is there a pedagogy of abundance? Description: In a digital age we have seen a fundamental shift in many of the basic economic models underlying industries as they move from an economic model based on scarcity to one based on abundance.

This is a discussion based session in which I wish to explore whether the same transformation is occurring in education, and are our existing pedagogic models based around an assumption of scarcity, rather than abundance? Time: Wed, November 11. Frances Bell Title: Transparent Teaching and Learning: what remains when the teacher disappears Description: This session’s deliberately ambiguous title (is it a statement or a question?) · Do we need teachers? · What remains when the teacher disappears? Stephen Downes. Ning lets you create and join new social networks for your inter.


Collaboratory Project. Home of Open Source Portfolio (OSP) - Home. Learning Village - DePaul Learning Network.