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A New Definition of Rigor | Edutopia. You would think that it would be more prevalent than it is. But it appears only four times in the Common Core State Standards. Why has a word that is mentioned so little caused such dread, anxiety, and confusion among teachers? I'm talking about rigor. When We Say Rigor, What Do We Mean? Comb through all 66 pages of the ELA standards, and you will find it hiding amid larger conversations about analyzing author's choice, evaluating sources, and writing arguments. Look in the math standards, and you will not find it at all. Yet rigor is all the buzz: "Our lesson must be more rigorous. " These are all things that I have heard at conferences, in faculty meetings, and through conversations with colleagues. Some mistakenly assume that rigor means making things more difficult. If teachers are to achieve rigor, we must aspire to something more specific. Rigor 1. It is this understanding that has led to the push-down and pile-on syndrome.

Rigor is a result, not a cause. Rigor and David Foster Wallace. 4 Tips to Build Student Confidence. For many students, the process of learning new material can feel like swimming in an ocean with fish moving in many different directions. Additionally, the information itself can feel like fish swimming in the minds of students -- overwhelming them, causing anxiety, uncertainty and even fear.

They can feel as if what they're trying to learn has no order, especially when context is lacking. Layering assessment on top of it all can create a maelstrom of stress. How can we help students feel in control, confident and willing to approach learning new material? How can we help them feel poised for success on assessments and confident with new material? 1. Say It Out Loud When students encounter material for the first time, it is helpful if they can talk it out with a peer or teacher. 2.

After learning new material for a set period of time, have students do a brain dump on a blank piece of paper. 3. For many students, learning is not linear. 4. Sans titre. 5 initiatives pour repenser l’espace d’apprentissage. Bureau, estrade, tableau noir ; et si on sortait un peu de la salle de classe traditionnelle ? Ça tombe bien, c’est ce qu’une partie de la communauté pédagogique mondiale a en tête ! Rivalisant d’idées originales, ces formateurs imaginent les “salles de classe du futur”, faisant la part belle aux nouvelles technologies et au besoin des élèves d’apprendre autrement, avec plus d’interactivité, d’échange… et de confort, dans tous les sens du terme.

Sydologie a sélectionné pour vous cinq initiatives intéressantes. 1/ L’école sans aucune salle de classe, à Stockholm Le groupe Vittra, qui gère une trentaine d’écoles en Suède, a sans doute créé à Stockholm le paradis de la modulation des espaces d’apprentissage. C’est simple : vous n’y trouverez aucune salle de classe ! Tout a été pensé pour favoriser la curiosité et la créativité des enfants. 2/ L’école aux rocking-chairs, à Lakeside (Pennsylvanie) Il arrive que les élèves soient stressés, agités, tendus. 3/ Les PECT, comme à Angers-Paris.

Carte interactive de l'innovation. Welcome to ThingLink! This quick tutorial will show you how to create wonderfully engaging experiences with ThingLink. Create Simply click the Create button and select the type of project you want to create. Upload Select a file from your device to be your base image or video. Edit Watch this short video to learn about tag types, basic customization options and the simple publishing process - a perfect intro to editing your thinglinks! Share When you’re ready to share your thinglink, click the blue Share button in the top right corner of the page. Track Statistics help you understand how many people have seen your content, and what part was most engaging. Carte interactive de l'innovation François MULLER 8 years ago 38324 views Do you want to create similar content?

Start now Learn more Inspiration from ThingLink users Explore more Framing the Future of Wireless Communications The Girl Who Was Supposed To Die LillianWilkinson Schlossgrabenfest 2018 My Interactive Image Charlotte Wold 6 Matemáticos Famosos Meidy. Comprendre le monde technologique qui nous entoure (IPM) New Moncton High School prepares for Jan. 30 opening - New Brunswick. Use your cursor in the photograph above to get a 360 view of the Moncton High School "cafetorium. " On mobile? Check out 360-degree view of "cafetorium" After months of delays, the new Moncton High School is set to open later this month. Once the exam period for the first semester is over, students will start classes for the second semester in the new school on Jan. 30.

The school cost $27 million and boasts 45 classrooms, moving walls, new lab equipment, and separate shop areas for students working in metal, woodworking and auto mechanic shops. "It's been a long way getting to this point where the school is finally ready, so it's really exciting to see them and to see the staff and students when they walk through the door," said Gregg Ingersoll, the superintendent of Anglophone East School District. "And the parents, when they come to see the building, it's really going to be exciting.

" On Wednesday, principal Mike BeLong offered the media a glimpse inside the new school. On mobile? Clair 2015, épicentre d’une nouvelle pédagogie |  Triplex, le blogue techno de Radio-Canada. Chaque année, un colloque se tient dans le petit village de Clair, au Nouveau-Brunswick, au coeur des monts Notre-Dame, près d’Edmundston. On peut dire que Clair est la Mecque des technopédagogues francophones au pays. Entre 250 et 300 personnes s’y sont réunis à la fin du mois de janvier dernier pour échanger sur les façons d’utiliser efficacement la technologie en classe. J’ai eu la chance de m’y rendre. Un laboratoire au centre de l’école À l’école Clair, il y a un « labo créatif » qui permet aux jeunes du primaire d’apprendre au moyen des nouvelles technologies : imprimante 3D, radio étudiante, studio d’enregistrement, lunettes de réalité virtuelle… Lors de ma visite, de jeunes élèves expliquaient aux plus vieux comment ils se servaient de leurs outils et ce qu’ils allaient en faire.

C’est bien, mais les résultats des élèves s’améliorent-ils avec tout ça? Les élèves de Clair viennent de milieux défavorisés et plusieurs des élèves éprouvent de grandes difficultés d’apprentissage. Things 21st Century Teachers Should Be Able to Do.