JavaScript Interview Questions Object 2020. You can use below object methods to prevent the object modification : You can user Object.seal() method to prevents the new properties being added to an object, but allows the modification of existing properties.
You can user Object.freeze() to prevents the modification of properties and values of an object, and prevents properties from being added or removed from an object. You can use Object.preventExtensions() to prevent new properties or methods being added to an object. Object Oriented JavaScript Interview Questions 2020. Most of JavaScript object has a prototype, including the prototype object.
Prototype chain goes all the way back until it reaches an object that has no prototype. JavaScript tries to search it on the __proto__ object which points to its prototype constructor function. JavaScript Interview Questions. A string is a sequence characters that may consist of letters, numbers, or symbols like “John Doe”.
Strings in JavaScript are primitive data types and immutable, which means they are unchanging. There are 3 possible ways to check whether a string exists or not: A) Using indexOf : You can use String.prototype.indexOf which returns the index of a substring if found otherwise return -1. B) Using includes : You can use String.prototype.includes which returns true if found otherwise return false. C) Using regex : Using Regular expression's test method(RegExp.test), return true if test method passes otherwise false.
JavaScript Interview Questions 2020. Undefined: A variable has been declared but value has not been assigned.
Undeclared: when you try to access a variable, which is not initialized or declared earlier. An array is a variable, which can store more than one value at a time. Top 25 JavaScript Interview Questions & Answers for 2020. JavaScript Interview Questions JavaScript is a client-side and server-side scripting language that can be written into HTML pages and it is supported by web browsers.
JavaScript is most preferred scripting language for client-side or server-side. JavaScript is an interoperated programming language which supports object-oriented features. JavaScript support following features : It is lightweight Interpreted programming languages Created for network-centric applications Supports object-oriented programming Platform independent Open source. Angular Interview Questions. Angular Universal is a server-side rendering module for Angular applications in various scenarios.
This is a community driven project and available under @angular/platform-server package. Recently Angular Universal is integrated with Angular CLI. Angular offers two ways to compile your application, Just-in-Time (JIT) Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Just-in-Time (JIT) is a type of compilation that compiles your app in the browser at runtime. Angular Interview Questions. Angular Interview Questions - CoderLipi. Angular component page lifecycle are : ngOnChanges: When the value of a data bound property changes, then this method is called. ngOnInit: This is called whenever the initialization of the directive/component after Angular first displays the data-bound properties happens. ngDoCheck: This is for the detection and to act on changes that Angular can't or won't detect on its own. ngAfterContentInit: This is called in response after Angular projects external content into the component's view. ngAfterContentChecked: This is called in response after Angular checks the content projected into the component. ngAfterViewInit: This is called in response after Angular initializes the component's views and child views. ngAfterViewChecked: This is called in response after Angular checks the component's views and child views. ngOnDestroy: This is the cleanup phase just before Angular destroys the directive/component.
Class decorators, e.g. @Component and @NgModule 1. 2. Top 25 JavaScript Interview Questions & Answers for 2020. Angular Interview Questions - CoderLipi. Write a program to find the min number of an array in JavaScript? Write a program to console all 2-digits twisted prime numbers in JavaScript. Write a JavaScript function that find the armstrong numbers of 3 digits. Write a JavaScript function that check number is Armstrong or not? Write a JavaScript function that checks whether a passed Number is palindrome or not? Write a JavaScript function that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not? How to swap two variables in JavaScript. Remove adjacent duplicate characters from string. Check a number is Prime or not. How to find duplicate elements from an Array.
How to add something in the beginning and end of an array. Print Fibbonaci upto 100 in JavaScript. Print Prime Numbers between 1 to 100 in JavaScript. Create a for loop that iterates up to 100 while outputting fizz at multiples of 3, buzz at multiples of 5 and fizzbuzz at multiples of 3 and 5. Find the second largest element from an array in javascript? Write a JavaScript function that reverse a number. TypeScript Arithmetic Operators. TypeScript Inline Type Annotation. TypeScript Empty Type. TypeScript Type Alias. TypeScript Object Type. TypeScript Intersection Type. TypeScript Tuple. TypeScript Union. TypeScript Never. TypeScript Null and Undefined. TypeScript Void.
TypeScript Any. TypeScript Enum. TypeScript Array. TypeScript Boolean Data Type. TypeScript String Data Type - Codelipi. TypeScript -String Data Type A string is a sequence of numbers, letters, special characters and arithmetic values or combination of all.
Template strings are used for embedding expressions into strings. String Methods 1. charAt(x) Returns the character at given index(y). TypeScript Number Type. TypeScript Environment Setup - Codelipi. Typescript vs JavaScript - Coderlipi. LogicalPrograms. Type Script History. Type Script History Typescript is free and open source programming language and developed by and maintained by Microsoft.
It is free, open source and superset of the JavaScript. LogicalPrograms. Object Oriented JavaScript Interview Questions 2020. JavaScript Interview Questions. JavaScript Interview Questions 2020. Top 25 JavaScript Interview Questions & Answers for 2020. JavaScript Interview Questions Object 2020.