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Lúculo (s.I a.C.) - Articulos. Lúculo (s.I a.C.)_362217 / ABC Color Si bien fue un gran militar romano, vencedor de numerosas batallas, pasó a la historia como un legendario sibarita, amante de la buena cocina y protector de las artes y la cultura. Lucius Licinius Lucullus, conocido en la historia como Lúculo, nació en Roma cerca del año 118 a.C. en el seno de una familia acomodada. Llevaba el nombre de su padre y su abuelo, y los tres llegaron a ejercer el cargo de cónsul en la antigua República Romana. El historiador griego Plutarco escribe una biografía de Lúculo, 150 años después de los hechos, dedicándole un capítulo entero en su obra Vidas paralelas.

Lo describe como un hombre "de gallarda estatura, de buena presencia y elegante en el decir", que había recibido una excelente instrucción y hablaba correctamente las lenguas griega y latina. Nace la leyenda Durante todas sus campañas, Lúculo amasó una enorme fortuna y regresó convertido en el hombre más rico de Roma. Recetas de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. 10 things you didn't know about Mary Berry.

3. She studied in France Aged 22, she managed to convince her boss at the Dutch Dairy Bureau to let her study at Le Cordon Bleu school in France. He paid for her studies, but she had to fund her own accommodation. She ended up staying in a “crummy Parisian youth hostel” where she spent every night “in my room nibbling on a baguette". 4. Mary started her working life as a recipe tester, going on to write recipes for Housewife magazine, which proved to be her first big break. 5. Mary might be better known now for her cakes, but she’s actually an all-round family cook. 6. In 1994, Mary launched a salad dressing business with her daughter Annabel.

. • Nine things you might not expect Mary Berry to say 7. As a young woman, Mary was diagnosed with a bicornuate uterus - a condition which means having two wombs and can lead to difficulty conceiving. 8. One of Mary’s three children, William, died in a car accident aged just 19. Mary Berry with her children Annabel, Thomas and William (REX FEATURES) Food - Chefs : Mary Berry recipes.

Mary Berry. Anthony Bourdain | Chef, Author, Traveler. Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations : Shows. Liebig Extract of Meat Company. La Liebig Extract of Meat Company (Lemco) fue una industria cárnica de gran importancia entre fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Historia[editar] Tomaba su nombre del barón Justus von Liebig, químico alemán descubridor del extracto de carne en 1840. El 4 de diciembre de 1865, en Londres, se establece la Liebig Extract of Meat Company (Lemco); poco tiempo antes, en 1863, el ingeniero belga George Christian Giebert había creado en las cercanías de la población de Fray Bentos, sobre el río Uruguay, la Societé de Fray Bentos Giebert & Cie.

En la misma se elaboraba el extracto de carne con el ganado uruguayo. La fábrica estaba ubicada contiguo a Villa Independencia, que tiempo después sería renombrada Fray Bentos y que hoy es la capital del departamento uruguayo de Río Negro. Las Liebig Company, comenzó en 1873 la producción de corned beef que se vendía a todo el mundo con la marca Fray Bentos.

Epílogo[editar] Bibliografía[editar] Andrew Graham Yooll, The Forgotten Colony, 1981. The enduring legacy of Elizabeth David, Britain's first lady of food. Simon Hopkinson first met Elizabeth David in 1984, or thereabouts, at Hilaire, the Chelsea restaurant of which he was chef. She came for supper with Valerie Eliot, and the widow of the poet was wearing – he remembers it vividly – a polka-dot dress. "I was very excited," he says. "Because I was a fan. " By this time, David was in her early 70s and a little frail (in the early 1960s, she had suffered a cerebral haemorrhage, and in the 1970s, she was in a serious car accident). As a result, she had a miniature appetite. At first, their relationship consisted mostly of conversations snatched when she came to lunch at Hopkinson's next berth, Bibendum, of which she was very fond (she sometimes came with another pal, the food writer Richard Olney).

David could be difficult; this is no secret. Somewhere in his flat is an ancient answer phone, on which there remains the last message she left him. David was abroad for the duration of the war. He remembers David as quite shy and modest.