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Learn to code. Ajax Forms with jQuery | Trevor Davis. Sep 08, 2007 There are so many different javascript frameworks out there, but I have recently started to use jQuery, and I love it. Not only is the library much smaller than others, but it is so simple to use. I wanted to show how easy it is to turn a regular form into a AJAX form. Start with a Regular Form First, I am going to build a regular form. The form is just going to be a basic email form. You enter an email address to send to, an email address to send from, a subject, and a message. User fills out the form. Ok, so this form is pretty simple, and doesn’t take much time to submit since it’s so short, but let’s see how much better we can make it with a little jQuery. Add in JavaScript OK, so next, I am going to make an AJAX version, which is a duplicate of the first form.

Firing My Script When the Document is Ready jQuery has a nice little function to have you script start when the document is ready: $(document).ready(function(){ //Script goes here}); OK, easy enough. Error Checking. Crafting Subtle & Realistic User Interfaces ~ Flyosity by Mike Rundle. The underlying secret to beautiful user interface design is realism: making 2D objects on your screen appear to sit in 3D space with volume, surface properties and undulations that might appear in real life. These faux 3D objects have highlights and shadows just like objects on your desk might have, and they have textures that emulate real objects from glass to sandpaper and everything in between. Designing beautiful user interfaces has more to do with the why than the how. Thinking in 3D If you're trying to design a realistic-looking user interface element then you have to think about what that object would look like in the real world. What's the easiest way to do that?

Here's a button-shaped panel that's designed to look slightly raised and have a matte surface. Pastebot, the new app from Tapbots, has a table view filled with panels that look similar to the one from above. Designing The Material & Surface Tips For Execution Reality Is Subtle Keep it crisp. Create a Letterpress Effect with CSS Text-Shadow. The letterpress effect is becoming hugely popular in web design, and with a couple of modern browsers now showing support for the text-shadow CSS3 property it’s now simple and easy to create the effect with pure CSS. No Photoshop trickery here! Letterpress – Isn’t that a type of industrial print method? That’s right! But the effect has also made its way into web design. Check out the previous feature showcasing examples of how designers are using this cool ‘de-bossed’ look on designs across the web. With the recent support of text-transform in Safari and Firefox (3.1+) the effect can easily be created without needing to use any image replacement techniques.

This means your text is much easier to edit, and has the benefit of being rendered directly in the browser. View demo Start out by creating a simple background. <! <h1>Line25</h1> <h2>Pure CSS Letterpress Effect</h2> Set up a plain HTML document, then add a few lines of text to test the effect on. Simple! Text In Stitches | Text Effects. Introduction Over the years as a graphic designer I’ve accumulated a wealth of custom brushes, shapes and actions that I keep carefully organized and labeled for future use.

The brush set I’ll be sharing with you today has been in my collection for probably five of six years and every once in a while I’ll find a good reason to load it into my brushes palette. If you’ve never done that before, don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it as we go. If you’re playing along at home you should download the brush set before we get started. Step 1 Lets go ahead and begin by opening a new document in Photoshop. Since stitching on a plain white canvas is a little silly, lets go ahead and spice up the Background layer with a little texture. Step 2 Now that our Background layer is unlocked we’re going to add a Pattern Overlay Layer Style to it which will give us a quick and easy denim background to work with. Next we need to load a new set of Patterns into the Pattern Picker.

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7. How to Make Patch on Clothes. Welcome to! If you find this site useful, you might want to subscribe to our free newsletter for updates on our new Photoshop Tutorials and Articles. Your clothes are broken? Ok, then this tutorial special for you! First of all, create a new document around 1000×500 pixels in size ad fill it with color of #524f2e. Set up Foreground and Background colors as white and black accordingly and then apply Filter > Distort > Diffuse Glow with presets similar to these: Ok, now we have something like this: Press D to set Foreground and Background colors as standard. Now we have a relief like this: Change layer mode to Darken and set opacity to 30% up. Ok, now I would like to bring some gradient to canvas. Next thing to do is add some text to our canvas.

In the above image I’ve used Arial Black (130 pt, Sharp) for my font with a very thick weight/setting. Move the text in the middle of canvas: Now find some appropriate fabric texture. See the result: This tutorial is done!