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The QM Science Spot: LOTS of Experiments. Solar oven. Bucket list for kids: 50 things to do before they're 12. Have your kids made a mucky slide out of mud lately?

Bucket list for kids: 50 things to do before they're 12

How about watched two snails race very slowly? Have they ever eaten a crisp apple plucked right off a tree? These are some of the 50 things that children should do before they’re 11 and three-quarters, according to a new checklist compiled by the National Trust, a charity that looks after historic buildings, gardens and forests throughout Britain. Strategies to Avoid Pre-Vacation Stress. How to Miss a Childhood.

Each minute of every day, we are presented with a choice on how we spend our moments.

How to Miss a Childhood

We can either miss the moments or grasp them. This photo was taken at a time in my life when I was missing the moments and in doing so, I was missing more than life. By sharing my own painful truths when it comes to the distractions of the modern age, I have gained an unexpected insight. In the 18 months this blog has existed, I have been privy to a new distraction confession every single day. Take Control of Time-Out with this DIY Calming Jar. My three year old is very active.

Take Control of Time-Out with this DIY Calming Jar

She has a difficult time sitting still even for things she enjoys, like movies. So, as you can imagine, time-outs were as much a punishment for me as they were for her! I found myself spending the duration of time-outs putting my daughter back in her seat. Photo of the Day: Photobombing. Photobomb – An otherwise normal photo that has been ruined or spoiled by someone who was not supposed to be in the photograph.

Photo of the Day: Photobombing

I photobombed Lisa this morning. She was trying to take a new profile picture for Facebook. She ended up using the photo anyways. Turns out there is an entire world of photobombing I never knew about. Here are a few sites: This is Photobomb PhotobombCelebrity Photobombs. 5 Super Simple Family Fun Night Ideas…with a Twist!! 10 Easy and Inexpensive Ways to Show Your Kids You Love Them. Aside from doing all typical things a parent does to show and tell their children to love them, there are plenty of ways to show your kids they're special and you love them.

10 Easy and Inexpensive Ways to Show Your Kids You Love Them

Here are 10 simple and inexpensive ways to do something out of the ordinary to let your kids know you're thinking of them and love them. Tumble a beach towel in the dryer to make it warm and cozy for bath time. Make special hot cocoa, not too hot and not too cold, for no special reason. Have their favorite board game set up and play it with them when they come home from school. Lucky Penny Dress (JCrew kids knockoff) But she has already grown out of it and I refused to shell out another chunk of change when I knew I could make it: It is made from a comfy jersey knit that was originally white but dyed a nice olive green, and a silky “special occasions” fabric.

Lucky Penny Dress (JCrew kids knockoff)

What is so great about this dress is that NONE of the edges are hemmed!!! The edges of the jersey won’t fray and the special occasion fabric is supposed to fray a bit giving it a rough textured finish. This also makes it pretty fast and totally easy! Productivity Hacks to Teach Our Kids: Raising Productive Children. 6 Secrets To Traveling With Kids. {30} Ways to Show Your Kids You Love Them. Don't Be a Helicopter Parent: Tips to Avoid Hovering. Are you a helicopter parent who hovers?

Don't Be a Helicopter Parent: Tips to Avoid Hovering

Credit: Tobyotter As a parent, it’s my job to protect my kiddos. But it’s also my job to let them experience life. Mistakes, skinned knees and other various childhood experiences allow kids to bekids and let them grow up into the well-rounded adults they will hopefully become. I read an article recently about “helicopter parents” who are constantly hovering in the lives of their kids.

So how can you protect your child without overparenting? 1. 2. 3. Child Abuse Prevention Month: Traditions. Falling in Love with your Family by Alison In a Nutshell: Parents need to teach their children about sexual abuse prevention from the very beginning.

Child Abuse Prevention Month: Traditions

When parents are open, informed, and proactive, they have the best chance of keeping kids safe. As part of Child Abuse Prevention Month, I feel it is so important to talk about sexual abuse prevention. 20 Chore Ideas For 7-Year-Olds. So many of you have loved the lists of chore ideas for toddlers and chore ideas for four-year-olds that I put together, so I finally made up a list with some of the chores that Kathrynne, our 7-year-old, does or has done. 3 Important Things to Remember 1. Ten Things I Want To Tell Teenage Girls. UPDATE: Ten Things I Want To Tell Teenage Girls is going to be a book!

Ten Things I Want To Tell Teenage Girls

Three “Ten Things” books are slated to be released September 2014 from Broadman & Holman Publishers (LifeWay Christian Resources). Official announcement is here. Get excited! 1. If you choose to wear shirts that show off your boobs, you will attract boys. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There is a beauty industry, a fashion industry, a television industry, (and most unfortunately) a pornography industry: and all of these have unique ways of communicating to bright young women: you are not beautiful, sexy, smart or valuable enough. You must have the clarity and common sense to know that none of that is true.

You were created for a purpose, exactly so. 15 Chore Ideas for 4-Year-Olds. Yesterday, I posted about 10 Chore Ideas for Toddlers.

15 Chore Ideas for 4-Year-Olds

The Importance of Spending One-on-One Time with Each of Your Kids. 10 Habits of an Organized Kid. Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10 Habits of an Organized Kid | Family Economics By Trisha After another morning of chaos, missing shoes, forgotten jackets and piles of laundry strewn across my children’s bathroom I concluded that it was time to begin modeling and molding my children to become organized beings. I believe some children are natural born organizers and others are free-for-alls. Either way, all of us can become organized. Simon Says vs. Psychological Autonomy « A Thrifty Mom – Extreme couponing the right way.

Falling in Love with Your Family by Alison In a Nutshell: Allowing children to express themselves freely helps develop Psychological Autonomy. A Homemade Baby Food Primer {Eat Well, Spend Less} General Conference Reverence Stations. Pin It Note: If you like this, you can find ALL of our General Conference traditions & activities on my Last General Conference, I thought, "My kids know the routine by now. Make your own hair accessories board ~ DIY « A Thrifty Mom – Extreme couponing the right way. With two little girls in the house we have hair clips, flowers, head bands and ribbons all over the house. We have a drawer from them in the bathroom, but they are a jumbled mess. So making a hair accessories board has been on my to-do list for some time now.

My friend DeAnna gave me this magnet board about 5 years ago from Christmas. She made it, so I loved it…but once we moved to our new house I never found a place to hang it. So it never got put back up and sat in my closet. 5 Make Your Own Chore charts. Bye Bye Facebook.


Books. Child Abuse Prevention - Signs of Sexual Abuse. The news about former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky’s alleged sexual abuse of young boys is sickening and scary. And sadly, it’s not uncommon. Am I Having Boy or Girl – Old Wives Tales About Baby Gender Predicting. Katherine Marie – {Fun With} Baby Stuff! Gender predictions!!! Recipes for Kids – Food for Kids – Kid Friendly Meals. Secrect Blessings For Families Tradition. Including Your Kids in Holiday Baking. Homeschooling/ education. Dear Daughter Diary. Do you have children?

Grandchildren? Nieces and nephews? Do you ever wish you could take a peek into the inner workings of their young minds? I do. A lot. A bit of personal history (bear with me). I adore these little ladies, but sometimes I really don’t feel like I know what is going on in their heads. This may look like an ordinary notebook, but it is like a magical passageway into my child’s mind.

“Tell me about some of your experiences at school today . . .” DIY Dollhouse.