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Gouvernance innovation

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Quand les campus d'innovation se penchent sur leur avenir. The Seven Essential Domains for Innovation Leadership – the Work Mat Approach. Over the next seven days we will document seven important “domains” that determine innovation success or failure.

The Seven Essential Domains for Innovation Leadership – the Work Mat Approach

Each domain creates innovation potential, but sustained, successful innovation requires a unified “framework” in which all of these domains are appropriately engaged and aligned. The development of this framework, which we call the Executive Innovation Work Mat, is the responsibility of the CEO or senior executive. They can deliver alignment by engaging and providing this leadership required in innovation. Through our innovation work it became evident that some firms enjoyed an unusual innovation advantage. Their innovation initiatives seemed to encounter fewer barriers or obstacles, the teams enjoyed greater clarity and a supportive culture, and the internal rationale and language for innovation is more prevalent and consistent.

Adaptive Approach to Managing Innovation – A Practical Guide for Managers. Innovation doesn’t have to be a mystery.

Adaptive Approach to Managing Innovation – A Practical Guide for Managers

It can be organized and managed by people who are not, themselves, innovators. But management’s usual command and control tools are not sufficient for this task. Innovation emerges from a system whose behavior is non-linear. For this reason, management tools must be flexible and adaptive. This in-dpeth article applies ideas from Complex Adaptive Systems theory to develop a model for innovation which, in turn, leads to appropriate methods for its management. Innovation Model. Governing innovation often starts with top management deciding, implicitly or explicitly, who will be in charge of innovation in the company.

Innovation Model

This allocation of responsibilities is generally done by choosing an organizational model among several options. My research suggests that there are at least nine models in use, some of which are more popular than others.