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Ressources pédagogiques

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Blogues. SAÉ. À l'école primaire... Outils/ressources numériques pédagogiques (FLE) BrainPOP - Site éducatif animé pour enfants – Sciences, Sciences Sociales/Histoire-Géo, Anglais, Maths, Art et Musique, Santé et Technologie. Éditions Midi trente. 1er cycle - Mathématique, science et technologie.

Kiosque d'accueil | Savez-vous planter des choux. Maclel | Accueil. Primaire. La classe de Karine. Amélie Pepin. Welcome to the Freebies section! This section of the website is mostly in French. You may find some English documents under the menu "Anglais". All illustrations, coloring pages and cliparts contained in the documents of this section are illustrated by Amélie Pepin. When you download any teaching resources available in the Freebies section of the website, you agree to comply with all the terms and conditions listed below. All content available for download in the Freebies section is owned by Amélie Pepin unless otherwise stated and remains the property of Amelie Pepin.

You can print or photocopy the original documents for your class, your daycare center or for your own children. You may not redistribute, sell, loan, sublicense, export, transfer, host or publish any of the downloadable teaching resources. Please note that the teaching resources downloadable on the website are not approved by the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec. Littératout. Mille Merveilles - Bibliothèque de ressources éducatives.