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Case-study: JAM with Chrome - How we made the audio rock. Introduction JAM with Chrome is a web based musical project created by Google. JAM with Chrome lets people from all over the world form a band and jam in real time inside the browser. We at DinahMoe had the great pleasure to be a part of this project. Our role was to produce music for the application, and design and develop the music component. The development consisted of three main areas: a "music workstation" including midi playback, software samplers, audio effects, routing and mixing; a music logic engine to control the music interactively in real-time; and a synchronization component that makes sure that all players in a session hear the music at exactly the same time, a prerequisite for being able to play together. To achieve the highest possible level of authenticity, accuracy and audio quality we opted to use the Web Audio API.

Writing custom audio effects With this pattern we’re really close to the native nodes. Slapback like you mean it Mouse down to produce sound Dry Wet. Cut the rope html5. 23 Useful Online HTML5 Tools. Are you aware that HTML5 is captivating the web by leaps and bounds? This new language is used for displaying the content on net. One can also add in audios, videos, various fonts, web graphics, drag and drop, animations to make your pages more colorful and informative.

It is simply a renewed and much better version of the XHML1 or HTML4 and is also compatible to those versions. The online sprite tool box compresses your image and puts your image in a sprite. This compression will definitely increase the speed of your images and the time of loading. The 3D sketch tool makes use of HTML Canvas for creating a 3D drawing. This is done by holding down the SPACE bar and then dragging it horizontally with the cursor. The pattern generator tool is good for web designers to make header backgrounds and pages. The online HTML5 Tools audio maker tool brings in new features of the audio. Sketch in 3D With Animating Lines on HTML5 canvas Spritebox – Create CSS from Sprite Images CanvasLoader Creator. HTML5 Advent 2011. Case Study: Building the Stanisław Lem Google doodle. Hello, (strange) world The Google homepage is a fascinating environment to code within. It comes with many challenging restrictions: particular focus on speed and latency, having to cater to all sorts of browsers and work under various circumstances, and… yes, surprise and delight.

I’m talking about Google doodles, the special illustrations that occasionally replace our logo. And while my relationship with pens and brushes has long had that distinctive flavour of a restraining order, I often contribute to the interactive ones. Every interactive doodle I coded (Pac-Man, Jules Verne, World’s Fair) – and many I helped with – were in equal parts futuristic and anachronistic: great opportunities for pie-in-the-sky applications of cutting-edge Web features… and gritty pragmatism of cross-browser compatibility. View Stanisław Lem doodle code » A thing worth keeping in mind is that Google's homepage is not a place for tech demos. Graphics via DOM and canvas The frame rate What kind of decisions? When? Move The Web Forward | Guide to getting involved with standards and browser development.


Ejemplos y demos. HTML5 Development Page. How To Build A Site That Looks Great On Every Screen. Tutoriales y muestras de Internet Explorer 9. Propósito Esta documentación proporciona muestras de aplicaciones compiladas con características de Internet Explorer 9, estándares modernos y diseño del mundo real. Cada sección presenta una o más situaciones del desarrollador seguidas de varias tareas. Cada tarea está diseñada para ayudar a comprender cómo alcanzar el objetivo específico. Audiencia del desarrollador Estas muestras y tutoriales están escritos para desarrolladores web que tienen conocimientos intermedios de JavaScript y de los objetos y modelos de eventos de Document Object Model (DOM).

Requisitos de tiempo de ejecución Internet Explorer 9 Nota Las características de sitios anclados requieren que ejecutes Windows 7. En esta sección Temas relacionados. Internet Explorer Learning - HTML5. HTML5 es la próxima gran actualización de la especificación W3C HTML proporciona una estructura estándar para la presentación de contenido en la web. La especificación W3C HTML5 agrega nuevas características como la compatibilidad con gráfico SVG y Canvas, soporte multimedia de audio y vídeo, así como nuevas API para facilitar a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones web ricas e interactivas. Como CSS2.1, CSS3 da a los diseñadores y desarrolladores la capacidad para aplicar semántica de presentación a sus páginas HTML.

Tutoriales Volver arriba Blog de MSDN España Primeros pasos con HTML5HTML5 es una nueva definición del estándar para la construcción de páginas Web. Jugando con el CanvasDentro del estándar HTML5 uno de los componentes más atractivos del elemento Canvas. Ejemplos IMDb Video Panorama Demo Este ejemplo requiere un navegador compatible con HTML5, como Internet Explorer 9 o la Platform Preview de Internet Explorer 10. HTML5 Canvas Particle Animation | if then else. UPDATE: yes, I know some people out there will see some flickering when viewing the demo. This is because a) I didn’t implement a double buffer, and b) there is no built-in canvas support for double buffering. There is a very simple solution, but I’ll save that for another time. Having never really been a user of Apple products, I guess it’s not all that surprising that I’ve never been to the MobileMe website. However, after Googling something like the lines of “most popular e-mail providers,” I came across its login page and was blown away.

Holy moly, that looks amazing. Not only is the design great and the colors are just about perfect, but those little sparkles are crazy! They move in what appears to be 3D space, pulsing from behind the cloud to further into the background amongst and into (while highlighting) the iPads and iPhones, and follow your mouse movements for extra fun. The Setup But that’s child’s play compared to what you really came here for: HTML5 canvas!

The JavaScript. Dive Into HTML5. Initializr - Start your HTML5 project in 15 seconds! Getting Started Using HTML5 Boilerplate - Dan Wahlin's WebLog. Whether we like it or not, HTML5 is all the rage now days. With the recent news on “code name” Windows 8’s upcoming support for HTML5 and JavaScript that hype has intensified even more. I’m personally in favor of what HTML5 brings to the table although I do worry about browser compatibility issues that will naturally crop up. Compatibility issues are something that Web developers have been dealing with since the days of Netscape 4 (layers) and IE4 (divs) though so it’s really nothing new; it’s just intensified with all of the new functionality that the various HTML5 specs define.

Fortunately, there are several options available that can help reduce cross-browser issues. Getting started building HTML5 compatible sites can be challenging especially for people who haven’t been involved in Web development projects for awhile. “HTML5 Boilerplate is the professional badass's base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site.

What’s in HTML5 Boilerplate? CSS Support Conclusion. 12 Incredible HTML5 Experiments | Dreamincolor. Desarrolladores de Facebook. HTML5 Microzone. Juri Strumpflohner Integrating Node.js with a C# DLL An option that came to mind is to design the DLL as a self-contained process and to invoke it using Node.js's process api. Turns out this is quite simple. Just prepare your C# application to read it's invocation arguments s.t. Sarah Ervin The Best of the Week (Mar. 28): HTML5 Zone Make sure you didn't miss anything with this list of the Best of the Week in the HTML5 Zone (Mar. 28 to Apr. 03). HTML5 Zone Link Roundup (Apr. 5) For a look at what's been happening outside of the HTML5 Zone, we've assembled a collection of links including those about bug removal in Angular.js, a look at the fascinating Macaw framework, and several updates on the Mozilla CEO controversy.

Ariya Hidayat Nashorn: The New Rhino on the Block The most recent Java 8 release came with lots of new features, one of them is the brand-new JavaScript engine to replace the aging Rhino. Evert Pot PHP 5.5.10 Timezone Handling Changes Mike Driscoll Python 201: Decorators Matt Farina. HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default template for HTML5 awesome. Home | HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default template for HTML5 awesome. HTML5 Codelab - Google Developer Codelabs. Objective/Description: This code lab demonstrates how to enhance UIs with new HTML5 and CSS 3 features. It is presented in several sections; the first designed to help you take advantage of progressive upgrades that you may be able to immediately employ on your sites in degradable ways, and the second focused on new features that would require significant effort or tools to backport for use in legacy browsers.

A laptopSome knowledge of HTML and CSS HTML5 is as much as description for a new set of browser capabilities as it is a description of a particular version of the HTML specification. Since many of the benefits that HTML5 brings come along with improvements in CSS and JavaScript APIs, this codelab presents them in an integrated fashion. Additionally, many new features are outlined in the HTML5 spec but not yet implemented in browsers and this codelab does not address or use them although you should anticipate that as you begin to implement HTML5 sites that the Getting Set Up That's it!

Techniques. HTML5 Techniques - Ultimate Collection of Tutorials. As my experience we always close to the latest technologies as we have one step ahead on web development techniques as HTML5. HTML 5 is the advanced version of HTML. HTML 5 is giving new techniques and advanced features/structure in designing. These new features and tags makes designing very easy to create a web page. CSS3 and HTML 5 are capable of revolutionizing the way we design websites. Both include so many new features and functions that it can be hard to wrap your head around them at times.

When saying about HTML5, developers mean the new semantic structural tags, API specs like canvas or offline storage, new inline semantic tags, etc. In an front-end development effort to encourage our respected visitors and readers to do the same and to prepare you for the future, we’ve rounded up “HTML5 Techniques – Ultimate Collection of Tutorials“. How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App You’ve been depressed for like a year now, I know.

A Marriage Made in Heaven? When can I use… HTML5 Features. HTML5 Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 developers.