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Bookmarklets. Bookmarklets These mini-JavaScripts are intended to be designers' tools only, and would serve little purpose as part of a page.


Each one is custom written for friends or readers. Drag these bookmarklets to your bookmarks bar (or add the links to your bookmarks) and click them to use them. Images. Src img. How to Create Bookmarklets. jQuery Bookmarklet Generator. This would probably actually be better called “Run some arbitrary code that requires jQuery, loading a minimum required version of jQuery first (but only if necessary), affecting the host page as little as possible Bookmarklet Generator” but that wasn’t nearly as catchy as “jQuery Bookmarklet Generator” so I’m going to stick with that.

jQuery Bookmarklet Generator

This boilerplate code is useful for bookmarklets that need jQuery to execute their payload, in situations where you don’t know if jQuery or a specific minimum required version of jQuery will already exist in the page. If you just want to load jQuery itself into a page, check out the Learning jQuery “jQuerify” bookmarklet. Release v0.4Tested in Internet Explorer 6-8, Firefox 3, Safari 3-4, Chrome, Opera 9.View SourceUse the super-convenient bookmarklet generator Usage.